- 2/3 scum in the duelist chat is harsh (though maybe less so if they can add town to it)
What if... genre duelist is from start of game only maf.
Hilarious and useless.
It could be. There's '99 genres'. An entire genre could be devoted to the maf/containing some of them, leaving plenty other genre for all players.
A weakness... if any townie detects that genre, after a maf has flipped with it.
OMG maf team revealed. Except for Juice who's not in it.
And they can add someone to it.
Bonus hidden secret mech: No townie can inspect for genre. So it's less a weakness than they fear it is. But they don't know that (Nor do I; I spec what seems possible, even plausible).
And maf team have a genre inspect. So it's reasonable to think town does. Reasonable fear. There's a number of 'fake doors' in this game.
Finally, I'll state that this isn't a bastard game. I'm not going to lie. However, be very cautious about your assumptions. I can get pretty creative with role design.
CM's weird. But maf all game? ... huh well.... I mean -maybe- but?
So, 3 maf in this duelist channel - a channel they don't need or want. And that damning genre, just waiting for a town to genre inspect any of them... after the first maf from that channel flips.
They should announce they're conf town, but...
but... And all the risks of that. Might as well be 1 maf in two slots if they go that far.
So. They make the channel look 'believable'. They do a poor job of it. NQT tries the hardest. None are really trying to see it from town eyes, plus who the flip would think it even could be three maf in there.
They drag someone town into it expecting Sal to likely die soon and still concerned about the various whatevers/think it's more useful to use than not/they know some more tricks they can use.