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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29926 times)

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #765 on: February 01, 2025, 12:45:52 pm »

I'm reading her post on my phone and that line jumped out as bullshit, but now rereading I see that she was asking that as something Crystal could hypothetically believe.

You're right to pull me up on it, and I rescind my question, it was me not close reading. Imp blathers a lot and so I have been guilty of letting my eyes glaze a bit as I read her sometimes.
Outside of explaining the situation, you have come across to me more as looking for reasons to scumread Imp than trying to determine Imp's alignment. I like your readlist, though, and Salvatore has never risen above a meh for me, so I'll put my vote there. Warning -- this is L-1.

Salvatore Monday

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #766 on: February 01, 2025, 01:04:23 pm »

I think Salvatore has been getting away with sitting at the sidelines. I don't have a strongest read on him— he's not posted enough to really dig into— but by POE they are now looking worse than the other players. IF Imp is town, then scum can pad the duelist genre with another player as bait. Why would they need to pad the genre? Because a scum player is in the Duelist chat and they can't get down to two members — one town, one scum— as that would create a thunderdome situation. So who is the hidden scum player? If it's not NJW (and I don't think it is), then it must be Salvatore.
Imagine something that might be called a "not-sure-if-serious.gif" here.

My play schedule may be restricted but if I've been trying to "sit on the sidelines" then I must not be doing a very good job of it.

Salvatore Monday

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #767 on: February 01, 2025, 01:05:48 pm »

I'm not gonna OMGUS but if Imp is right I will be very annoyed.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #768 on: February 01, 2025, 01:24:13 pm »

I'm not gonna OMGUS but if Imp is right I will be very annoyed.

I got 8 left but I'ma say that if you flip town.  I am pissed at you.  I'm town and I deserve better.  Town can't win alone.  If you're town I bleeping need you.

If I'm wrong about NQT, bleeping so what.  You still have a wincon to play for.  Either you are and you flip as maf.  Or you are failing all of town, yourself and all of town the dead, the alive.  Your flippant 'elim FoU'.  Your jerk garbage play.  You can do better.  I am town and demand you do.

I do think if this flips maf NQT is maf.  And maf they together prefer survives over Sal.

I don't object to this flip with all I've seen, though I am scared he is just playing with disgusting flavor.  We don't need another town flip.  Especially not one that gives up.

You don't wanna OMGUS and you are town?  But you otherwise think he's maf?  Make the freaking case irrespective of the OMGUS part.  You think he's town?  Find and case the maf.  Use your bleeping posts as you can.  Towards your wincon.

You're not even worth a blue vote right now.

Someone wants to hammer you?  Let's see who wants to shut you up.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #769 on: February 01, 2025, 01:43:11 pm »

I'm actually still trying to figure out where everyone needs to target their night actions to avoid being nightkilled.  I would like to clarify with MagmaMater.

But for now, I'm just gonna say targeting Crystalizedmire with night actions sounds like a good idea.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #770 on: February 01, 2025, 01:46:52 pm »

@Crystalizedmire: Anything else you can tell us about your night actions, results, or lack of info.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #771 on: February 01, 2025, 01:49:58 pm »

@Crystalizedmire: I think you might be in a safe zone.  Please do not act tonight.  I'm unsure if you would be able to act, but we need you as a beacon to the no-kill zone.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #772 on: February 01, 2025, 02:24:53 pm »

Alright, it might work.

If I act upon the same location twice, there are Two Houses.  Anyone that acts upon a player in a location with Two Houses would have their action blocked.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #773 on: February 01, 2025, 02:31:35 pm »

I should clarify: It appears that taking an action on a player outside of the Safe Zone moves the player out of the Safe Zone.  So after acting upon Crystalizedmire, the kill immunity will only work if players abstain from night actions.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #774 on: February 01, 2025, 02:39:10 pm »

Alright, it might work.

If I act upon the same location twice, there are Two Houses.  Anyone that acts upon a player in a location with Two Houses would have their action blocked.
Are you absolutely certain that locations with Two Houses block factional actions? I ask because there's been a lot of confusion over fiddly mechanical details this game (not just on your part) and my gut says this scheme runs afoul of the 'no abilities without counterplay' rule in the OP


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #775 on: February 01, 2025, 02:44:23 pm »

Alright, it might work.

If I act upon the same location twice, there are Two Houses.  Anyone that acts upon a player in a location with Two Houses would have their action blocked.
Are you absolutely certain that locations with Two Houses block factional actions? I ask because there's been a lot of confusion over fiddly mechanical details this game (not just on your part) and my gut says this scheme runs afoul of the 'no abilities without counterplay' rule in the OP
I am going to ask.  It's poorly worded.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #776 on: February 01, 2025, 03:09:58 pm »

Ok, Two Houses blocks all abilities.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #777 on: February 01, 2025, 03:11:42 pm »

So as not to cause confusion to NQT et all, I have every intention of voting Salvatore Monday, but I would like to give us more time to discuss things.
End of day is just under 24 hours.  If it looks like no useful discussion is to be had, then I might hammer before then.

