Tric: If you want NJW lynched enough to thunderdome him, why haven't you been pushing him today, outside of a single post early on?
We're getting close to the deadline so I'll put my cards on the table: some of juice's reads have progressed in a way that makes no sense to me.
Okay, so reads.
Let's do the easiest first.
I'm reading Imp as town here. They're playing well within their town meta in my opinion. They are contributing quite a lot to the discussion and they have also been pretty forthcoming with information
I also think that NJW is town as well. I like what they've been posting and their reads list appears to be well thought out.
Hyper, on the other hand is a scumlean for me. Being inactive for a good portion of the day and then voting someone else who is inactive when prodded is not a good look.
Elephant Parade I'm also scumleaning as well. I don't like that they're tunneling Imp, who is my main town read, and I also don't like how they have been pushing people to participate in the auction but haven't really committed to it themselves. It definitely could be a ploy to get town to use up their votes and get more voting power for the scumteam
Vermillion is another slight townlean, while they're posts haven't been amazing, their laser focus on getting hospital and willingness to share information do seem township to me
EuchreJack is a slight townlean for me. They have some decent posts, they seem to be starting to form some reads .
CM, is null for me while their focus on the auction to the detriment of scumhunting is a bit suspicious, I don't thinknthat's really enough to scumread them for.
Fallacy is also null, they have been unusually quiet, and they're not up to their usual shenanigans, but I think I need to see a bit more from them before I townread them.
Tric is a hard one for me. While their play to take Darkroom is within their town meta, I have a gut feeling that this may be scumTric using their town meta as a smokescreen. Only a slight scumlean for now, but I definitely have my eyes on them
And finally NQT. They're always a hard one for me to read. I think in this case they're a slight townlean. They've also been focused on the auction, but unlike Elephant Parade, they've actually been willing to use their vote in the auction which makes me trust them more
My Reads are as follows:
NJW: I have no idea what Imp sees here. NJW is my strongest townread at this point. They've constantly been pushing cases and trying to solve the game
Elephant Parade: They've calmed down a bit since D1. They weren't been tunneling on Imp like D1 but instead entertained a couple of different cases D2
Not Sure:
Tric: I'm never too sure about Tric, their behavior is so erratic that I'm never sure if I'm reading them correctly. Maybe I'll get a feel for them eventually but at the moment I don't know
Salvatore Monday: Hasn't posted much. A decent observation here or there but not enough for me to townread them
Imp: Because of my Jack read below, I don't know if I can trust the town inspect on Imp anymore. Imp hasn't done anything outright scummy yet though, so I'm nullreading them for now.
Jack: I'm starting to lean scum on Jack now. I definitely wasn't blocked last night. Also they initially said that they targeted Salvatore Monday N1, when they had actually targeted me. And while they did explain it away as mistyping I think they may be lying about their actions in an attempt to confuse us.
CM: They've done nothing to change my initial read on them. They've barely been more active than me and hasn't stated any suspicions on anyone who isn't me.
@NQT I wouldn't trade resources with them. I don't trust them enough to give them any resources.
@Imp I wanted to gather information on CM since I thought that they were suspicious
Why has Tric gone from a slight scumlean to an I-can't-read-this-player null? Why has Imp been reduced to unsure due to inspect doubts when she was a townread
before the inspect? Nothing has happened to change juice's initial scumread on CM but his initial read of her read was null, not scum! (
He did scumread her D2, however.)
I'm slightly puzzled to have gone from strongest scumread to second-strongest townread when I spent D2 pushing for the lynch of someone who flipped town, but the rationale provided makes sense. I don't really understand how Salvatore is a "meh, need more info" when Hyper, the player they replaced, was a scumlean. NJW and EJ are perfectly sensible.
The mitigating factor here is that eight days is kind of a long time. Still, I think these are just words on a page, not actual thoughts from someone who doesn't know everyone's alignment.