Well, I don't know. Jack seemed to think that it would block a nightkill targeted on him or Tric, which would imply that it would block actions moving to his location, and I went with that because he knows his ability better than I do - but it's totally possible he could have misread it like that too.
If that were the case, then being blocked or not would depend on where NQT was at the start of last night, I suppose.
But you're now claiming he acted on you when he said he acted on CM in my quote, didn't he? Did I miss another story change?
So... this is what I get of the Jack story. Short summary: N1 Targets Imp and Juice. N2 roleblocked himself. Here's all the listed details.
Yeah, so. This is what I think I'm tracking?
I dunno where Jack starts. D1 stated plans:
I will probably use Jalepeno Poppers tonight in conjunction with Sheriff Office.
@Elephant: I can use some sort of action on Imp tonight, perhaps you could vote juicebox?
D2 claims:
Got results, Imp is Town
Free sheriff office, no move because of the Global.
Will you say how many actions you performed last night, then?
Yes, I performed three actions. Two targeted Imp, one targeted Hyper/ Salvatore Monday.
If any is personal and not free, Global kicked in to move Jack to where his target was at the start of N2, ignoring any new actions taken N2 (unless someone has some weird ability that specifically moves them at sunset? Someone can move during the day, or can move someone else during the day?)
Then corrects the error:
Then something funny happened, because I tracked you (via a Family Genre action) to Imp and juicebox. I was holding this back until you claimed because I thought it was mildly odd you had only targeted two players.
Sorry, recalling sent PMs on the forum is HARD on my phone.
I actually targeted Imp and juicebox. I didn't target Hyper/Salvatore Monday. My apologies for the confusion.
This probably relates to actions or locations or something.
Is NJW in the building?
No, juicebox is. 
Next day planning, we're still D2:
@Elephant: I think my best move is to Punch. I will leave you to decide your own actions.
First direct mention of properties:
@Fallacy and @Verm: I am actually going to need you both to share what you know about properties.
My ability directly effects the property at which my target ended the night. So, unless we know more about properties, people are going to start noticing their night actions not working, and even I won't be able to explain it.
Makes sense... Juice in the building.
Yes, locations. I think they're called properties in my role.
Uh-huh. I believe this.
Only Five Locations!? Ew
Who shares a location with Juicebox?
Now we move to D3:
I used Punch on Crystalizedmire.
I also used Develop Property on juicebox.
@Tric: I used Develop Property on juicebox twice. When I used Develop Property on the same location twice, it roleblocks everyone but me at that location.
Bad news, it might be my fault.
Good news, I think this means we can't be night killed.
Also: I got no night action results. Like...I was told nothing.
Punch is genre, I would expect Jack to be in Juice's location or where Jack started the game, or where someone used a move ability to put Jack.
Then we get this weirdness:
My pros and cons for lynching Juicebox are...
Pro-Lynch: Juicebox is fucking useless
Anti-Lynch: Juicebox is fucking useless
I suspect that Juicebox is now unable to do any night action, so I would rather lynch mafia that can kill over a possibly useless townie.
So... how long is Juice unable to do any night action? Could Juice be immune to it? What's going on? No idea. Should the people where Juice was N1 be affected by this happening N2? Should the roleblock actually happen N3? Dunno, whatever Jack says and we get reports of.
Last night I stopped Verm and Juicebox targeting TricMagic.
NJW2000 is scum.
They were clear to identify that they acted upon Verm, who is now dead. And if they indeed targeted Juicebox, they would have been roleblocked like Tric.
NJW2000 killed Verm.
Confusing. I can't see the exact wording of the ability. If it's anyone targetting trick, or anyone ending the night where the ability is used? So... it's interesting to me what people read into this.
Me, I'm confused.
Here. Jack says 'whoops, I was blocked'
I'm still thinking it's NJW2000, but I was clearly blocked last night:
Haha oh no. I forgot I had first intended to look into Imp, but then I thought if EJ really did inspect her as town, then she would be a high candidate for the mafiakill, so I actually inspected Crystal. That Imp didn't call me out on the claim straight away makes me think that she is also Eurogame. And maybe that's the right number of personal abilities, or maybe she was just confused. But let's pretend that was deliberate.
At the start of Day 1, Euchrejack said that all Family genre players should claim. I was curious to see if a person I suspected had withheld that information. Assuming I wasn't redirected, she had not.
This isn't the first game where I've acted rashly on a misrecollection of a PM. It's like that Robot/Pirate/Catgirl/Ninja debacle all over.
So to be absolutely clear, I'm claiming that Crystal is a Eurogamer with five personal abilities. Who knows how many she used last night.
Imp: Do you have any way of transferring resources?
So to be absolutely clear, I'm claiming that Crystal is a Eurogamer with five personal abilities. Who knows how many she used last night.
I used 1 last night
NQT identified Crystal as a Eurogamer, and Crystal appears to confirm it. If I had not been blocked, NQT would have gotten an inspect on ME, because I used Punch on Crystal, which switches the targets of abilities used on Crystal and myself.
...it could also be a mod error where someone tried to block Crystal, and the mod ruled that I would be blocked and all other actions would revert to their original targets.
Which means that Jack didn't block anyone. Someone blocked Jack?
Here he thinks he and tric were blocked:
Both Tric and myself seem to have reported the same result, so we were probably both blocked and the Mod's just a bastard(ish)
Here Jack and I commiserate and wail in harmonized confusion:
I'm so confused.
I dunno, I'ma stay confused a bit and listen more. Whaaaaaaaaaa.
Unfortunately, I seem to be the one causing the confusion and being confused. Now I know how you feel.
So, I think I'll follow your lead and do the same.
He's glad Juice confirms Juice wasn't rb:
I will be posting my reads soon, but first I want to report that I was not roleblocked tonight. My action definitely did go through. I targeted CM with a genre inspect as well and got a eurogame result.
@juicebox: Thank you, that clears some things up. Please post more.
According to EuchreJack, everyone at his location should have been blocked, and he claims that this explains why TricMagic was blocked. But I was at the same location and not blocked.
What do you think is going on, Sal?