Magma Mater

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #778 on: February 01, 2025, 03:58:23 pm »

Vote Count - Day Four Suppertime
Salvatore Monday (3) - CrystalizedMire, notquitethere, Elephant Parade
EuchreJack (1) - NJW2000
CrystalizedMire (1) - Salvatore Monday
notquitethere (-1) - Imp

Not Voting (2) - EuchreJack, Imp

With 7 votes in play, 4 are required to lynch or to no-lynch.

Day ends in about 26 hours, at 23:00:00 UTC on February 2.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Four
« Reply #779 on: February 01, 2025, 04:07:06 pm »

7 posts left.

So as not to cause confusion to NQT et all, I have every intention of voting Salvatore Monday, but I would like to give us more time to discuss things.
End of day is just under 24 hours.  If it looks like no useful discussion is to be had, then I might hammer before then.

Uh, thanks.

Ok, Two Houses blocks all abilities.

This is why I'm all 'uh'.

For how long are all abilities blocked?  Just the one night?  You mean - factional and genre and personal for 1 night. That's totally cool.

If you mean 'nope, people there never act again unless someone rescue moves them'.  That's... what the heck.

If you mean 'people there can never be acted upon again unless they themselves move elsewhere.'  That's.... what the heck.

If you mean 'people there can never be successfully targeted again by any kill' that kinda makes sense.  Since there's ways to move people and all that, plus the price of that working only until one moves or is moved.  And maf might want to use that protection too if there's a Eurogame townie or some kill like that headed their way.

So if you'd kindly clarify.  I'd like to hear it.

Remember though:

Finally, I'll state that this isn't a bastard game. I'm not going to lie. However, be very cautious about your assumptions. I can get pretty creative with role design.

Please think carefully and ask many questions, confirm your understanding.  Don't just take 'Magma said X therefore' - please say to Magma, "I think you mean detail detail detail, is that correct?"  Because if he made a creative language thing and you assume.  He already told you to be careful and that's one of the ways you can aim for careful if you choose.

Everything else I write is presumed that folks who are inside a 2-house area can someday act again.

I should clarify: It appears that taking an action on a player outside of the Safe Zone moves the player out of the Safe Zone.  So after acting upon Crystalizedmire, the kill immunity will only work if players abstain from night actions.

I need to hear this a bit more clearly.

Hypothetical 1)  Player A is where there's 2 houses.  Player A did not act last night.  Can player A act tonight at all?  if Player A can act tonight, they can do anything; anyone targeting them by standard mech we've been shown in flips will end up where player A started the night - not where player A ends up.  Of course, if 'stay here' means can't be target of a NK, good incentive.  Player A may have work to do elsewhere that's worth the risk though.

Player B acts on Player A.  That's gonna put player B where player A is starting, the safe zone.  Presuming this works, and seems plausible based on what I've seen, maybe player B can't be targeted by mafkill if that's how it works.

Hypothetical 2 involves an Action 1 that Player A used 'last night' and if they can use Action 1 again tonight or if they'd have to use an Action 2, or if they literally are paralyzed and have only the day game or something.  I presume not but what is being claimed I don't get the claimed limits.

Each player has a location. When a player uses a non-free Personal Ability to visit another player, they travel to where that player was at the start of the night

And I spent all pregame telling Mater lovely stories about how I foxed as anti-town in off B12 Witchhunt my maf game there.  And how I used town stated plans and info to put it all together.  Course Maf doesn't need me singing in his ear about what I loved of these games, he linked me to upcoming game designs that ahh, eep.  Maybe more chaos than I crave (can the game please have a theme besides chaos!  Well, this one does :) )

Maf Juice does not have a way to move people baked into his role.  But two town flips we've seen so far (of 4, counting Mater's flip) do, at least within a condition:

Dispatch (Active)
Quarterbacking? No, it's called winning.
Target another player and choose a location. That player is moved to that location.

Redeploy (Active)
Having the right person in the right place is simply a matter of logistics.
Target any player and choose a location which was modified by one of the augments listed above. That player is moved to the chosen location.

I am surprised if the maf lack a means to move a player.  Hard to say if that would happen in time to mess with this 'same night' plan.  I have no info about that.

I'm not anti the plan.  I don't say if I'll target CrystalizedMire or not.  I recommend people don't say and just do or don't.  I think CrystalizedMire can safely act if CrystalizedMire chooses to - this won't stop someone from running to Crystal as I read the mech showing.  Theoretically we can target one of the people who went to Crystal if needed to get 'back there' later.  If they actually went to Crystal.  If they are town/honest/nothing confusing happens like a maf going 'yank new spot for you thanks'.  Another reason I want NQT dead today, I suspect he is maf with General Campaign.  LOOK AT NQT HOW CAN HE NOT HAVE THAT?

If I were maf I'd be totally okay with this plan.  As town I'm fine with it, I can't think of anything better to recommend.  I do bet maf will blow it to hell and were built able to do so.  And not being clear about who intends to target who is a great idea.  Nothing wrong with laying out the plan and explaining how to use it.  As in, that doesn't sound scummy to me.  Hope it works.
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