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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29452 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #795 on: February 02, 2025, 12:17:38 pm »

Hammer away.

Salvatore's arguments will have to be revisited if he flips town but he hasn't wanted to address the whole duelist chat argument clearly so I am OK with this outcome.

One thing he says is that scum would have wanted to kill Elephant Parade N1. I'm not sure that's true. EP wasn't universally townread (e.g. Fallacy scumread EP at some point), and mafia haven't tried to kill him N2 or N3. I do get the argument that scum knew there was a doctor power in the mix and so couldn't have expected to successfully kill a claimed cop. N1 no-kill is very much a possibility— but ot would have made more sense for them to just hit someone else. So a chronically under-observant scum team might make more sense. Juice, Crystal, and Hyper who was swapping out and Salvatore who had to catch up in a hurry. This is my best working theory for now.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #796 on: February 02, 2025, 12:31:37 pm »

Salvatore Monday

Magma Mater

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Night Four
« Reply #797 on: February 02, 2025, 01:07:53 pm »

Vote Count - Day Four Hammertime
Salvatore Monday (4) - CrystalizedMire, notquitethere, Elephant Parade, EuchreJack
CrystalizedMire (1) - NJW2000
EuchreJack (0) - Salvatore Monday, Imp

Not Voting (1) - Imp

With 7 votes in play, 4 are required to lynch or to no-lynch.

Day would have ended in about 5 hours, at 23:00:00 UTC on February 2.


Alright Hyper, let's see what you've brought.

Hyper excitedly retrieves his copy of Battleship from his knapsack.

Oh... I mean, this game is fun, but it's only for two players. I suppose the people who aren't playing are just meant to watch?

"Yep! We'll play the first game Magma, then someone else can take on the winner. And by that, I of course mean myself."

Hyper and Magma Mater quickly place ships on their boards. Magma does the same thing he's always done - all the boats go in the bottom-left corner.

"I'm all set! But just hold on a second, I need to grab my reading glasses. I think I left them in the other room."

Hyper hurries off to the adjoining room. The window is heard sliding open, followed by a loud thud and a soft 'ouch'. Some hushed whispers drift across the room, and Hyper returns wearing a pair of glasses with a fake nose attached to the frame, and a fake moustache attached to the fake nose.

"Okay, I'm ready to play."

He doesn't sound like Hyper. And upon closer inspection, he doesn't look anything like Hyper, either.

Hey, I know you. You're Salvatore Monday, five-time Battleship world champion! Where did Hyper go?

"I dunno. He just told me he needed to win, at any cost. Then he jumped out the window."

I guess Hyper was another one of the cheaters. No offense Mr. Monday, but I don't think it's fair for a world champion to compete against our ragtag little crew here.

"No problem. He paid in advance anyway."

And so Salvatore Monday walked out the front door, leaving the rest of the attendees to ponder whether all of the cheaters had been dealt with.


Night ends in 24 hours, at 18:00:00 UTC on February 3.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 12:58:46 pm by Magma Mater »

Magma Mater

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #798 on: February 03, 2025, 01:45:35 pm »

Your host takes a deep breath as you walk into the main hall. A deranged smile stretches across his face. He looks - and smells - like he hasn't slept in days.

So, now that all of the cheaters are dealt with, we can finally play a game!! I've set Monopoly up, which as we all know thanks to that mass email EuchreJack sent out before the meet, belongs to him. So, what do you say EuchreJack, are you ready to play some MONOPOLY??

EuchreJack looks at his copy of Monopoly in disbelief. The money is totally unsorted and strewn randomly around the board. The dog token is wearing the hat token. The 'walk' in Boardwalk has been crossed out, and someone has scribbled 'GAMES' in its place.

And look, I've even adjusted the currency for inflation!

Holding up the paper money, Magma Mater displays his handiwork, the crazed grin still plastered on his face. He had painstakingly added an extra 0 to every dollar amount in the game. EuchreJack's face flashes with emotion - first horror, then grief, then doubt.

