this quote counts:
EP, I usually try to engage with players who have had less attention as a priority, but eventually interact with everyone. This game might warrant a slightly different approach.
Everyone, do you think it's worth us trying to clear through the auction to get the Sheriff's Office? What are the arguments for/against?
You claim how you'll act and you speak to everyone.
This quote mentions juice, in a categorical way:
Juicebox, Imp and Elephant Parade have all expressed an interest in joining the auction, and so they should do so. Are you going to race to get the Smithy?
Scum will want to grab Sheriff's Office themselves... but they'll also be aware that whoever takes it is themselves likely to be investigated. This could all get very interesting...
Categorical again:
It's now just under 24 hours until EOD.
FallacyOfUrist, CrystalizedMire, Hyper, NJW2000, juicebox — you can't all be scum, but chances are ~2 scum players are among you as mafia are usually the most passive voters.
You didn't press to kill Juice yourself, but vote someone who was since proven town who didn't hammer juice, I can see maf you taking this route. You pound FoU for it, but you don't want juice dead.
Elephant Parade: are you a mason?
What was this about??
Also, you could have hammered Juicebox but chose to build a second wagon on EP, perhaps in the hope NJW or Hyper would swap over. Why was a possible EP elimination worth more to you than a certain Juicebox elimination?
Here's fun. If you're maf you know Juice is and FoU isn't. So you know if we flip Juice first you're pointing us to flip a town next. If we flip FoU first you're set to say 'not Juice later' since FoU flips town.
juicebox: Who? Where? Basically just lurking through. Didn't use vote until last part of D1.
FallacyOfUrist - Didn't vote until last third of the game. Didn't hammer Juicebox (if either flip scum then this looks bad for the other)
We need to have a wagon and hammer someone today. Two competing wagons would be even nicer. It's still early, more might yet be revealed, but I'll be badgering people on this point if they still have their votes on non-wagon picks by the second half of the day.
I personally consider the pool should be between the somewhat suspicious Fallacy, and the shifty do-nothings Juicebox, Crystal, and to a lesser extent Tric.
Your PoE is 2 known town, 1 known maf. Flowers for Algernon, that there's a known maf in it?
This is fun, vaguely protective wording for all three:
There's a surprising amount of agreement among players, I'm quietly confident we'll get our hammer today. Most players who have expressed a preference want some combo of Fallacy, Crystal, or Fallacy gone. You're pro-Fallacy, Imp is pro-Crystal, Elephant Parade is pro-Juice, but in general there's a lot of overlap.
We know FoU's town, Juice is maf. I think it's just distraction/control.
I see juice is on your list of 'to consider'.
Or this. Everyone give me a list of people you would like to see lynched. That aren't Elephant cause will trust Jack's word for now. Unvote
This, hey. If you're maf it reads like 'please don't kill my buddy... who I sus... take one of these better picks, there's so many others better. But hey, if you do elim Juice and he's maf, gimme cred for it too.
I mean. This request to 'but look at me and Juice!' Reads like 'gimme cred for juice'. THis request is scum play.
Looks like Crystal is your top scumpick, even over FoU.
No, I think Crystal has done nothing to demonstrate that she is town, while Fallacy has done nothing town-like and has also acted shadily at the end of D1. I'm happy with either (or Juice who is like Crystal). Crystal could conceivably be being useless, as I suppose could Juice, worst case, but Fallacy really is pinging my scumdar more.
Elephant Parade
NQT: Who did you suspect going into D2?
I had a pool of people who didn't show enough moxy during the first two thirds of D1: FallacyOfUrist, CrystalizedMire, Hyper, NJW2000, juicebox. Of these, I probably distrusted Hyper and Fallacy more, but I came around a bit on Hyper/Salvatore — at least for now — and came to suspect Crystal and Juice more. NJW, I liked the posts more though I wasn't impressed by the lack of a vote at EOD.
What I see here. Safe maf play.
(2)CM: Juice, NQT,
(1)Juicebox: VermilionSkies,
Not voting
- Crystal and Juice probably are not both mafia, as there's no particular reason for Juice to be distancing. If Juice were on a team with Fallacy this would make even less sense.
- Although they're my top picks, the scum team probably is not literally juice/fallacy/crystal - I must be wrong about at least one of these. I would be very surprised if I were wrong about all three.
- If Crystal flips scum and Imp continues to survive the night, we should eventually question Imp's hard defense of her (Imp could be a Godfather, or, much less likely, scum alongside Euchrejack).
Whee! I'll vote Juice! And I'm here to get off him, just gimme anyone better!
Let's see what happens if I go for Juice, with the understanding that I'll be around EOD to make sure there is an actual elimination this time.
Not much to say. Positioning and being careful.
Someone please recap me on the thread. I didn't consider Fallacy to be super suspicious I was mostly suspicious of Juicebox.
And also, the night the kill comes is probably never now since I didn't get enough buildup to execute it.
We'll you're in luck, because Juice is the current #2 wagon, so feel free to vote him. I posted the current votecount about three posts back. Most players think you look bad because you haven't done anything all day, except for Imp who likes you for some reason, and NJW who doesn't think you're the worst.
He mentions Juice again. To make FoU and Imp look bad? Oh, and don't kill NJW, who will make NQT look bad to Sal if Sal isn't exactly maf with NQT too.
he didn't vote on D1
*For clarity, I mean, NJW wasn't voting at the end of the day. And I can almost see the reason given the specific weird circumstance of the lynch with so many people losing their vote. Though I think it's weak. He should have been voting for someone. He did persue votes earlier in the day. Still, given the other players and his engagement, I think this is a "don't kill first" player.
