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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29797 times)

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #930 on: February 05, 2025, 11:38:53 pm »

I probably don't need to say this but please don't hammer anyone before I log on tomorrow lol


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #931 on: February 05, 2025, 11:47:49 pm »

Yeah, sorry that was my error.  I saw you unvote but didn't process it.

I can kind of buy it but it still seems strange to pick Imp over NJW there. Unvote.

notquitethere: Do you have some particular reason to think scum!crystal would be likely to achieve their eurogame criterion at the start of tonight?

NJW almost immediately voted after you unvoted.  I did realize later I misspoke, wasn't sure if I should correct it, and got distracted again (today's been a heck of a busy day for me) and didn't think again about mentioning it.

Though I'll take any info I can get.

I am about to relax and totally focus on reading this game, especially the new stuff I have only skimmed for the last many hours.

I have a weak spot for players who try just right.  I honestly don't know which 1 or 2 of CM, NQT, NJW are maf.

I always try to Xanatos Gambit; that's fun in a game with LOADS of known hidden mech.

My 'weakness' would be let the very likely caught maf go longer and hunt the hidden maf.

Before I read everything.  If NQT is maf, he sure is trying hard.

Like CYOS1, where I was very slow to deep-sus Max, the second maf, and FoU, the third maf we elimed.  I was just hunting their bigger brother that was hiding better.

I am intensely anxious if we elim CM today, but that might be the best call.  I think we get 1 more chance to stop her, if she's the sole problem (or if there's 2 maf and she's the one we don't elim first, making her the sole remaining problem and we got 4 alive total going into next night).  If she's solo maf right now there's no reason to wait.

I'm actually a bit anxious if we elim NQT today.  I can see him as maf trying to protect his better hidden big brother maf, NJW.  He didn't even really go for NJW until I discussed that maybe we elim NJW then CM.  Meaning he could win as last maf.  I'm scared if he's maf he wants NJW alive more than himself, suggesting that NJW may have some special mech to win if he's last maf - seems possible.

Also there's my urge to hunt that more dangerous maf that may not exist.  CYOS1, I was doing that as the rest of town was moving to take FoU.  3 maf.  I totally could believe a 4th.  Game isn't over until it's over to me.

So.  My bias is NJW then see who's alive tomorrow and handle it from there.  Maf, if there's maf left, drop your sword might be the call that gives you more room to move.

But we'll see.  And of course I think maf likely loses on that plan too; it's not my Xanatos Plan if I think I'm gonna lose.  Just there's maybe/maybe not more chances for maf on that rather odd plan that maf might not even consider.

So do I want that?  Not want that?  who knows.  We got a night game coming up.  Unless there's 1 maf left and we nail that one.  OMG that would be nice.

So, I can handle an elim of either NJW or NQT, I think.  Especially if last maf is CM.

Oh well.  Onto reading.

Hang in there, NQT.  No matter your alignment.  I prize and value you.  Always.  Even when my stress and fear shows.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #932 on: February 05, 2025, 11:49:11 pm »

Yeah, sorry that was my error.  I saw you unvote but didn't process it.

I can kind of buy it but it still seems strange to pick Imp over NJW there. Unvote.

notquitethere: Do you have some particular reason to think scum!crystal would be likely to achieve their eurogame criterion at the start of tonight?

Well, that's a lot of hours?

But they are posts 841 and 844
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #933 on: February 05, 2025, 11:50:59 pm »

But yeah.  Anxiety is real.  NJW+CM team left alive is flat out too much maf for me if we elim NQT.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #934 on: February 06, 2025, 12:15:30 am »

If there are four mafia, then it's been LYLO since we mislynched FoU and VS died overnight (=5v4). Scum could have quickhammered anytime in the last few real-life weeks. There aren't four mafia


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #935 on: February 06, 2025, 02:10:07 am »

I have 10 posts left today.

Finished digging through various stuff and CM posts and whatevers.

I'll save post game to discuss that, but I really don't think CM can be maf.  Also, unvote.  the afteraction discussion for this game's gonna be stellar.  I got questions I don't dare ask until then.