"This game is ruined. I know what I must do, but I do not know if I have the strength to do it."

The other attendees step forward. Hand in hand, they meet eyes with each other, and slowly nod. Together, they flip the table.

Spoiler: EuchreJack's Flip (click to show/hide)

Magma Mater falls to the ground, attempting to gather the spilt pieces. The rest of the group know what they have to do.


While this is going on, you hear Elephant Parade mumbling to himself.
*crunch* Mm, these are some tasty chips. Anyway, I learned at the end of the day that I wouldn't be able to use Watch tonight, so that's annoying. (Or target NJW, but that isn't relevant.) Also, Pretzels are still available for some reason -- if EJ used them (even if he was roleblocked) they should be gone, barring failure due specifically to another Family Genre player attempting to use them the same night. Unless Mafia have a cheat that let them restock snacks? I could see them doing that to frame EJ (or just to get Pretzels back, theoretically, but nobody has claimed a permanent alignment cop ability so I doubt it). If I die, all I did tonight was (a) this (b) use my request-task ability on NQT again


Vote Count - Day Five Start

Not Voting (5) - Imp, Imp, CrystalizedMire, Elephant Parade, NJW2000, notquitethere

With 5 votes in play, 3 are required to lynch or to no-lynch.

Day ends in about 72 hours, at 19:00:00 UTC on February 6.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #799 on: February 03, 2025, 02:11:50 pm »

I stopped NQT targeting Crystal or EP.

Thanks to Imp and the duelist chat, I’m already behind on replies, so will be going through that. Looks like EJ probably got to four houses at least?

Also, EP, do you know why you couldn’t target me? There are ways that could have happened but they’re all quite weird to me.
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #800 on: February 03, 2025, 02:20:59 pm »

Easy there, host-flavor

I still see that town flip.

Faces where we'd seen Mater's flip, listening, listening.  Hearing this:

I really believe that at least 1 maf is in this duelist genre chat.

NQT is very talkative and I don't like how he thinks.

NJW barely talks, too busy sure.  But he votes very helpfully for maf, with what we know is true.

They literally both could be maf.  I do not like what I read and feel in there.  Clearly it's ludicrous that they all three could be maf and when I asked mater to confirm in there that it's not impossible NQT tried to shut me down for asking inappropriately of the mod.

When he wanted CM as his top sus, EJ second, mine third and I pointed out to him that CM is the one with Eurogame and if town does for sure kill a maf - he then jumped to the idea if not elim her then elim me, my secrecy.

It feels pure scum in there.  If they're all maf I'm not surprised.  They never genuinely doubted each other or doubted each others' lack of doubt; the tiniest hint and it looks performative.

Seeing sal's flip, they both appear to trust each other even more.

I don't like it.  I don't get it.  I feel like I am exploring a carefully designed scum chat '2', one where they were allowed to pull someone in or not.  They don't have to use it, they can prep it.

NJW and Sal barely spoke at all to each other.  NQT never questioned that.  NQT talked to Sal, talked to NJW.

I think there's at minimum 1 maf in there.

I really, really, really, really struggle with this.

NQT is talking more.  NJW is less.  Because reward towny play, and talking more is townie.  NJW.

I want this our elim today. I want talking and hearing everyone's night results - mine is nothing to report.

This is my game for maf.  I'm ready.

I get this is confusing for town.  Mmmhmm has to be.  I have not lied about an action or non-action yet.

I confirm I did not duelist myself - didn't know duelist existed.

I got other traps.

We still need to daygame this.  Please discuss everything.  But omg seriously consider elim of NJW or NQT today.

Let's give NQT the benefit of the chance of maybe this is town.

I wanna honor my early intense wrongness read.  I wanna see NJW flip.

I wanna know if NQT is town.  We're duelists.  We'll both know.

For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #801 on: February 03, 2025, 02:26:29 pm »

I stopped NQT targeting Crystal or EP.

