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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29840 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #450 on: January 25, 2025, 08:45:27 am »

I used Punch on Crystalizedmire.

I also used Develop Property on juicebox.

@Tric: I used Develop Property on juicebox twice.  When I used Develop Property on the same location twice, it roleblocks everyone but me at that location.
Bad news, it might be my fault.
Good news, I think this means we can't be night killed.

Also: I got no night action results.  Like...I was told nothing.
Which is the usual. Can just ask what happens if you get roleblocked, would you know?

Also the fact that you roleblocked everyone without telling us about it. And also the fact being to roleblock literally everyone is very night-op. Mafia are supposed to own the night you know?

NJW: If my Family action failed due to another using it I would have received notice due to my passive 1-shot going off. If my Family action had succeeded I would have received notice due to my Narrative action being unlocked. The only confusion is if I would have been told I was roleblocked. Which as far as I know is standard. Juicebox could tell us. And lo and behold, they're getting heat. Likewise we just lost 2 Global Campaigners.

... Which makes me think GM is going to return a no comment cause I protected Jack N1.

As a refresher, what genre has everyone claimed so far? Mine was Family/Narrative. As an aside Narritive actions involve a killing ability. For me that's actually self-targeting. Hence why me taking the Darkroom D1 didn't matter in the long run. My role wants me out of the game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #451 on: January 25, 2025, 10:08:06 am »

I don't love NQT immediately throwing out night results without an obvious motivation. They were talking about keeping roleclaims to a minimum earlier.
Reasonable point— I agree that claims should be done for a strategic reason. Here's the reasoning:
- There is at least one player who is most likely town but also has said that she thinks I'm mafia
- The game's hammer rule means town have to have an extraordinary amount of consensus
- The inspection information wasn't very useful in itself either for me or presumably anyone else
- Therefore, demonstrating that I've got a pro-social benign role to NQT-skeptical players such as Imp (and, potentially, Crystal) is probably the best thing I can do with a not-very-useful result at this stage.

I'm not going to claim other aspects of my role without good reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #452 on: January 25, 2025, 10:15:10 am »

Well, now I'm even more confused.

Part of my role info is that I love narratives.  Of course I'm paraphrasing as needed, but I'm a bibliophile of sorts, I read several kinds of books (the others are not named) and my role is half based around being an absent-minded professor looking for more books I want to read.  I don't know where they are, I just look for them.  I'm not explicitly told that I don't know where I am either, but so far I haven't gotten any messages about being in any location, and there are clues in my role that there's location(s) that few know about.

Back to my love of narratives; my role tells me that my favorite one that I've read in town involved a haunted house, and a game of haunted house that was played inside it, and was won by all the players because it didn't have a traitor.

And it tells me that narratives are long.  It takes many days to read a narrative, and lots can go wrong, and that I love the narratives I've read in town which are all very long and involve so much that can go wrong, and that I've always dreamed of being in a town narrative myself so I can help it.  And that town narratives are all about evil being defeated spectacularly in the end.

And the rest of my role's kinda build of stuff that involves looking for the stories I want to read and hopeful 'could I help a narrative have time to finish being read?' type stuff.  Like my beautiful blue vote.

So.  CM's claims.  D1, super obvious, and claims D5 to kill an anti-town if just the right stuff happens.  More and adjusted claims later... no or little matter; narratives take time.

CM sounds narrative to me.  Likely town narrative.  Got all the pieces to sound like a town narrative that my role tells me to expect.

Great, I know what I'm doing for however long I can.  And there's FoU suspecting CM of being Betrayal at the House on a Hill and accuses twice.  So now I think maf's probably looking for that role that I think probably exists, and so FoU goes on my PDND pile; sorry FoU but wow, way to spotlight someone likely being specifically hunted.  Please don't do that, it can really help maf as well as make you seem very maffy - but hey... you're getting better and better as town and yes, seeing you flip town felt exactly as bad as I imagined.  Sorry, and hope we get better at picking town you from maf.

Back to CM.  Says a lot that I expect of a town narrative; okies, protect CM, that's fine.

Except... Okay.  CM isn't narrative?

CM isn't narrative.

I gotta go sit down; I've been sitting since yesterday.  My princess is in another castle, NQT just told me and the not-princess confirmed.  I don't care what lies my town narrative tells; it's townie.  I believe CM, and hey, CM could still be town but is not my princess.  Very well, I don't know where my princess is (and that's so familiar this game) but hey, it's not CM.

Tric's claims about his narrative suck.  Narratives... town narratives, are long and difficult and twisty.  They take days and days to 'finish' with the bad guys dying.  CM sounded town narrative.

Tric narrative claims... that's interesting.  Tric claims to be a narrative that involves his own death. And to unlock... fast.  Just use two family abilities successfully two days in a row.  Uh-uh.  That is not a town narrative.  I'd bet the game on that, unless there's something crazy hard about using Family genre abilities.

