I'm calling you on your read of me of OMGUS being scummy for me. I've often taking big swings at maf who thought town me looked scummy.
It happens too. Web in CYOS1. 4maskwolf in BYOMonster, Hector in Soviet, there's others a bit further back.
This game, a true read of me might ask, "Imp, why aren't you OMGUSing EP?" It's because I think he's town (now) but even early when he pushed me hard, I voted NJW (for protection by EP concerns). Both D1 and D2.
NQT, you're latching onto something in a way I think feels performative and not like your typical play.
I'm not sure you're maf. If you're maf I wonder if you also have the brainpower to in addition to play the game, actually wanna get me back for foxing you last game as maf (I was playing to win, foxing you if it happened was incidental and I was just doing the best I could with all the unknowns I had) by making sure you 'show off' and 'fox Imp'. That's fine, but my deep town plays last game, like talking to dead NQT as if I were as town as I could -
I wasn't mocking you. I was scared. I didn't know all you had and could do. I thought I could be trapped. And I didn't know the size or shape of the trap.
So I don't really think you're trying to fox me past normal play even if you're maf. That takes a lot of extra brain power and... maybe you have that and enough confidence to be able to pick how you play?
I had that my first successful team maf game. It was glorious and if you've got that now. I'm so happy for you and I'm so happy you're that mistaken (hey, you might be).
NQT and NJW do most of the talking in duel-chat.
One thing I note that isn't discussed there. If, say, NQT and Hyper/Sal both are maf, and it's just EP there as town.
They can't let EP die. They can't let each other die.
If EP dies... and EP's the only one that wanted to discuss the duelist channel. He was openly surprised the other two didn't. See if they never say to us who they are. And even if EP flips. Then they don't have to claim being duelist. If they do now they're trapped. If one flips and they both said they're both town, the other flips next. If they never discuss it, then they can flip safer if one does - the other's hidden. If they claim both town and neither keeps being the NK, as we get closer to endgame that looks vastly more sus. True town masons Jim and EP in FBYOR6 had it stressfully easier than maf-faking-masons would have it. The flip of one proves, not dooms the other.
So, bring someone else in? Someone probably not gonna be NK? Sure could be why I'm there. We find out after the game. Because they expect to lose Sal today? Works for me.
Even if Sal's town. Because if nqt is maf, he can't let either sal or EP die, not to elim or anything else unless he can ensure first to elim and second to NK? But if protect can work against NK. We see, say, Sal flip. We see EP flip the next night. EP never said 'nqt is it', nqt's tracks are covered. But if we see sal flip duelist, we know EP claimed he'd be told the align of the other... likely even without being able to discuss it's now a town race to protect EP that night so he can for sure live if at all possible to tell us who else is conf town or conf maf.
Better to bring someone in. Am I the best to bring in? We find out after the game, when we can read the scumchat and stuff.
There's a few things off about nqt. I was more town on him D3 than D4. I'm less sure right now that we should elim Hyper/Sal.
But of us here. I know what Hyper did with me in mafchat. I have never seen nqt be maf, I imagine he's brilliant. And can teamwork like a dream. So. If Hyper is maf with nqt, that could make sense for that reads and the rest of the 'better than last game as maf, with an Imp partner'.
Very much spec. But I'm iffy on both.
Not iffy:
Most likely original town in the duelist chat: NJW. I'd like mech to help me decide there, otherwise not really into voting NJW. EP is also very likely town.
CM is probably town, some iffy there but I think town. EJ probably town.
Sal and nqt. I sus both but maybe better
I now wonder if we maybe have just 2 maf? Juice is a pretty darn big maf role. Given the vote leads... we must hammer to elim. So maf can ensure no maf can die to elim easier this game than most.
It's not personal to you. I performed an unspecified investigative action and because of it I really must insist everyone claim what they did. You can leave out some of the precise details if you want (e.g. "I used a protect on Magma Mater that also lets me target them with a kill next night if I choose" -> "I protected Magma Mater"), but I have to know what you did.
Hey, pick your townie lie and townie truth.
1) If you got an inspect result of a target of Magma or another corpse, that was not me. I not-claim that, I didn't mess with corpses last night even if I could, and I do not claim if I could mess with corpses or not.
1) Presuming you made that up, sure. I accept it as a townie lie, and say, this is a townie lie of my action, "I targeted Magma Mater's corpse last night to trace any abilities that were stolen from it; I'll land a kill on 1 of any persons with them N5." I also wanna point out in addition to this being a townie lie claim of what I did last night, I
still think Verm 'died light'
His flip's got way fewer abilities and weaker ones than we've seen elsewhere. It's possible he started with 3. But hey. maybe he lost some that night to someone else. If so - was not me. I don't have them, didn't take them. But this looks too weak to me to be a plausible complete town role and we know flips show 'at time of death'.
Hello VermilionSkies! You chose
Pandemic, and you have rolled
Town. Please read the
game-specific rules before continuing, as it'll make some things in your role easier to understand! Once you've read this role, please confirm via PM or Discord.
Without further ado...
General AbilitiesGlobal Campaign (Genre)It's time to pull up a map. Where are we, and where are we going? The fog of war is thick, but your keen eyes pierce the veil.Each player has a location. When a player uses a non-free Personal Ability to visit another player, they travel to where that player was at the start of the night. At the end of each night, including Night 0, you learn each player's location. On Night 0, send me a ranked list of every player in the game, along with your preferred location for them. I will compile the preferences of each player with this ability to determine the starting location of each player. Players closer to the top of your ranked list are more likely to be given your preferred location. The locations are North America, South America, Africa, Eurasia, and Oceania.
Personal AbilitiesResearch Station (Active)A base of operations will be helpful to contain the plague(s).Target yourself. Mark your current location. For the rest of the game, when an ability of yours specifies a location, you may substitute this location.
Dispatch (Active)Quarterbacking? No, it's called winning.Target another player and choose a location. That player is moved to that location.
Medic (Passive)While you're here, you might as well cleanse some lepers.When you target another player, you will protect all players ending the night at the same location as your target from all of the players who started the night at that location.
Hospital (Passive, Locked)This is a great place to stub your toe.You are immune to kills. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
Factional AbilitiesTown (Win Condition)Cheating at a board game is wrong. The only appropriate response is hot-blooded murder.You win when all of the mafia have been eliminated.
EP. if you did something to get info about me, and it's potentially neutral or townie, I urge you consider sitting on it. Why help maf in any way. I don't need or want 'more clearance'. I'm inspected town, I got a job to do, and I got maf to fight.
If you got something on me you think is scummy, we gotta discuss it. I will likely treat it like I treated Tric's concern that I blocked him from using bugles. I didn't do that, also, I could not have done exactly that. Whatever I did or didn't do last night, I think it clearly isn't 'oh that's scummy'.
So, either discuss what's townie or do whatever else you choose.
Maf are listening, and they have a lot of info.