Please don't hammer, of course.  But should something horrible irl prevent me from getting over here in time, that blue's off.  I'm not done sorting out NJW vs NQT.

And I have sus of NJW still.

Let's see.

So.  NJW saw this:

Develop Property (Active)
You already own everything. It's time to build some houses!
Target another player. The location at which they end the night is marked with a House. For the rest of the game, all players who end the night at that location are subject to one of the following penalties, depending on how many Houses are now at that location:
  • One House - The Personal Abilities they used this night cannot be used the following night.
  • Two Houses - Additionally, they will be blocked this night.
  • Three Houses - Additionally, the Personal Abilities they used this night will become Locked.
  • Four Houses - Additionally, they will permanently lose the ability to target other players.
  • Hotel - Additionally, all of their Personal and General abilities will become Locked.

Demolish (Active)
Sometimes, we build a house where we shouldn't. Like in a swamp, or a tree. These things can be corrected.
Target another player. The location at which they end the night loses one House.

Landlord (Passive)
The lord of the land does not pay rent.
You are not affected by Develop Property.

And said this:

I stopped NQT targeting Crystal or EP.

Thanks to Imp and the duelist chat, I’m already behind on replies, so will be going through that. Looks like EJ probably got to four houses at least?

Also, EP, do you know why you couldn’t target me? There are ways that could have happened but they’re all quite weird to me.

NJW, are you claiming you have lost the ability to target other players?  And the below-4-house penalties too?

If not, why did you ask if EJ got to 4 houses?


EP: I really don’t think Nightkill Analysis is going to help us here. Also, would your investigative ability pick up on factional abilities like the nightkill? Because from Juice’s flip, it looks like the interference would be factional rather than personal or genre.

EJ: I still want to know: who did you think might try to use Pretzels last night?

We seem to have skipped over the fact that EJ is now claiming to have roleblocked Imp N1. I may have missed it, but Imp is still neither confirming nor denying acting successfully N1, right?

...I'm tempted to just vote Imp as a liability. I ain't gonna eat the lynch for them.
I try not to use the word “flailing” too much these days, but I really think it applies here.

I’m about 50/50 on whether the Duelist add was a weird mafia power not amenable to mechanical analysis, or something that the EP/Imp situation gives actual insight into. In either scenario, I think EuchreJack is very likely scum.
Honestly, I feel like we're not even playing the same game.
Didn't you fucking read juicebox's flip?!
What we found out is that any Mafia player could have access to the Family abilities. They sure as hell wouldn't claim that.
I was probably most worried about Salvatore Monday and yourself, hence why I targeted you with Pretzels.

So, that's D4.  EJ said he targeted NJW with Pretzels N3.


I think the optimum strategy would be to lynch someone in the duelist chat. The fact that NQT seems to think lynching me is a good strategy makes them look like scum.

I'm worried the scum team might be NQT, NJW2000, and Juicebox.  I suspect the remaining town would be unable to counteract that, due to a lack of experience.

We flip Juice that day.  That night, my first night in Duelist chat, NJW warns me, nice and mild.

It reads that way to me; that anything I say might influence the NK.  In duelist I'm very clear that I highly sus NQT and minorly sus NJW.  NQT talks more and... I'm exploring reactions.  I'm concerned I'm sitting with two maf.  But it might be easier for town NQT to innocently push the imp caused duelist join than someone who can't innocently accuse me of it.

Would CM kill an EJ that susses not her?  When there's people who sus her.  Vote control's damn important.

For a second night in a row, I got the result of no messages for you.  So I think I was blocked.

My attempted actions were: Develop Property and Pretzels NJW2000

As you can see, Pretzels flips the alignment inspect result.  As Crystal was going to test Salvatore Monday, I did not want to risk anyone else using Pretzels on Salvatore Monday, so I attempted to target it elsewhere.

It's possible that my abilities are triggering, but I am not getting the results.  But more likely that I was blocked twice in a row.

There should be One House in play.  It disables the personal abilities of anyone located there used tonight for the following night.  So if anyone acted upon juicebox, or where juicebox was at end of Night 1, then whatever they did would be disabled the following night.

