N1's lack of kill was probably due to the protect on EJ, unless scum is juice + EJ + Imp and they were setting up a clear on EJ and Imp after juice flipped (nothing about this is impossible, but it'd be quite the scheme, especially since I don't think Tric confirmed he was targeting EJ before he did it).
I still don't understand why juicebox, noted scum, claimed being roleblocked (which nobody has claimed responsibility for) on a night when there was no kill
I don't know why anyone would possibly kill EuchreJack there and then. I sure wouldn't. If I had been scum, there's no doubt in my mind I would have wanted to kill you n1.
If EuchreJack was the n1 target, then we live in some kind of bizarro world. Excluding juicebox, who probably wouldn't have made the decision since he sleepwalks through games, that might be like... NQT and... maybe you? Pretty hard for me to swallow, to be honest.
I think it's more likely that EuchreJack is scum, not the kill target. A team with both EJ and juicebox in it is one I can definitely imagine no-killing d1 out of fear and the desire to play a quiet game.
Running a bit low on posts (any chance I could get a booster pack, Magma Mater :v? I admittedly double-posted a bunch of times, but with these 96-hour days, hitting the cap is a pretty real possibility) but there's a fairly obvious rationale for targeting EJ N1: he publicly purchased a 1-shot cop D1.
That said, I will lay out my juicebox-EJ-Imp fake-roleblock/no-kill theory in full because, while cut to ribbons by Occam's Razor, I think it's plausible enough to be worth thinking about. Consider the following:
1. D1, juicebox was hardlurking so bussing was a pretty obvious option
2. Scum!EJ, going into N1 with a 1-shot cop, knew that him being cleared would additionally let him clear his partner
3. D1 ended in No Lynch, so No Kill wouldn't put mafia behind tempo
4. D2, juicebox claimed being roleblocked, EJ claimed targeting juicebox and performing a roleblock (but not which player it was being performed on), and Imp did not claim being roleblocked, all of which is consistent with a planned bus involving EJ's confirmable roleblock on juice and a blocked kill/no-kill; they also could reasonably have predicted that Tric would target him with the protect (which he had publicly announced he would use) -- I don't know why they would do the roleblock dance even after Tric claimed protecting EJ, though, which is another point against
All of this is (a) more likely to be a weird coincidence (Occam's Razor says EJ is town and mafia tried to kill him because they knew he had a 1-shot cop) and (b) completely irrelevant if you flip scum, though.
PPE: Actually, on a reread, EJ initially claimed targeting you and corrected to juicebox when I posted my results, so this doesn't work unless scum predicted Tric would protect EJ. Or shifted gears after VS said Tric protected EJ? Either way it just became even less likely.
@Imp: No matter how you slice it, EJ's N1 Develop Property shouldn't have prevented juicebox from acting the same night, since using an action in a One House location supposedly disables it the
next night
Interesting. I need a much better case against EucherJack, he's very possibly putting down barriers against mafplay. Annoying for town perhaps, but surely annoying for maf.
I suppose it's a good point. The test of EuchreJack should be whether his safe zone works. Maybe I'm not thinking straight tonight. Maybe this is one of those times when it's better to hammer myself and get it out of the way, actually.
I don't like you talking about self-hammering. I wouldn't like you doing it as town here, but saying "gosh I should self-hammer" instead of doing it is +scum to me