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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29719 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #945 on: February 06, 2025, 12:02:04 pm »

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For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #946 on: February 06, 2025, 12:22:34 pm »

I would prefer something more specific to respond to than 'discuss these 40 quotes' but OK. I'm not going line-by-line because that would take a million years; let me know if there's anything in particular you want a response on.

Re: townreading/mehreading flipped scum and then getting on their wagons: two of my scumreads flipping town and the third being greenchecked forced me to reevaluate my reads. Most obviously this sunk my rating of juicebox, who I had as not scum mostly by PoE.

I don't see how my plan was scumsided. What was scumsided was the scramble that actually happened, which ended in No Lynch. My plan, had it worked, would have been better than the scramble we got.

I really don't know how you can read me snipping out Hyper as anything other than a typo. How could I do that intentionally and not expect to be caught? Why would I do that intentionally as any alignment? How would it have fit the rhetorical purpose I was trying to accomplish with that post?

I notice that, in your summary of interactions between me and juice, you left out my big post where I explain why I think juice is scum:
Tric: If you want NJW lynched enough to thunderdome him, why haven't you been pushing him today, outside of a single post early on?

We're getting close to the deadline so I'll put my cards on the table: some of juice's reads have progressed in a way that makes no sense to me.

Okay, so reads.

Let's do the easiest first.

I'm reading Imp as town here. They're playing well within their town meta in my opinion. They are contributing quite a lot to the discussion and they have also been pretty forthcoming with information

I also think that NJW is town as well. I like what they've been posting and their reads list appears to be well thought out.

Hyper, on the other hand is a scumlean for me. Being inactive for a good portion of the day and then voting someone else who is inactive when prodded is not a good look.

Elephant Parade I'm also scumleaning as well. I don't like that they're tunneling Imp, who is my main town read, and I also don't like how they have been pushing people to participate in the auction but haven't really committed to it themselves. It definitely could be a ploy to get town to use up their votes and get more voting power for the scumteam

Vermillion is another slight townlean, while they're posts haven't been amazing, their laser focus on getting hospital and willingness to share information do seem township to me

EuchreJack is a slight townlean for me. They have some decent posts, they seem to be starting to form some reads .

CM, is null for me while their focus on the auction to the detriment of scumhunting is a bit suspicious, I don't thinknthat's really enough to scumread them for.

Fallacy is also null, they have been unusually quiet, and they're not up to their usual shenanigans, but I think I need to see a bit more from them before I townread them.

Tric is a hard one for me. While their play to take Darkroom is within their town meta, I have a gut feeling that this may be scumTric using their town meta as a smokescreen. Only a slight scumlean for now, but I definitely have my eyes on them

And finally NQT. They're always a hard one for me to read. I think in this case they're a slight townlean. They've also been focused on the auction, but unlike Elephant Parade, they've actually been willing to use their vote in the auction which makes me trust them more
My Reads are as follows:

NJW: I have no idea what Imp sees here. NJW is my strongest townread at this point. They've constantly been pushing cases and trying to solve the game

Elephant Parade: They've calmed down a bit since D1. They weren't been tunneling on Imp like D1 but instead entertained a couple of different cases D2

Not Sure:

Tric: I'm never too sure about Tric, their behavior is so erratic that I'm never sure if I'm reading them correctly. Maybe I'll get a feel for them eventually but at the moment I don't know

Salvatore Monday: Hasn't posted much. A decent observation here or there but not enough for me to townread them

Imp: Because of my Jack read below, I don't know if I can trust the town inspect on Imp anymore. Imp hasn't done anything outright scummy yet though, so I'm nullreading them for now.

Jack: I'm starting to lean scum on Jack now. I definitely wasn't blocked last night. Also they initially said that they targeted Salvatore Monday N1, when they had actually targeted me. And while they did explain it away as mistyping I think they may be lying about their actions in an attempt to confuse us.

