NQT: Were you informed that you were unable to target CM and I last night?
No. And now that you mention it, when my power was disabled on N3 I was informed. It's a different power, and it's not impossible that Magma would implement something one way and another power the opposite.
NJW VS CRYSTAL: THEIR EVOLVING SUSPICIONS I've accidentally written a whole essay here. I'm turning into Imp. I don't think anyone will read this or if you lot do, you'll pick one part out of context to add to the pile. But it was helpful for me sharpening up my reads here. I keep getting accused of being unfair and trying to cast shade on Crystal, so I really do want to get this right.NJWOn D3, NJW has this to say about Crystal:
Happy to hammer Salvatore when the time comes, but as a statement of intention, CrystalizedMire. I don’t like the fact they seem to have abandoned the idea of using the inspect despite scumreading EJ, and I think they’ve been just a bit too cute with the jokes and misunderstandings around Imp gaining Duelist.
He makes this vote right at the end of the day while unvoting Euchrejack who had just been voted by Salvatore. i.e. he doesn't want the day to end with his vote alongside Salvatore's.
In the duelist chat, he says that the flip makes Crystal look better because he says she offered to investigate Salvatore and that Salvatore needed to attack Crystal. But while Salvatore did vote Crystal, he was voting Euchrejack at day end and Crystal didn't manage to investigate anything. In the chat, Imp asks him some questions about whether he believes an explanation I gave for something before Imp joined, and NJW says that it's plausible— he doesn't mention any reservations about me at this stage.
His night action was apparently to prevent me targeting Crystal or Elephant Parade. So by this point he had committed to the plan of focusing on me on D5 and had fully gone to suspecting Crystal to protecting her above Imp or Euchrejack: two players I had actually attacked during D4.
Funnily enough it's after he's made this night action that he claims he's beginning tentatively to suspect me:
I’m starting to pretty seriously consider NQT. I’m not sure who else it can be.
Like he's dipping his toe in the water here, not willing to commit despite acting against me at night. The reason he gives for this switch? Nothing to do with the things he said about Crystal in the duelist chat, but because I'm too
towny and reasonable! Well I hope he likes me in my new unhinged era!!
I didn’t have much time last night, but I did get to watch NQT and Imp talking in the chat. One thing that struck me was that as towny and reasonable as NQT looked, they never got anywhere with their approach, and they never changed it. It’s been like that this whole game.
NJW gives a different story later about why he targeted me, but rereading it now, does it hold up?
I stopped you targeting Crystal because EJ claimed to be setting something up there that could, according to him, potentially stop the nightkill. I was able to protect EP as well as a kind of freebie. I wasn't sure about EJ's alignment, but my gut said you were the best person to block, and you'd be likely to target CM as scum to stop whatever EJ was going for.
He's fixated on some scheme that EJ had hinted at— something hinted at but that wasn't clear until after he flipped and is probably the reason why mafia killed him. He stops me targeting Crystal and Elephant Parade... because his gut says so. But if he believes I'm mafia, why not stop me targeting EJ?
Well, he later explains it's to do with the house location? On the other hand, maybe scum knows I can track—they can cheat after all— knowing that it would be between him, Crystal and me on D5 would give a scum!NJW a rationale for preventing me from clearing Crystal. Still, I want to say that it's not impossible for a town!NJW to make this move: he could have genuinely flipped his thinking on Crystal and the POE'd me as scum. But if that was the story, then why didn't he say that? Why's he say one thing in the duelist chat, say something completely different and be tentative about me in thread, and then claim like he was already suspecting me? While he eventually gets the story clear when explaining it to Crystal, the chronology of his evolving suspicions is still quite murky.
Anyway, after that he votes me with an easy question about why I'd think Crystal was going to double-kill us, like that was his case:
notquitethere: Do you have some particular reason to think scum!crystal would be likely to achieve their eurogame criterion at the start of tonight?
I answer that
clearly and immediately, but he lazily keeps tunneling and now his latest thing is he's not going to change his mind no matter what:
I probably won't stop voting you. I get why that is annoying for you, but I still think it's correct.
CrystalBut what about my suspicions of Crystal? Everyone's case on her is basically being lazy is NAI. And right enough I took the time to see her town game in the Monster mafia, where she lurked even more than here it seems:
CM posted #190, last post of D1
Wolfkey, #232:
CM doesn't post again until D3, #293
But does her evolution of suspicions make more sense? D4 she engages a whole bunch with mechanical planning. She votes early on Salvatore based on thinking his read of Euchrejack wasn't genuine.
Rereading it, her reasoning is still confusing to me. She seems to think EJ and Salvatore are scum, but Salvatore is also scum because he wants town to think EJ is scum?? Either way, the suspicions are consistent with her claimed failed night action. Claiming a night action in advance is also a good way of getting blocked, so that's consistent with being town (or it's high tier scum WIFOM- is she that good as mafia?).
D5 her suspicions are wide open:
CM: Who are your townreads?
My only firm townread is Imp. Last day I townread you as well but I'm more open to the possibility of you being scum. So my only real scum leans are NJW and NQT.
She mildly scumleans EP, and makes out NJW & NQT may be town because two scum duelists is OTT:
You still have lingering towncred from your playstyle and I'm not very sure duelist chat would've started out with 2/3 scum because it sounds very unbalanced to me. Imp is confirmed town after Euchrejack flip.
And fair enough, while I floated the idea first in the duelist chat of there being two scum in there, it wasn't taken up by either Savatore or NJW, and I quickly dismissed it too. She pushes NJW on his night action choice, she has the same questions I did. She's still mildly suspecting EP, and explains her powers:
As I said in the post, EP has gone to lingering towncred due to the fact that 2/3 scum in duelist chat seems weird and unlikely.
The resource stuff is that I can self target with an ability to gain a resource for every person that targets me. Then I can place a worker on a player. I can feed workers as a free action which causes me to see which players match the alignment of the first player I placed a worker on. This converts resources into victory points. Auction gives me resources for each item sold.
I guess the background is she hasn't been able to play the minigame effectively because EJ has blocked her. If she's town, this sucks majorly as her kill would instawin us the game. If she's scum, EJ wins MVP. Finally, she offers me as more suspicious than NJW when forced to pick between the two... but does she think EP is worse than both of us? She seems pretty serious that EP is a valid target, and yet that would be an unnecessary line to take when I'm the easy kill for today. But if mafia, she could be thinking ahead to D6 when EP might need to be a valid suspect.
And... that's that for Crystal. She hasn't done much today. I'm fighting for my life and she's sipping piña coladas.
NJW has posted a whole lot in the last day, but has exactly one suspicion that apparently formed in his gut and then hardened into something definite and now he can't consider any other candidate but me.
Crystal has, as ever, done very little, but she's kept her suspicions open and has yet to commit.
Honestly, I can still see either of them, but doing this now has made me less sure about Crystal and more unsure about NJW.
Basically, I want to hear more from
Crystal. If she suspects Elephant Parade, is she going to vote him? Is she satisfied with NJW's implicit road to Damascus moment in the night, completely upending his prior suspicions?