We've got 2 other Family genre folks.  Who successfully used two of their genre abilities two days in a row?  Or who don't see a reason why it would likely be 'epically hard, wow, so many twists and turns and so unbelievably complex' to do that?

Anyone else wanna claim they're town with 2+ genre?  Every town flip we've seen has one.  My town flip has one.  We could have 1+ town with 2+ genre, sure.

But town narratives are not short and easy.  Narratives are about the death of the bad guys.

I still think NJW is very dangerous maf.  But I think Tric needs to go.

Tric, Juicebox, NJW?

Could be.  I dunno.  I'm still so confused, feel so fished, and just... wow.

But I gotta call malarkey.  There's malarkey and I'm built to confront it.  Do not burn my favorite books; I thought that was CM.  It's not.... where oh where are my favorite books.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #453 on: January 25, 2025, 10:31:40 am »

NJW's claimed night actions are consistent with his stated reads on D2, so there's that:

Juicebox - I can't read them from five posts. If FoU flips scum, I'm at least 95% on Juicebox being scum, and you really should be too.
Vermillion Skies - they're better on activity, with eleven posts today, but it's all basically night game bookkeeping. Worryingly mechanical focus.
Last night I stopped Verm and Juicebox targeting TricMagic.

if you can transfer resources then one of us can activate our genre ability.
Crystal, I won't be trading resources with you, regardless of I can.  Maybe you find someone else who takes you up on that claim.
Juicebox, would you trade resources with Crystal?

Tricmagic & Euchrejack
NQT: Pick 'Ice Cream' and, assuming no interference, I can have a 3-shot version of a pretty good ability. I obviously can't use it at the same time as the other thing, though.
Do you both agree that this is a good thing for me to do? (Don't tell me what the power does)

Imp, I think I can follow why you thought Crystal was likely town if she was Betrayal at the House on the Hill and that fit with something about your role (despite the fact that she had actually explicitly claimed that she wasn't that game). Obviously, that's not really a Eurogame so that idea is out. The Tric suspicion is a little more tricky. No one else has claimed a dual genre, but how would Tric know about the Narrative genre if he didn't have it? You think it was information he was given as a part of his scum role? Or maybe one of his scum partners has the narrative role (who?)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #454 on: January 25, 2025, 10:34:51 am »

Yeah, I mean I'm up for burning NJW.  And I sus Juice but 'maybe just maf'?

But hey, we got a narrative claim claiming they die because of their narrative and that they unlock... it sounds easy.

I'm still confused but this seems clear enough, I don't think this can be a town Narrative and bleepity bleep but wowsers wow and yeah so Tric?

Narratives are epic.  So burn a not-town narrative?

Sounds good.  I'm just freaked about the idea of a not-town narrative that unlocks fast.  Own the night?  ahhhh.  Talk about being in a horror story.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #455 on: January 25, 2025, 11:59:57 am »

Apparently roleblocks are not known. So I have no clue if last night's action resolved or not.

So Imp, you're afraid of a Narrative where I just kill myself? Or are you afraid of what happens afterward?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #456 on: January 25, 2025, 12:23:51 pm »

I will be posting my reads soon, but first I want to report that I was not roleblocked tonight. My action definitely did go through. I targeted CM with a genre inspect as well and got a eurogame result.

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #457 on: January 25, 2025, 01:37:20 pm »

NJW: Well, who did you target?

I targeted TricMagic, to move my quasi-protect onto them.

I get the directional block thing on Verm for free, because I put it on them N1. Adding Juicebox to it didn't require targeting them last night. My role is slow and slightly confusing, but can end up with me blocking a bunch of people from acting on someone.

Last night I stopped Verm and Juicebox targeting TricMagic.

I suspect Verm died because they were very publically checking claims against locations, and scum wanted to lie about their night actions without being caught out. If anyone else has the Global Campaign genre, they'd be wise to keep quiet about it.

Is there a challenge today? Nothing about magma's post suggests there is, and it would be weird if we weren't told about it.
Why these targets?
I don't entirely trust either of them. Although the Verm thing was more because I could thanks to N1 - Juicebox was the one I chose last night. Juicebox is one of my stronger scumreads, even after FoU's flip.

I stopped them targeting Tric because I assumed scum would be quite likely to target the player using the Challenge. Redirecting Tric onto a town player could lead to a day where only town could be eliminated.
OK that's plausible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #458 on: January 25, 2025, 01:50:48 pm »

Apparently roleblocks are not known. So I have no clue if last night's action resolved or not.

So Imp, you're afraid of a Narrative where I just kill myself? Or are you afraid of what happens afterward?

Sure, you can suggest and probe at my fear of killing the wrong maf first.

My mech doesn't tell me anything about that being in play.

I was worried about FoU being there.  Apparently no, but I was ready to face that with FoU.