CM: They've done nothing to change my initial read on them. They've barely been more active than me and hasn't stated any suspicions on anyone who isn't me.

@NQT I wouldn't trade resources with them. I don't trust them enough to give them any resources.

@Imp I wanted to gather information on CM since I thought that they were suspicious
Why has Tric gone from a slight scumlean to an I-can't-read-this-player null? Why has Imp been reduced to unsure due to inspect doubts when she was a townread before the inspect? Nothing has happened to change juice's initial scumread on CM but his initial read of her read was null, not scum! (He did scumread her D2, however.)

I'm slightly puzzled to have gone from strongest scumread to second-strongest townread when I spent D2 pushing for the lynch of someone who flipped town, but the rationale provided makes sense. I don't really understand how Salvatore is a "meh, need more info" when Hyper, the player they replaced, was a scumlean. NJW and EJ are perfectly sensible.

The mitigating factor here is that eight days is kind of a long time. Still, I think these are just words on a page, not actual thoughts from someone who doesn't know everyone's alignment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #947 on: February 06, 2025, 12:36:17 pm »

I have 5 posts left.

I'm deeply confused.
We have a little less than 1.5 hours left.

My strongest townread is CrystalizedMire.

I can see EP being set up to be deepmaf here.

Juice busses back.  Sal goes almost willingly to death - why?  Sal watching in mafchat - why?  EP doesn't preferentially go for the maf, more than others.  But takes them when it's time/needed.  When further protection would stand out.

His hard drives at mostly on me.  And so fishingly.  Oh he wants to know the heck I'm doing.  Even if I'm self targeting.  While Sal's alive and just gotta know what the next target is.  If only we got that elim off Sal.

About my ending of the quotes.  Posts have a cap of 40k characters.  There's literally too much and not enough time left.

Interested in a full claim, EP?

You claimed weird stuff.

In fact.  There's not loads of time left and much to comb through.

What's your action claims for each night?

And what's going on here?

Actually, there is one thing I don't like about NJW: that I was prevented from targeting him last night, having claimed an investigative ability. Except that I'd specified that I had a Watch, which scum!NJW would want to be in the targeting pool for. Unless he thought I had additional investigative abilities? I'm disinclined to give this much weight.

NQT: Were you informed that you were unable to target CM and I last night?

NJW2000: Do you think CM would take Smithy as town?

I thought I might be killed, in which case I wanted to share my start-of-night info, and there were no useful abilities left (there haven't been any since N2).

The wording of the message.  FROM YOU?  REWRITTEN BY MATER?


While this is going on, you hear Elephant Parade mumbling to himself.
*crunch* Mm, these are some tasty chips. Anyway, I learned at the end of the day that I wouldn't be able to use Watch tonight, so that's annoying. (Or target NJW, but that isn't relevant.) Also, Pretzels are still available for some reason -- if EJ used them (even if he was roleblocked) they should be gone, barring failure due specifically to another Family Genre player attempting to use them the same night. Unless Mafia have a cheat that let them restock snacks? I could see them doing that to frame EJ (or just to get Pretzels back, theoretically, but nobody has claimed a permanent alignment cop ability so I doubt it). If I die, all I did tonight was (a) this (b) use my request-task ability on NQT again

Potato Chips (Active, 1-shot, Shared)
How do I know you ate all the chips? I heard you opening the bag from the basement![/sub]
Target yourself and provide me with a message. I will post that message at the end of the night phase, with your target as the source.

For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #948 on: February 06, 2025, 12:59:07 pm »

Magmamater:what is the vote count now?
I like birds


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #949 on: February 06, 2025, 01:10:00 pm »

Magmamater:what is the vote count now?

Crystal.  Tell me more about WHY you have sus of EP.  What are you seeing.

I'm now starting to wonder if EP's done a lot of the right kinda lies for maf.  Not towny lies.

Especially around ice cream and the nature of his weird unique block stuff.

