READSImpI keep going back and forth about this, but I'm now pretty sure that, on balance, Imp is most likely to be town. She's completely tilted and in full blown confirmation bias land on me, but that doesn't in itself make her scum. Town do that all the time. They feel incensed that someone can't see their shining inner goodness —
HOW DARE YOU SUSPECT ME. I feel that way often too, I have to try and actively step back from the feeling and recognise that paranoia is the default state of a town player.
What swung it for me is that her defence on Crystal, and her attacks on TricMagic and NJW, all stem from a (mis)understanding of her own role. When she realises she's mistaken, she admits it and makes clear why she felt that way. I don't think scum typically manage to manufacture suspicions of that complexity. Look at this:
I also thought NJW's claim about 'if I die 2 others learn their alignment' was a dig at what he was imagining narrative did. That's my trap card comment back on D2. Then, I didn't know maf know all genre, and I thought he was trying to figure out how my flip might help cement town and thought he was fishing with that guess.
She went completely off the rails on NJW on D2. I thought NJW was my mason buddy (I still basically do) and so repeatedly tried to pull her back from this line, but now, some days later, I can see where it was coming from. Imp is like Tric in a way, absorbed in her own role and power and not really thinking in terms of teams, but just like with Tric that doesn't actually make her scum.
One part of me I'll admit wants her to be scum so I can catch her to make up for my failure to do so in the last game. But I can't let that sort of meta-foolishness mess with my assessment here.
That all said, the reveal from Elephant Parade's action and Imp's steadfast refusal to claim anything useful both give me pause. I can hope she has a grand scheme she's cooking. If Imp is town, then scum's ability to give out duelist roles isn't something that can be tracked. I know that inspective actions can be deceived in this game, so I think this is entirely possible. Indeed it basically has to be true: either scum messed with the EJ inspect, or scum hid the Imp duel.
Elephant ParadeEP has done nothing but solve and investigate. He's been a model town player. If he turns out to be scum after all this, I'll clap, because I can't really conceive of him being scum.
NJWI like every post NJW makes and hate his voting pattern. This is something I've had to make sure I not get 100% get caught up on, as in general it's indicative but for some players it's really not. Take Maximum Spin, for example, he never used to use his vote effectively and I'd scum read him all the time for it, but every time it would turn out he was town. (Other people attacked him for this in the Monster game recently.) I think something similar is happening with my residual suspicion of NJW. I think his reads are good. He's active and fairminded. More than that, he was the one willing to unveil the Duel chat from the very beginning. If, as I now believe, there was a scum player on in the chat, then I think they would want to avoid thunderdome situation which could take out one of their number and create a confirmed town player.
NQTThis guy needs to slow his roll sometimes. Often he's charging ahead without taking the time to read the situation clearly and this gets him scum read in every game in which he's town. He's a much more careful, calculating scum player.
CrystalShe's been flying under the radar all game. The only thing we can say in her favour is that she was beefing with Juice. He even questioned her role claims:
@CM I don't know if I believe that your role isn't betrayal. From what I've seen so far it does seem pretty betrayal coded.
Juice presented Crystal as an alternative D2 lynch target to himself. Was that just distancing? Juice wasn't effective at playing a good enough day game. It seemed like an easy attack on a lurker at the same level of activity as himself.
Crystal's aborted plan to build a night kill late in the game is an odd thing to claim — either as town or scum — which makes me now think it's actually true. She has a complex, slowly building resource-based role and she didn't get the resources she needed to unlock the kill.
EuchreJackIt could be true that Tric saved him from being eliminated. (Scum could have just chosen not to kill, as they chose in the CYOS game). His inspect on Imp is probably real. He wasn't wholly in the kill-Juice camp on D3 but to be fair I had also made a big thing of saying we needed to ideally have more than one wagon to pick from.
Salvatore MondayI've been giving Salvatore a pass since D2 because I figured we were most likely mason buddies. Salvatore and Juice both give each other non-commital null reads:
I read the game thread before agreeing to sub in. There are certainly players I think are more likely to be town and players I trust less. I'll venture to say that I believe notquitethere, NJW2000, Elephant Parade, and TricMagic are probably acting like town to various degrees. FallacyofUrist and CrystalizedMire don't sit right with me. VermilionSkies feels off too. The rest {IMP/JUICE/EUCHREJACK} I would have to group as null.
My Reads are as follows:
Salvatore Monday: Hasn't posted much. A decent observation here or there but not enough for me to townread them
Salvatore later pivots to Crystal + Euchrejack:
Suffice to say that the players I trust least right now are EuchreJack and Crystal.
That's not suspicious in itself, though he does nothing about these suspicions at the time, merely saying he might vote Juice if Juice doesn't start posting.
Unofficial Votecount
juicebox (3) - CrystalizedMire, -Imp, notquitethere, TricMagic, Elephant Parade
TricMagic (1) - Imp
NJW2000 (1) - Euchrejack
Not Voting (3) - Salvatore Monday, NJW2000, juicebox
Hammer: 5
I think Salvatore has been getting away with sitting at the sidelines. I don't have a strongest read on him— he's not posted enough to really dig into— but by POE they are now looking worse than the other players. IF Imp is town, then scum can pad the duelist genre with another player as bait. Why would they need to pad the genre? Because a scum player is in the Duelist chat and they can't get down to two members — one town, one scum— as that would create a thunderdome situation. So who is the hidden scum player? If it's not NJW (and I don't think it is), then it must be Salvatore.