I'd definitely rather elim a scum than have the scum die the way the scum's ability sets up for, I do imagine the collateral damage to town, if any, is less.

And as I accepted when I didn't prevent FoU's flip with everything I had, if you do empower your team when you go, maybe we were made to have a chance even so.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #459 on: January 25, 2025, 01:51:53 pm »

I will be posting my reads soon, but first I want to report that I was not roleblocked tonight. My action definitely did go through. I targeted CM with a genre inspect as well and got a eurogame result.

As you mess with those reads and stuff.

Be sure you tell us all why you thought a genre inspect on CM was the best ... towniest thing.  You could do.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #460 on: January 25, 2025, 02:46:15 pm »

My Reads are as follows:

NJW: I have no idea what Imp sees here. NJW is my strongest townread at this point. They've constantly been pushing cases and trying to solve the game

Elephant Parade: They've calmed down a bit since D1. They weren't been tunneling on Imp like D1 but instead entertained a couple of different cases D2

Not Sure:

Tric: I'm never too sure about Tric, their behavior is so erratic that I'm never sure if I'm reading them correctly. Maybe I'll get a feel for them eventually but at the moment I don't know

Salvatore Monday: Hasn't posted much. A decent observation here or there but not enough for me to townread them

Imp: Because of my Jack read below, I don't know if I can trust the town inspect on Imp anymore. Imp hasn't done anything outright scummy yet though, so I'm nullreading them for now.

Jack: I'm starting to lean scum on Jack now. I definitely wasn't blocked last night. Also they initially said that they targeted Salvatore Monday N1, when they had actually targeted me. And while they did explain it away as mistyping I think they may be lying about their actions in an attempt to confuse us.

CM: They've done nothing to change my initial read on them. They've barely been more active than me and hasn't stated any suspicions on anyone who isn't me.

@NQT I wouldn't trade resources with them. I don't trust them enough to give them any resources.

@Imp I wanted to gather information on CM since I thought that they were suspicious


Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #461 on: January 25, 2025, 03:01:01 pm »

Tric: I'm never too sure about Tric, their behavior is so erratic that I'm never sure if I'm reading them correctly. Maybe I'll get a feel for them eventually but at the moment I don't know
Has anything changed your opinion on them lately?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #462 on: January 25, 2025, 03:45:30 pm »

My Reads are as follows:

NJW: I have no idea what Imp sees here. NJW is my strongest townread at this point. They've constantly been pushing cases and trying to solve the game

Elephant Parade: They've calmed down a bit since D1. They weren't been tunneling on Imp like D1 but instead entertained a couple of different cases D2

Not Sure:

Tric: I'm never too sure about Tric, their behavior is so erratic that I'm never sure if I'm reading them correctly. Maybe I'll get a feel for them eventually but at the moment I don't know

Salvatore Monday: Hasn't posted much. A decent observation here or there but not enough for me to townread them

Imp: Because of my Jack read below, I don't know if I can trust the town inspect on Imp anymore. Imp hasn't done anything outright scummy yet though, so I'm nullreading them for now.

Jack: I'm starting to lean scum on Jack now. I definitely wasn't blocked last night. Also they initially said that they targeted Salvatore Monday N1, when they had actually targeted me. And while they did explain it away as mistyping I think they may be lying about their actions in an attempt to confuse us.

CM: They've done nothing to change my initial read on them. They've barely been more active than me and hasn't stated any suspicions on anyone who isn't me.

@NQT I wouldn't trade resources with them. I don't trust them enough to give them any resources.

@Imp I wanted to gather information on CM since I thought that they were suspicious


Walk me from here:

Okay, so reads.

Let's do the easiest first.

I'm reading Imp as town here. They're playing well within their town meta in my opinion. They are contributing quite a lot to the discussion and they have also been pretty forthcoming with information

To your current read.

That another player says they inspect me can't change my alignment.

Town or scum can say someone else is town or scum.  Heck, last game when I was maf I said that town Verm was town.

How'd I go from your top read to 'sus because of Jack but null' and "Imp hasn't done anything outright scummy yet though, so I'm nullreading them for now"?

I mean... I lost a lot of ground between being your top town to hit null despite 'hasn't done anything outright scummy yet though'.

What's up, doc?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #463 on: January 25, 2025, 03:47:22 pm »

TricMagic, you missed this question:
Tricmagic & Euchrejack
NQT: Pick 'Ice Cream' and, assuming no interference, I can have a 3-shot version of a pretty good ability. I obviously can't use it at the same time as the other thing, though.
Do you both agree that this is a good thing for me to do? (Don't tell me what the power does)

Juice, you forgot to include me in your reads. Also, it's pretty funny/convenient that you did the same action on the same target as I did.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Three
« Reply #464 on: January 25, 2025, 03:49:01 pm »

Salvatore, who do you think is the best elimination target today?
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