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I got 4 posts left.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #950 on: February 06, 2025, 01:12:08 pm »

Sure, I'll fullclaim. I'm not holding back anything particularly helpful, so there's not much reason not to.

I'm a Family game. I started the game with one ability, Specialist. It's an active ability that has Magma PM the target at the start of the following day, giving them their choice of three options which they must pick between by the end of the day:
1) They select a player. If I'm voting for that player at the end of the day, I gain an additional vote for the rest of the game.
2) They select a Family ability. If I select that ability that night (initially I thought I had to successfully use it but I think I just have to make a valid (i.e. still extant) selection), I gain a three-shot copy of it as a Personal ability.
3) They select a player. If I target that player that night, I permanently gain a generic Watch as a Personal ability.

Note that the PM does not name me as the beneficiary of the choice. If they fail to make a choice by the end of the day, they are roleblocked that night. The phrasing is slightly ambiguous, but the ability doesn't force me to respect the selection—I just have to in order to get the reward. The abilities I get from Specialist aren't Free, so I can't use them and Specialist in the same night.

NQT should be able to verify everything I said about Specialist, barring some of the fiddly stuff.

I believe I've already claimed all my actions, but here's a refresher:
N1: I use Specialist on NQT. I'm curious how he'll react, and at the time I'm less concerned about not letting scum in on there potentially being a Watch in the game. (I'm not concerned about scum picking a non-Watch option on purpose because, done by a high-skill player, that would essentially be a scumclaim -- if they think I'm town, they want to give me Watch over the extra vote or the mystery ability I say is meh, and if they think I'm scum, they'll want to give me a pro-town investigative ability over an extra vote or a mystery ability. Ergo, if they do anything other than give me Watch, they'll come across as shady, and they know that.) I use Cookies (Track) on EJ to make sure he's legit and catch any potential redirects.
Evening 2 (E2): I am informed that my target is Salvatore Monday, and that all snacks except Cookies (Track), Marshmallows (Protect), and Jalepeno Poppers (Roleblock) are available.
N2: I target NQT with Specialist, since he probably won't be nightkilled, he picked the correct option last time, and I've realized that Watch is an ability scum probably shouldn't know about (and if I target the same player again, there's no additional chance of informing scum). I target Salvatore with Fruit (Fruitvendor) because the only other useful actions are Ice Cream (Jailkeep) and Punch (Bus-Self-With-Target), neither of which seem worth using up here (and EJ has already said he's using Punch).
Morning 3: I am informed that I have received the Watch ability, implying I successfully targeted Salvatore. I am also informed that I am in Oceania.
E3: I am informed that I have been asked to use Ice Cream. Bugles (Challenge), Fruit, Punch, and, against expectations, Ice Cream have been used up, leaving Pretzels (Invert Faction Reveal Results) and Potato Chips (Post Message At Start of Day).
N3: I don't use a family action because nothing helpful is left. I watch Imp, expecting her to eat a nightkill after Salvatore's flip confirms that she and EJ can't both be scum and therefore that EJ's inspect wasn't a ruse. I am informed that she was visited by me and herself.
E4: I am informed that I can't use Watch tonight. I am informed that I can't target NJW tonight. Against expectations, no new family abilities have been used up -- EJ claimed using Pretzels and that should have done it even if he was roleblocked, barring another player attempting to use Pretzels N3.
N4: I use Potato Chips to claim my evening info and actions in case I die overnight, being a generally townread player who has claimed a strong investigative ability. (The message was written entirely by me—the goofy start was to confirm that I was using Potato Chips, and because I thought it was funny.) I use Specialist, targeting NQT for the same reasons as last time, and frankly out of inertia.

I can buy that you left it out due to the character limit, though it was still an egregious thing to leave out.

I wanted to know what you were doing, or at least whether you would fess up to targeting yourself, because you were the recipient of an apparent scum action and the only people who targeted you were me and you. Be serious.

I'm not in duelistchat so I can't really comment on that stuff.