My actions Night 1: Use Sheriff's Office and Jalepeno Poppers on Imp; Use Develop Property (Active) on Juicebox.
My actions Night 2: Punch CrystalizedMire; Develop Property Juicebox
My actions Night 3: Develop Property and Pretzels NJW2000

Okay, so EJ N4 is Develop property on CM, and... no idea what he'd do.  He'd see pretzels like EP did.  Use?  Maybe.  I don't think he'd redirect his develop off CM.

While this is going on, you hear Elephant Parade mumbling to himself.
*crunch* Mm, these are some tasty chips. Anyway, I learned at the end of the day that I wouldn't be able to use Watch tonight, so that's annoying. (Or target NJW, but that isn't relevant.) Also, Pretzels are still available for some reason -- if EJ used them (even if he was roleblocked) they should be gone, barring failure due specifically to another Family Genre player attempting to use them the same night. Unless Mafia have a cheat that let them restock snacks? I could see them doing that to frame EJ (or just to get Pretzels back, theoretically, but nobody has claimed a permanent alignment cop ability so I doubt it). If I die, all I did tonight was (a) this (b) use my request-task ability on NQT again

Pretzels are there.

Either maf has family genre.  Or a restock?  Or someone has some weird mech but isn't a maf - this is again not related to my mech.

Maf were killin EJ.  No need to frame.  I think something else happened.  Something cheating.  And I probably don't have the clues to know what until after game.  There's something important/different about pretzels being available N4, after EJ's attempt to use them N3.

The simplest answer is there's another maf with family.  It's a common type of genre?  loads of abilities and maf seem to have many choices.  So they can do other stuff and ignore family except when most wanted/needed.

Making kill EJ even more tempting?  Nah.  EP still has it. Delay makes sense though.  If delays exist.  EJ didn't develop property or punch CM; yet.  When would he?  CM is disabled N3, reports D4.  EJ ...  Sal appears to wonder what happened to the punch of CM in the duelist chat.  It's the only time NJW and Sal talk to each other even obliquely there.

EP, punch is used up?

While sal was alive, anything could be messed with.  Sal using punch same night as EJ, that's why CM not punched?  I don't see why not.  But that's N2.  Maf are messing with CM N2.  Or don't want her punched, but I'm pretty sure she's town.  N2 is the one night CM drops a worker.  On EJ.  Or whatever else happens.  Maf preventing her from being punched maybe.  So they can... what and I don't have the clues.  But there's all the D3 confusion about disabled abilities.  Chances are we ended up with 2 houses somewhere.

N3.  EJ supposed to develop but on NJW now.  And pretzels... and maybe neither happen.  Nobody reports the chaos of a new house being dropped.  Even 1 is disruptive, disables unless someone doesn't use that type of ability.  Out there somewhere 1, 2, or even 3 places with 1 house.  I think.  Most likely 2, maybe a third now.  We can't tell until tonight.

And I can't think anymore tonight.

More deep puzzling after some sleep.

Night all.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #936 on: February 06, 2025, 02:12:55 am »

Punch was used up by the start of the night after EJ claimed using it, as expected


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #937 on: February 06, 2025, 03:09:08 am »

As EP still wants me dead, and I've already sunk too many hours into this endeavour:

Full Claim

Every night from N0 I can place a disk on a player for free, alternating black or white. They are then marked with that colour. I was blocked one night, but managed every other night, so four players have been marked. When a player dies their mark flips colour. Right now the balance is three white and one black, and I have white to play next.

Every night from N1 I can investigate a player. If I have one white, I learn their genre, 2 white I learn the # of personal abilities, 3 white I track them, 4 white I get to redirect them too.

Number of blacks give me different immunities: 1 black, I can't be fooled, 2 black I can't be redirected, 3 I can't be killed, 4 I can't be blocked.

