NJW, and anyone else following along. Reconstructing what I think is happening:
1. Crystal reports her power being disabled
2. Euchrejack reveals that it's his power that did it: there are 1+ houses at Crystal's target location, and that's why.
3. When it gets to 2+ houses, Crystal will be in a safe zone, something Euchrejack was planning to do that night.
4. His house giving action would take effect that night and block other players
5. The way locations work* is that if someone uses a non-free personal ability on someone else, they move to that player's location at the start of the night. Then, anyone in a safe zone at the end of the night is blocked from acting that night (despite moving).**
6. You can leave the zone if you're in it by targeting someone outside the zone.
7. If I had a kill and tried to kill Crystal last night, I would have entered the safe zone at the start of the night, then my kill would have been blocked.
8. Crystal was unkillable last night and is still unkillable this night.
9. If NJW understood all this, the stated rationale of his action would make no sense:
I stopped NQT targeting you because EJ claimed to be building houses in order to make a Safe Zone with you at the centre.
So either:
A. Despite acting on the basis of Euchrejack's plan, NJW didn't understand what he had said at all.
B. NJW is lying about his reasoning.
Let me be frank, I didn't figure this all out until the last few hours. The first time I went through my reasoning I'm pretty sure I made a mistake and had to reread over stuff. It's complicated action processing. I would blame no one for not getting this right. That said on reading Euchrejack back, he is clear on how he thinks it worked, and this is the info scum would be working on:
If I act upon the same location twice, there are Two Houses. Anyone that acts upon a player in a location with Two Houses would have their action blocked.
Again, scum (or me and EJ) may be mistaken about the action order. I think the house takes effect the night it's placed and I think EJ thought that too. But even if it takes effect the night after, NJW's action still doesn't make sense.
NQT: re the safezone stuff, it didn't look like EJ had managed to build more than one house. Otherwise... could we even get to CM's location by targeting them, if we'd be blocked when we tried?
My understanding of night processing is first everyone targets someone and moves to their location. Then everyone who is next to 2+ houses has their action blocked now that they have moved to that location.
If you really thought that EJ had only built one house, going up to 2 last night, then why in hell would you say that EJ had got to 4 houses once you saw his flip?
I didn't pay enough attention to that stuff at the time, clearly, but you apparently based your whole night action around trying to prevent me from acting on Crystal when:
1. It seems like I wouldn't have been able to even if I wanted to
2. Even if I'm wrong about the processing order, if everyone had done what EJ asked and targeted Crystal last night, we'd all be at Crystal's location and while at her location, no one would be able to kill us as Euchre would have been successful placing a house. This would happen even if I were mafia and managed to nightkill Crystal
All your night action does is ensure I'm still targetable tonight. It wouldn't have impacted any ability I had to interfere with EJ's plan.
Can you see why this looks sketchy when you're the person who claims to have acted to aid EJ's plan?
*See Fallacy and Vermillion's flips
**It has to work this way: 1. this is what EJ said after mod confirmation and 2. if players were blocked upon targeting a zone, they'd never get in the zone to get blocked, it'd be a non-starter.
Alright then. Would anyone like to claim what happened?
No idea, but NJW is the only person who has claimed to have a power which can block people from targeting specific other people, and he's claimed it can have a loud element to it, so if it's him then it would be on theme.