Fallacy, on the other hand, was late to use his vote and didn't hammer Juice, which fits with the Fallacy+Juice scum theory. He claims he wasn't counting the votes, which is possible, but Tric had posted a vote count earlier up the same page, ~29 posts back, so while not impossible, it seems a bit more questionable.
I've not really seen why, even if she doesn't like NJW for whatever role or meta reason, Imp likes Fallacy and Juice more thank NJW.
I absolutely hate this post. It reads like a fake fast mockup.
This game:
Easy Mode
Scum is literally just the lurkers Fallacy + Juice + Crystal
Intermediate Mode
Scum are second tier players playing a good game, like Vermillion + Tric + Salvatore
Funny Mode
Euchrejack + Imp + Crystal trying to cover one another and chainsaw each other's detractors.
Hard Mode
NJW + Elephant Parade + Euchrejack all deep undercover.
Mentions Juice, so listing it.
Fallacy, why NJW over Crystal or Juice?
Now that we're 25 minutes to end day. Now NQT wants Juice or crystal over FoU? Trying to look better perhaps.
(4)FoU: Jack, NJW, Elephant, Salvatore Monday, Tric, -Imp,
(2)NJW: Imp, FallacyOfUrist,
(2)CM: Juice
(2)Juicebox: VermilionSkies, NQT
Not voting: Crystal
Right now, Imp is functionally preventing the main wagon from being hammered. If she doesn't turn up in the next 25 minutes I won't be impressed. Crystal has still done nothing all day. Juice isn't much better.
Fallacy's claim is somewhat plausible for town, I actually prefer Juice or Crystal over Fallacy. (Not least of all that a town-Crystal or a town-Juice cannot be trusted at LYLO, while a town-Fallacy could.)
Man I hate everything about that mockup.
Imp, I just meant it would be funny if that were the team. It was a fun post. I was having fun.
Anyway, we're 15 minutes left, Fallacy is protecting Juice
I think NQT is well aware, as am I. FoU is 'my blue vote removed' from being hammered. There's no time to vote dance. But NQT sure wants Global Campaign FoU dead.
If this is a town-Imp, as I still think is very likely!, we're going to have to have a chat at the end of the game about not getting tunnel vision and becoming hyper-uncharitable.
1 more person?
If Fallacy or Crystal move to Juice, I will, and then maybe EP will? Otherwise I will swap back if EP doesn't move.
Remove your blue mark just in case!
Now we're to D3. Mentions Juice - even talks to him, the first time all game. Despite saying he'd focus more on lower activity players.
NJW's claimed night actions are consistent with his stated reads on D2, so there's that:
Juicebox - I can't read them from five posts. If FoU flips scum, I'm at least 95% on Juicebox being scum, and you really should be too.
Vermillion Skies - they're better on activity, with eleven posts today, but it's all basically night game bookkeeping. Worryingly mechanical focus.
Last night I stopped Verm and Juicebox targeting TricMagic.
if you can transfer resources then one of us can activate our genre ability.
Crystal, I won't be trading resources with you, regardless of I can. Maybe you find someone else who takes you up on that claim.
Juicebox, would you trade resources with Crystal?
Remember the first post of the game from him:
EP, I usually try to engage with players who have had less attention as a priority, but eventually interact with everyone. This game might warrant a slightly different approach.
Why the slightly different approach, NQT? Why not talk to the maf Juice really all game?
Oh, a little more talking.
Juice, you forgot to include me in your reads. Also, it's pretty funny/convenient that you did the same action on the same target as I did.
Hey. He's second on the wagon here, third after my blue vote. If we wanna give full town cred for this, this is the biggie. But it doesn't wipe out all the rest.
Trying to see what jumps out at me.
Elephant Parade (2) - juicebox, FallacyOfUrist
juicebox (2) - Hyper, Elephant Parade
Not Voting (1) - NJW2000
FallacyOfUrist (6) - EuchreJack, NJW2000, Elephant Parade, Salvatore Monday, TricMagic, notquitethere
NJW2000 (2) - FallacyOfUrist, Imp
CrystalizedMire (1) - juicebox
juicebox (1) - VermilionSkies
Not Voting (1) - CrystalizedMire
D3 (now)
NJW2000 (2) - Imp, Euchrejack
juicebox (2) - CrystalizedMire, notquitethere, Elephant Parade, -Imp
Imp (1) - TricMagic
Not voting: Salvatore Monday, NJW2000, juicebox
Shooting from hip: TricMagic*/Juicebox/Crystal, with the latter two hard-bussing because they know they're both the weakest links. (Do I really believe this? Not with any certainty. But Juice really should go.)
*or Godfather Imp 
Something defensive this reads.
They say we need to have discipline and cohesion to achieve a hammer, but D1 they're actively pressuring people to spend their votes on the auction and lose their vote themselves.
I'd have thought it would be easier to get a small group of players to agree than a large group. Fallacy could have hammered Juice but managed not to. This is a very strange argument for someone who managed not to vote at all at EOD D1. If you genuinely think I'm scum we can all have a conversation about this with all the facts, can't we?
Categorical mention of Juice.
Unofficial Votecount
juicebox (3) - CrystalizedMire, -Imp, notquitethere, TricMagic, Elephant Parade
TricMagic (1) - Imp
NJW2000 (1) - Euchrejack
Not Voting (3) - Salvatore Monday, NJW2000, juicebox
Hammer: 5
Salvatore, NJW, juicebox, you three going to get around to voting? You'll notice on D2 that Fallacy was very late to get active in pushing a case and that contributed to everyone suspecting him. If you're town, make a vote.
Imp, do you think a Tricmagic lynch is happening today?