Right now the players are:

Euchrejack: White (still counts while dead)

Imp: White
Crystal: Nothing
Elephant Parade: White
NJW: Black

Eliminating Elephant Parade (or I suppose Imp) would turn me into an unkillable tracker, assuming we didn't win the game there and then. Eliminating NJW would be allow me to redirect the scum to whomever, assuming I guessed who had it.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #938 on: February 06, 2025, 03:41:30 am »

I would prefer we kill NJW today, I also can strongly see a Crystal world.

Oh, and I claimed at various points already, but here's what I did each night:

N0: Marked Imp White
N1: Marked EJ Black, Learned Fallacy's Genre (which wasn't useful at all)
N2: Marked Elephant Parade White, Learned Crystal's Genre and number of personal abilities
N3: My powers were both disabled and I couldn't do anything else so I did nothing.
N4: Marked NJW Black, EJ died this night and flipped to White, so I learned Imp's Genre, number of personal abilities and tracked her

I see now that fits with Elephant Parade's narrative, in that scum!NQT could have known he'd get a track as he's know he'd be flipping EJ... but take a step back and realise if I were somehow scum with this townie powerset, I would have organised my marks so that they all flipped black (i.e. marking always people white on the night they were killed), and then I could make myself immune to kills and blocks, an arguably more useful powerset for scum than getting a redirect.

I presume this mech wasn't your deep focus and attention.

So... something else was, yes?
My focus from D2 on was on trying to get the elimination right, which I managed to be on the right side of twice. At one stage I tried to work out the location stuff but it was too fiddly and I parked it. I didn't understand EuchreJack's claims at the end of D4 properly when he first made them and I didn't spend the time to work them out that night. Apparently neither did NJW. I've definitely made the mistake in previous games of working out the night game and then still losing because I didn't actually know who was scum.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #939 on: February 06, 2025, 09:38:34 am »

I'm sorry you feel that way Elephant Parade. I'm clearly not cut out to play this stupid game when I'm held to an impossible standard of perfect town play and players like Crystal just get to snooze through.

If you lynch me today and somehow town survives the night, then I would recommend eliminating Crystal over NJW tomorrow.
Sorry for not being good at playing the day game.
After a lot of mulling over, Ive decided that trying to guess the set up would only end up in failure. Scum is either NJW or NQT.

You might if town want to get more involved.

Imagine we win this on day game -alone-.  Them cheating maf are gonna win otherwise.

You gonna help?
Okay, heres the thing: skimming through the posts I dont think either NQT or NJW had any hints of trying to discredit euchrejack.
For how long are all abilities blocked?  Just the one night?  You mean - factional and genre and personal for 1 night. That's totally cool.
It triggers each night the player ends in the Safe Zone.
AHHH I just realised something. EJ's whole plan was a nonstarter.

Global Campaign (Genre)
It's time to pull up a map. Where are we, and where are we going? The fog of war is thick, but your keen eyes pierce the veil.
Each player has a location.When a player uses a non-free Personal Ability to visit another player, they travel to where that player was at the start of the night. At the end of each night, including Night 0, you learn each player's location. On Night 0, send me a ranked list of every player in the game, along with your preferred location for them. I will compile the preferences of each player with this ability to determine the starting location of each player. Players closer to the top of your ranked list are more likely to be given your preferred location. The locations are North America, South America, Africa, Eurasia, and Oceania.

You only travel to a location if you use a personal ability on the player. Scum can still kill people in the so-called safe zone, because killing them is a factional ability and doesn't trigger location movement. EJ tried to confirm it blocked scum powers, and it definitely does, if mafia are already in the zone. Mafia kills won't be prevented this way.
... we'd be in a moderately better position if I chose not go along with safe zone plan.
Anyways, I think NQT because reads like town with a realization om something.
I'm not sure I understand this sentence. Could you rephrase?
That post by NQT reads genuinely town.
I like birds


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #940 on: February 06, 2025, 09:42:53 am »

omg you picked ...

Okay.  Now why each target choice?

I'm more interested in the ones not-Imp but sure, discuss me too.

