Everyone's somewhere.
You use a qualifying ability and you go to your target's location at the start of the night.
What's the evidence that Tricmagic started the night where you are?
What's the evidence where CM started the night where you are, and who is with CM/who all should have been blocked/what other inconsistencies do you see?
What else should be brought up about this?
I do literally want to see your answers instead of discuss myself.
As for Tric, it's implicit, isn't it? If Tric was blocked for being in the same location as EuchreJack, and I was in the same location as EuchreJack, then I should also have been blocked for being in the same location as EuchreJack (and Tric was also necessarily in the same location as me).
I don't know what CM would have to do with it.
Yep, CM is a typo. And sorry, this is so hard to track (for me at least) even without any typos. But why do you think you're in EJ's location at a point when you would be roleblocked for it?
You last said you acted (N1) on NQT. That would put you at the location NQT was at the start of N1, unless something weirder happens, like some player who can moves you or whatever. And NQT also moved, to his target's start of N1 position, presuming he met the requirements to move. So you can act on NQT but not be in the same location as NQT by the end of the night/start of the next night.
That's what Global Campaign means, right? As I read the text.
N2 you acted on EJ, from NQT's start of N1 position, wherever that is. So you move to EJ's start of N2 location, presuming everything's as expected, in addition to your action(s).
About Tric and EJ. D2 Tric tells us that he targeted EJ N1. So, Tric should be wherever Jack was start of N1. Jack can have moved on though.
D2 Jack tells us he targeted Imp and Hyper/ Salvatore Monday... he changes that. Imp and Juicebox. Sheriff Office becomes a personal action, but it's free. Apparently he used a genre action on me too, so he's either where he started N1 still or he's moved to Juice, and he asks.
Only Five Locations!? Ew
Who shares a location with Juicebox?
And we were told:
Magma Mater: If someone used a multi-target nonfree Personal Ability on targets spread over multiple locations, where would they move?
Each player has a location. When a player uses a non-free Personal Ability to visit another player, they travel to where that player was at the start of the night. At the end of each night, including Night 0, you learn each player's location. On Night 0, send me a ranked list of every player in the game, along with your preferred location for them. I will compile the preferences of each player with this ability to determine the starting location of each player. Players closer to the top of your ranked list are more likely to be given your preferred location. The locations are North America, South America, Africa, Eurasia, and Oceania.
Such an ability would say, "target x and choose y,z,α...". The player they chose as the target would be where they move.
So... Jack started N2 either in his previous N1 location (if he didn't use any qualifying abilities) or in Juice's N1 location, I think. Juice said he was RB N1, so he is theoretically in his original location wherever that was (and presuming someone who can move people didn't move him).
Sal, are you presuming a RB affecting Jack's location would affect you because you targeted Jack N2? You're affected based on your N1 location if I understand right. And that could overlap but maybe not.
What do you think?