You barely touching my replies after you explicitly asked me to discuss makes me feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. The double greencheck means you're town, though.

Magma Mater

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #951 on: February 06, 2025, 01:15:58 pm »

Magmamater:what is the vote count now?
NQT and NJW each have one vote.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #952 on: February 06, 2025, 01:18:16 pm »

Magmamater:what is the vote count now?

Crystal.  Tell me more about WHY you have sus of EP.  What are you seeing.

I'm now starting to wonder if EP's done a lot of the right kinda lies for maf.  Not towny lies.

Especially around ice cream and the nature of his weird unique block stuff.

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I got 4 posts left.
I felt that two scum starting in duelist chat was weird.
I like birds


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #953 on: February 06, 2025, 01:20:17 pm »

3 posts left.  I am one confused Imp.  Still town and I will do anything for town.  Whatever that means.

unvote  EP.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #954 on: February 06, 2025, 01:24:10 pm »

I think you really ought to be a little more interested in what I have to say than that.

I think we just elim NQT here and win. I don't think it's CM, and I'd be genuinely astonished if it's EP or Imp.

If it's not NQT... I honestly don't know. Somewhere between CM and EP. At this point, possibly even EP over CM, because I can read CM and I don't know if I can read EP. I think I'm just trying to think of reasonable scumteams outside of salvatore+juicebox+NQT, and talking nonsense because there aren't any.
Do you see how you contradict yourself here?

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #955 on: February 06, 2025, 01:28:29 pm »

Like you are attacking me in such an insane way, making huge WoTs about how I'm scum and then barely acknowledging my replies, skipping over info for postcount reasons and then posting a BARE VOTE, that I'm seriously considering that, in a horrific coincidence, both checks were wrong (n1 juicebox pretzels + ninja kill?) were wrong and you're scum who wants me, personally, dead for some reason. I still give 90% odds you're town but what are you doing?


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #956 on: February 06, 2025, 01:36:47 pm »

I felt that two scum starting in duelist chat was weird.

I need your day game, CM.

I don't know what to do about EP.

Or not.

I can hammer NQT or you can.

We can no elim and see how the remaining town grow.  I presume maf are growing too.

We can try to take EP.  Or NJW.

What does your day game tell you?

I have very few posts left.

And EP.  I do everything I can for town.  Everything.  I literally do not know who is maf here.  Yet.

2 posts left.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #957 on: February 06, 2025, 01:41:47 pm »

Other stuff:

I find NQT's claim entirely believable but not really exculpatory. I would say he has a less shady nightgame than NJW, whose actions have not yet actually accomplished anything at any point*, but a shadier nightgame than Crystal, who has also been ineffective but has been extremely open about how her role works in a way that would greatly close off her actions if she were scum.

Note that, skimming, NJW claimed before his targets on both days I checked, so he almost certainly isn't fakeclaiming.

*I think you should always side-eye people who experience this even though it sometimes leads you wrong, like how CM's action failed every night in BYOM or how Jim's vote steal failed twice in a row in FBYOR because he targeted the same person as the other vote-stealer and lost the coinflip both times.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #958 on: February 06, 2025, 01:45:03 pm »

I think you really ought to be a little more interested in what I have to say than that.

Do you see how you contradict yourself here?
technically not a contradiction. But yes.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to try and hop on Imp’s vote, dramatic as that would be.

I’m just trying to run scenarios where I’m wrong about NQT, so I’m not totally blindsided if he flips town. But at this point in the game I’ve basically started posting nonsense when I do that, because I can’t make the other options plausible.
One wheel short of a wagon

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #959 on: February 06, 2025, 01:55:00 pm »

Uhhhh we have 4 minutes until deadline lol. My money is still on NQT, who appears to have started laying low right as an alternative wagon got attention (although he could just be busy or done with this shit lol). I would vastly prefer NJW to No Lynch. I would also take CM over No Lynch but I don't think she's a candidate anyway. I have one post left after this
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