Thanks to Imp and the duelist chat, I’m already behind on replies, so will be going through that. Looks like EJ probably got to four houses at least?

Also, EP, do you know why you couldn’t target me? There are ways that could have happened but they’re all quite weird to me.

Why didn't your number of targets continue to grow?  Presuming it's towny to say.

Also forgot to mention on my first post.

Town, small vote of confidence, despite my towny silence.

How often have you seen me as maf let my team die or need them to.  That's a never.  I would if absolute must.

Verm's one of my favorite player to play beside.  If I were maf and didn't need to, absolutely need to no other way, extremely high chance I do not kill Verm.  Especially not before I must.

I'd break that in terror.  In need.

That may happen some day.  This game?  D2?  Heck no. And then I lose 2 of my team?

If you gotta flip to recognize my play as town, town's loss.

That's what I gotta say.  Now I listen.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #802 on: February 03, 2025, 02:28:49 pm »

I stopped NQT targeting Crystal or EP.

Thanks to Imp and the duelist chat, I’m already behind on replies, so will be going through that. Looks like EJ probably got to four houses at least?

Also, EP, do you know why you couldn’t target me? There are ways that could have happened but they’re all quite weird to me.
Zero clue.

Please no more bold underlined italicized glow text; it's unpleasant on the eyes.

It's impossible for all three Duelists to be mafia because then there would be 4 mafia in the game, which would be absurd (7v4???).

NQT was arguably responsible for Salvatore's lynch yesterday but I could imagine that being a bus. I think NJW is more likely, though. I'll have to reread to decide how I feel about CM.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #803 on: February 03, 2025, 02:29:55 pm »

It's impossible for all three Duelists to be mafia because then there would be 4 mafia in the game, which would be absurd (7v4???).
Also it would make the duelist genre utterly pointless, and they never would have added you to the chat (or used it in the first place, probably).

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #804 on: February 03, 2025, 02:37:34 pm »

On second thought, I'm going to vote CM for now instead.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #805 on: February 03, 2025, 02:40:27 pm »

CM: Who are your townreads?


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #806 on: February 03, 2025, 02:46:09 pm »

Also and vital.

Salvador is still present in Duelist chat and allowed to emoji/react.

Since cheating is a theme for maf this game.  I would not be surprised if Sal is actually perhaps allowed to talk in the maf chat.  If it's maf chat 2 that also like... ehh.  But if neither NJW or NQT is maf - which I think unlikely - living maf may know anything Sal sees fit to convey.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #807 on: February 03, 2025, 03:17:21 pm »

Oh, one other claim: if they’re still here tomorrow and the game isn’t over, NQT should be able to confirm my action tonight. I’m kind of Loud now.

Why didn't your number of targets continue to grow?  Presuming it's towny to say.
It did grow - I blocked nobody on the night before last night, just prepped.

Don’t want to get too specific if there’s no need to, but if people impacted by my ability die, I pretty much lose that progress. Otherwise I’d be pretty overpowered, I suspect.

Also, EJ’s property thing stopped me acting night before last.

I’m not sure I can see crystal ever committing to the inspect on Salvatore as scum. It’s unnecessary pressure on your own team. I also suspect Imp was added to the duelist chat to protect Salvatore.

I didn’t have much time last night, but I did get to watch NQT and Imp talking in the chat. One thing that struck me was that as towny and reasonable as NQT looked, they never got anywhere with their approach, and they never changed it. It’s been like that this whole game.

I’m starting to pretty seriously consider NQT. I’m not sure who else it can be.
One wheel short of a wagon

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #808 on: February 03, 2025, 03:18:44 pm »

NQT, NJW: Do you think the activity pattern of duelistchat is consistent with two of its members being members of the scumteam and scumchat?

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Five
« Reply #809 on: February 03, 2025, 03:27:58 pm »

I'm not sure we want to lynch inside duelistchat right now, since scum can just kill one of the remaining two duelists. That's probably a secondary concern to lynching scumreads, though
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