Isn't that a more useful way to spend your limited posts?
... This is my post 17. Granted the day is extremely long.
The other scenario is that a scum team with Tric decided to No-Kill. Tric always kills when he has one. Always
What about CYOS2?
N1 Actions
- TricMagic - Gift Ah! page to Egan_BW.
- Crystalizedmire: Mellify Vermillionskies into Sugared Pineal and Red Delicious
Not only did Tric not kill N1. As maf. His team had these mafkill choices:
(Mafiakill) (Fruit) Confect: Target player is killed, and you automatically Mellify their corpse.
(Mafiakill)(Super)(Mutate) Progressive Overload: Kill a player. They explode into a giant mound of muscle, leaving two corpses. This is untrackable and unwatchable.
And... they didn't use either. The untrackable, unwatchable kill ... was Tric's. And their team did not kill.
So, yeah. Tric actually might not kill as maf.
Imp: If you vote NJW2000, I will vote NJW2000, and then you can send the remainder of the day hounding NJW2000 and maybe getting them lynched.
Tempting! Very tempting. I'm one confused imp today. Still interested in that and haven't given it up. It's our best choice unless I'm wrong about a read? It's possible. And the mech about narrative is omg what?
Still, you're probably right and I probably don't chase Tric very hard today. Except whaa and whaa? and whaa! and I'm so confuzzled.
I so want to hear and see what everyone does.
And NJW, if you wanna whine about 'I can't talk because Imp won't stop hounding me' - Elephant was after me hard all D1. I played. I'm solving. You don't have to talk to me, but you have a wincon to chase.
Juice... widely regarded as scummy... thinks you're playing great. "They've constantly been pushing cases and trying to solve the game" says Juice about you.
What do you feel about that read? Does that seem true to you?