Day ends in about 66 hours, at 22:00:00 UTC on January 28.
Think we still got loads of time left. It's only been like close to 35 hours since that time check, think we still got more than a day.
Confirming I'm around, will be today, will be tomorrow.
Weekend just ended, will that matter for our low posters?
My thoughts on CM... heck my thoughts on the game.
Maybe maf couldn't kill N1. Maybe they had to unlock a kill, or their kill is a slow burn. Maybe it's normal and was stopped, I dunno.
D1 makes claims including a 'will kill anti-town if things happen, auction finishing D1 is part of it. But kill won't happen until D5 or later'.
That's weird. But Mater's not hosted for us before. A complex, multi-step unlock for a far-off future kill of a maf. Weird claim. Weird CM is still alive; but we don't know that maf can kill N1, and CM claimed a far-future maf death. Didn't die N2 either, end location tracing a top priority kill? That does suggest we have a high-strat player among the maf. CM then waffles about if the kill will happen, says seems it won't. A multi-step kill of maf that's even harder than getting all auction items taken D1 and needing to survive past D2 (CM mentioned that unlocked or did something for CM besides the kill) and get to D5 as well?
Hey. If this is my narrative princess.... I buy it all. Lie, truth, mix freely. I gotchur back and we good to go, lead the dance I am your fool.
One thing NQT did was check me on that. This is not my narrative princess, and she confirms it. That's a bad lie to make, if she actually is; that's the one lie not to make. But hey, she's not lying about that. Could there be something more weird than narrative path? Heck and hah I dunno.
Why would maf CM be so... visible? Her behavior's consistent with a town power role, I think. If she eats the NK... if she doesn't eat a NK I dunno what's going on. But maybe they could not kill N1 (either because gotta unlock the kill or because they were somehow stopped). And maybe because blinding our eyes (since they know both FoU and Verm are town) was critical to them. That sucks, but does explain it, potentially.
Alright. He chose to be immune to protection until D2. Easy kill, easy to watch who visits him if anyone wants to. He's maf who knows he probably isn't eating a kill N1 or he's town who thinks the prices and potential benefits are right. He might even be, town or not, immune to immunes (I mean, seems plausible in this tangle of meta-mech).
If he's maf why does he want me to be reality checked about CM? That's what he flippin' did, and quite nicely. If CM is also maf especially why do that. I think NQT's behavior makes more sense as town than maf.
Start playing the day game or die soon. There is no room for you endgame the way you're playing. You'll eat an elim or whatever, and it's coming fast. If you're town we need you to do much more than you've been doing during the day game. If you're maf, great and you can't play wrong. Carry on, someone will deal with you whenever convenient. But the way you're going that we can see, we need you out. Fix or die, because not flipping you leaves your passive absence there when we need you the most. Even if you're town, I'd rather have you flipped than a town like FoU or Verm, not that I can have that. They were active. We need you. Bleep, we need you. Wasn't so bothersome when we had 11 alive. Now we got 9. The circle's closing and you pull your weight or be thrown out, because you're death to town if this is all the daygame you got, and I don't even know you're town.
Think this is maf. I don't see town Juice here, or 'evil' Juice that can win with others still alive (that's seen in BYOAlignment). I think Juice is definitely, not probably, DND (does need die).
More later, but posting this because I have it written up but need to do other stuff for now.