Hello notquitethere! You chose
Reversi, and you have rolled
Town. Please read the
game-specific rules before continuing, as it'll make some things in your role easier to understand! Once you've read this role, please confirm via PM or Discord.
Without further ado...
General AbilitiesDuel (Genre)It's time to duel. Mono a mono. Head to head. Just have to get rid of that third wheel first.You are in a neighborhood with the other players who share this ability. If there are only two players with this ability at the end of any night, they will each learn the Faction of the other player. Join the neighborhood by clicking here. You may speak in this server during the night (starting with night 1).
Personal AbilitiesButchery (Passive, Locked)A little creepy. Many of the tools here are used to dissect animals. Hopefully they don't turn against you.You are immune to protective abilities. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
Marshmallows (Active, 1-shot)Soft and fluffy, stuffing them down your own shirt will give you some nice padding.Target another player. They will be protected against a single kill attempt this night.
Place Disc (Active, Free)You can't win a game without placing a few discs.Target any player. Mark them as a colour, alternating between
White and
Black, starting with
White. If that player dies, the mark is flipped to the opposite colour. You may use this on Night 0.
Control Edges (Passive)Pieces placed on the edge are difficult to take. And if you get one in the corner, watch out.If one player is marked as
Black, you are immune to abilities that modify investigation results. If two players are marked as
Black, you are also immune to redirections. If three players are marked as
Black, you are also immune to kills. If four players are marked as
Black, you are also immune to roleblocks.
Feint (Active)The right play at the right time could tell you a lot about your opponent.Target another player. If one player is marked as
White, you will learn the name(s) of that player's General Abilities. If two players are marked as
White, you will also learn how many Personal Abilities they possess. If three players are marked as
White, you will also learn whom they targeted this night. If four players are marked as
White, you may additionally choose another player to redirect the actions of your target to that player.
Factional AbilitiesTown (Win Condition)Cheating at a board game is wrong. The only appropriate response is hot-blooded murder.You win when all of the mafia have been eliminated.