I have 10 posts left today.
Finished digging through various stuff and CM posts and whatevers.
I'll save post game to discuss that, but I really don't think CM can be maf. Also,
unvote. the afteraction discussion for this game's gonna be stellar. I got questions I don't dare ask until then.
Please don't hammer, of course. But should something horrible irl prevent me from getting over here in time, that blue's off. I'm not done sorting out NJW vs NQT.
And I have sus of NJW still.
Let's see.
So. NJW saw this:
Develop Property (Active)
You already own everything. It's time to build some houses!
Target another player. The location at which they end the night is marked with a House. For the rest of the game, all players who end the night at that location are subject to one of the following penalties, depending on how many Houses are now at that location:
- One House - The Personal Abilities they used this night cannot be used the following night.
- Two Houses - Additionally, they will be blocked this night.
- Three Houses - Additionally, the Personal Abilities they used this night will become Locked.
- Four Houses - Additionally, they will permanently lose the ability to target other players.
- Hotel - Additionally, all of their Personal and General abilities will become Locked.
Demolish (Active)
Sometimes, we build a house where we shouldn't. Like in a swamp, or a tree. These things can be corrected.
Target another player. The location at which they end the night loses one House.
Landlord (Passive)
The lord of the land does not pay rent.
You are not affected by Develop Property.
And said this:
I stopped NQT targeting Crystal or EP.
Thanks to Imp and the duelist chat, I’m already behind on replies, so will be going through that. Looks like EJ probably got to four houses at least?
Also, EP, do you know why you couldn’t target me? There are ways that could have happened but they’re all quite weird to me.
NJW, are you claiming you have lost the ability to target other players? And the below-4-house penalties too?
If not, why did you ask if EJ got to 4 houses?Earlier...
EP: I really don’t think Nightkill Analysis is going to help us here. Also, would your investigative ability pick up on factional abilities like the nightkill? Because from Juice’s flip, it looks like the interference would be factional rather than personal or genre.
EJ: I still want to know: who did you think might try to use Pretzels last night?
We seem to have skipped over the fact that EJ is now claiming to have roleblocked Imp N1. I may have missed it, but Imp is still neither confirming nor denying acting successfully N1, right?
...I'm tempted to just vote Imp as a liability. I ain't gonna eat the lynch for them.
I try not to use the word “flailing” too much these days, but I really think it applies here.
I’m about 50/50 on whether the Duelist add was a weird mafia power not amenable to mechanical analysis, or something that the EP/Imp situation gives actual insight into. In either scenario, I think EuchreJack is very likely scum.
Honestly, I feel like we're not even playing the same game.
Didn't you fucking read juicebox's flip?!
What we found out is that any Mafia player could have access to the Family abilities. They sure as hell wouldn't claim that.
I was probably most worried about Salvatore Monday and yourself, hence why I targeted you with Pretzels.
So, that's D4. EJ said he targeted NJW with Pretzels N3.
I think the optimum strategy would be to lynch someone in the duelist chat. The fact that NQT seems to think lynching me is a good strategy makes them look like scum.
I'm worried the scum team might be NQT, NJW2000, and Juicebox. I suspect the remaining town would be unable to counteract that, due to a lack of experience.
We flip Juice that day. That night, my first night in Duelist chat, NJW warns me, nice and mild.
It reads that way to me; that anything I say might influence the NK. In duelist I'm very clear that I highly sus NQT and minorly sus NJW. NQT talks more and... I'm exploring reactions. I'm concerned I'm sitting with two maf. But it might be easier for town NQT to innocently push the imp caused duelist join than someone who can't innocently accuse me of it.
Would CM kill an EJ that susses not her? When there's people who sus her. Vote control's damn important.
For a second night in a row, I got the result of no messages for you. So I think I was blocked.
My attempted actions were: Develop Property and Pretzels NJW2000
As you can see, Pretzels flips the alignment inspect result. As Crystal was going to test Salvatore Monday, I did not want to risk anyone else using Pretzels on Salvatore Monday, so I attempted to target it elsewhere.
It's possible that my abilities are triggering, but I am not getting the results. But more likely that I was blocked twice in a row.
There should be One House in play. It disables the personal abilities of anyone located there used tonight for the following night. So if anyone acted upon juicebox, or where juicebox was at end of Night 1, then whatever they did would be disabled the following night.
My actions Night 1: Use Sheriff's Office and Jalepeno Poppers on Imp; Use Develop Property (Active) on Juicebox.
My actions Night 2: Punch CrystalizedMire; Develop Property Juicebox
My actions Night 3: Develop Property and Pretzels NJW2000
Okay, so EJ N4 is Develop property on CM, and... no idea what he'd do. He'd see pretzels like EP did. Use? Maybe. I don't think he'd redirect his develop off CM.
While this is going on, you hear Elephant Parade mumbling to himself.
*crunch* Mm, these are some tasty chips. Anyway, I learned at the end of the day that I wouldn't be able to use Watch tonight, so that's annoying. (Or target NJW, but that isn't relevant.) Also, Pretzels are still available for some reason -- if EJ used them (even if he was roleblocked) they should be gone, barring failure due specifically to another Family Genre player attempting to use them the same night. Unless Mafia have a cheat that let them restock snacks? I could see them doing that to frame EJ (or just to get Pretzels back, theoretically, but nobody has claimed a permanent alignment cop ability so I doubt it). If I die, all I did tonight was (a) this (b) use my request-task ability on NQT again
Pretzels are there.
Either maf has family genre. Or a restock? Or someone has some weird mech but isn't a maf - this is again not related to my mech.
Maf were killin EJ. No need to frame. I think something else happened. Something cheating. And I probably don't have the clues to know what until after game. There's something important/different about pretzels being available N4, after EJ's attempt to use them N3.
The simplest answer is there's another maf with family. It's a common type of genre? loads of abilities and maf seem to have many choices. So they can do other stuff and ignore family except when most wanted/needed.
Making kill EJ even more tempting? Nah. EP still has it. Delay makes sense though. If delays exist. EJ didn't develop property or punch CM; yet. When would he? CM is disabled N3, reports D4. EJ ... Sal appears to wonder what happened to the punch of CM in the duelist chat. It's the only time NJW and Sal talk to each other even obliquely there.
EP, punch is used up?While sal was alive, anything could be messed with. Sal using punch same night as EJ, that's why CM not punched? I don't see why not. But that's N2. Maf are messing with CM N2. Or don't want her punched, but I'm pretty sure she's town. N2 is the one night CM drops a worker. On EJ. Or whatever else happens. Maf preventing her from being punched maybe. So they can... what and I don't have the clues. But there's all the D3 confusion about disabled abilities. Chances are we ended up with 2 houses somewhere.
N3. EJ supposed to develop but on NJW now. And pretzels... and maybe neither happen. Nobody reports the chaos of a new house being dropped. Even 1 is disruptive, disables unless someone doesn't use that type of ability. Out there somewhere 1, 2, or even 3 places with 1 house. I think. Most likely 2, maybe a third now. We can't tell until tonight.
And I can't think anymore tonight.
More deep puzzling after some sleep.
Night all.