I'm also more interested in why you somehow never marked a maf that has since flipped.  Why didn't you mark Crystal yet.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #941 on: February 06, 2025, 09:58:55 am »

Re: Houses Confusion (Questions from Imp and NQT)

Yeah, I don't really know why I said that EJ would have got to 4 houses, looking back on it. I think I'd just gone through EJ's flip, and had house numbers a bit mixed up in my head. Over N4, I assumed EJ had one house on CM and needed to build another. As I said, I was already behind on replies at that point, because Imp was asking questions in the Duelist chat through the night - I'm not going to be perfectly up to speed with all the mechanics, all of the time.

I haven't had any abilities locked or lost the ability to target other players. I believe EJ managed to get to 2 houses but almost definitely no further.

NQT did seem seize on the fact I was slightly confused about a number to push a mechanical discussion. But I guess he's walked back from that a little.

7. If I had a kill and tried to kill Crystal last night, I would have entered the safe zone at the start of the night, then my kill would have been blocked.
8. Crystal was unkillable last night and is still unkillable this night.
No. EJ probably got to two houses last night, which would not make CM unkillable until the next night.

EJ's posts did nothing to suggest his Develop property stopped people acting on his target on this same night he built a second house. Neither does his flip - as far as I can tell, it clearly doesn't work that way. It would be weird if his action was faster than everyone else's. Especially if movements resolve before actions do.

You're right about the plan not working 100%, although it's possible EJ just wanted to get as many people as possible to the "safe zone" and block scum who used personal abilities. Possibly there was some amount of bluffing involved. Though it's also possible he just didn't think it through correctly. I took quite a bit on trust by factoring his plan into my decision-making at all.

We have about four hours left in the day.

I think we just elim NQT here and win. I don't think it's CM, and I'd be genuinely astonished if it's EP or Imp.

If it's not NQT... I honestly don't know. Somewhere between CM and EP. At this point, possibly even EP over CM, because I can read CM and I don't know if I can read EP. I think I'm just trying to think of reasonable scumteams outside of salvatore+juicebox+NQT, and talking nonsense because there aren't any.
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #942 on: February 06, 2025, 11:11:40 am »

Since I'm now entertaining the what-if of EP.

And I'm 100% here and awake and present.  So just because I want more time and can.  NQT

CM. Maybe check EP if you're willing and able.

Whomever flips inside duelist, the other duelists should learn each other's alignment.  We have this weird pretzels thing.

I'm pretty comfortable with EP.  Too comfortable who the flip knows.  It just looks like believable town play to me.

And to everyone.  Nobody ever flips EP?

What do maf have to say.  Sal in duelist lists townreads as his second post.  First is 'this is mason chat to me' and 'I bet we gotta lose a townie before we conf town this' - of course I paraphrase.  Second is 'these are my townreads' which includes the duelist members and EP and Tric.  Tric dies that night.

NJW never mentions Elephant; NQT does.  No sus of.  EP is literally the last person NQT suspects - this is from duelist and before the inspect on me.

It's got greens for my duelist partners because I decided to take a look at that.

I do note EP is reliably 3rd or 4th vote on each wagon, except for the D1 wagon.

They really risked Juice D1 if EP is maf.

For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #943 on: February 06, 2025, 11:38:52 am »

EJ was a bit confused, but by the end of the day he seemed to think he actually did have two houses on CM:
@Crystalizedmire: I think you might be in a safe zone.  Please do not act tonight.  I'm unsure if you would be able to act, but we need you as a beacon to the no-kill zone.
I have no confirmation that my Night 2 & 3 actions actually occurred.  However, on Night 1, I was only told that Imp was Town. 
So I appear to have misunderstood how the Mod would report on our Night actions.

So, maybe there are multiple houses in play interfering with night actions.  Eventually, that should prevent the mafia from killing, so I plan to continue developing.
I don't know if this matters, though.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #944 on: February 06, 2025, 12:01:15 pm »

EP, discuss.  I'm part way through.  I didn't trim any quotes though.

I know you prefer that.

Also time pressure.

I'm still digging through your reactions and attitudes towards Juice and Hyper/Sal.  I'm early D3.

others look and think.  I dunno who-all has how many posts.  I still got a few.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So long I can't fit all in one post.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.
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