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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 30007 times)

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #390 on: January 23, 2025, 02:02:29 pm »

Why on Earth would I have used it myself? I think challenging is horrifyingly anti-town for approximately a million reasons, even with mandatory hammers, and that doesn't change just because I'd be the one doing it. Imagine if I had challenged Imp last night!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #391 on: January 23, 2025, 02:24:32 pm »

Re: CYOS1.

From my reread, the closer I got to execution in that game, the more energized I became.

To the point of...

Hammer me, you cowards


Also, notably, it was Day 3 and we were 140 pages in.

So I'm not sure how useful the comparison is.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #392 on: January 23, 2025, 02:26:07 pm »

NQT: thoughts on CM now they've claimed they won't have a kill after all? I'd struggle to see why scum would end up saying that, but interested in your take.
I think it's pretty suboptimal play either way. If you're town and are setting up a vigilante kill, you shouldn't claim that. Setting anything up 5 nights in advance is also a very weird thing to claim. Claiming that you've failed to set things up, when you said that that was what you were doing is also bizarre. I think regardless of alignment, Crystal isn't playing her A-game. What she's said could just as easily be scum providing info over analysis/hunting, or a town player who doesn't have the time and attention available to play well right now.

What I will say is, I don't doubt she really could have a role that gains accretively in power but requires actions and circumstances to continue to align to get it at full power. That seems fully in keeping with my own role and Magma's NPC flip.

Elephant Parade
If you're thinking of doing anything other than taking the option I asked for, now's the time to say so so I can argue you out of it.
I've already submitted the task to Magma and it was the one you asked for. Assuming it does what it says on the tin, I agree that looks like the best one.

Fallacy, why NJW over Crystal or Juice?

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #393 on: January 23, 2025, 02:27:19 pm »

Elephant Parade
If you're thinking of doing anything other than taking the option I asked for, now's the time to say so so I can argue you out of it.
I've already submitted the task to Magma and it was the one you asked for. Assuming it does what it says on the tin, I agree that looks like the best one.
Oh, interesting. I thought I'd be informed. I think I misunderstood how my action works.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #394 on: January 23, 2025, 02:29:01 pm »

@FoU: point taken about comparison. I think I still want to elim you though.

Why on Earth would I have used it myself? I think challenging is horrifyingly anti-town for approximately a million reasons, even with mandatory hammers, and that doesn't change just because I'd be the one doing it. Imagine if I had challenged Imp last night!
Fair enough, mainly wanted to see your response.

Also… I think we have like 1.5 hours left? Correct me if I’m wrong.
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #395 on: January 23, 2025, 03:03:41 pm »

Elephant Parade
If you're thinking of doing anything other than taking the option I asked for, now's the time to say so so I can argue you out of it.
I've already submitted the task to Magma and it was the one you asked for. Assuming it does what it says on the tin, I agree that looks like the best one.
Oh, interesting. I thought I'd be informed. I think I misunderstood how my action works.
It might be Magma hasn't had time to process it yet.

I think it's an hour to go.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #396 on: January 23, 2025, 03:15:08 pm »

I suppose I may as well do the spiel, since I'm the main execution candidate. I'll keep quiet about some of it, though.

My role is Risk Legacy. Unfortunately, I don't have any nukes.

My genre is Global Campaign. It'll flip when I die, but in the meantime I'm keeping quiet on it, so that if I survive, we can still use the specifics to catch out scum. To summarize, there are five Locations, people move between them, and Verm and I always know where everyone is.

My three main abilities are Minor City, Scar, and Resource. For each, I target a player, and then everyone at that player's location at the end of the Night gets an effect.

I used Minor City last night, causing everyone at Imp's location to learn their location.

Resource lets players know whether their action succeeded. Scar prevents players from self-targeting.

I also have one useless ability, which I suspect I share with Verm, and two one-shots I can only use if a mafia player was executed the previous day.

As my parting words, I'd say - don't give into the temptation to take the easy execution.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #397 on: January 23, 2025, 03:17:00 pm »

Oh, and NJW2000 should have learned their location last Night. The fact that they won't admit it is sus.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #398 on: January 23, 2025, 03:36:12 pm »

(4)FoU: Jack, NJW, Elephant, Salvatore Monday, Tric, -Imp,
(2)NJW: Imp, FallacyOfUrist,
(2)CM: Juice
(2)Juicebox: VermilionSkies, NQT

Not voting: Crystal

Right now, Imp is functionally preventing the main wagon from being hammered. If she doesn't turn up in the next 25 minutes I won't be impressed. Crystal has still done nothing all day. Juice isn't much better.

Fallacy's claim is somewhat plausible for town, I actually prefer Juice or Crystal over Fallacy. (Not least of all that a town-Crystal or a town-Juice cannot be trusted at LYLO, while a town-Fallacy could.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #399 on: January 23, 2025, 03:39:59 pm »

I used Minor City last night, causing everyone at Imp's location to learn their location.

This should affect me too?

I was not told a/my location in my results.  I checked with Mater if this is a mistake.  Mater says no.

So maybe this was somehow prevented; I don't claim that I prevented it.  I also don't have any passive mech or anything that tells me 'you don't get told where you are if you otherwise would be told' so I don't know what's going on there.

Verm and I always know where everyone is.

You've claimed you don't know where Tric is; I don't think you're lying but pointing out various limitations and other factors that may affect stuff.

Why on Earth would I have used it myself? I think challenging is horrifyingly anti-town for approximately a million reasons, even with mandatory hammers, and that doesn't change just because I'd be the one doing it. Imagine if I had challenged Imp last night!

I like this reasoning.

This game:

Easy Mode

Scum is literally just the lurkers Fallacy + Juice + Crystal

Intermediate Mode

Scum are second tier players playing a good game, like Vermillion + Tric + Salvatore

Funny Mode

Euchrejack + Imp + Crystal trying to cover one another and chainsaw each other's detractors.

Hard Mode

NJW + Elephant Parade + Euchrejack all deep undercover.

Your funny mode sure looks funny to me.  I guess Jack's chainsaw of me is the greencheck and nothing else?  I don't see him protecting CM.  I don't see CM protecting anyone.  Me, sure.  Why'd you leave Verm off the list, you voted me for demoing my blue vote on him at start of day as if that meant something.

I still think NQT is probably maf.  He's making weird whoopsies and failures to see and understand - or claims so, in his posts.  I don't see him do that as town the previous games.  But how can his funny list not include Verm who I definitely have hard-defended in some posts?

These modes have no overlap, maybe they never do.  But I think it's a pure joke post, without meaning into NQT's thinking except glancingly/superficially/trying to look okay.  Untrue and scummy.

I think this is our current votecount, and all names are in the colors of my reads:  townlean, whatisit, scumlean, my negative vote.

(4)FoU: Jack, NJW, Elephant, Salvatore Monday, Tric -Imp,
(3)Juicebox: VermilionSkies, NQT, Imp
(2)NJW: Imp, FallacyOfUrist,
(1)CM: Juice,

Not voting

Reminder, it's 6 to hammer

Note, I moved my vote to Juice because I've accepted I won't get a NJW elim today either, bah.

FoU, please move to Juice.  Anyone else willing to compromise?

Note, Verm's no longer green to me.  Not townie enough in talking.  He should be bumping around with me, playing or mad or something.  He can explain later if town, he can do anything he pleases if not.

I accept hearing from him and FoU the location deets later, but I would hate to see FoU flip town, I'm pretty sure Juice flips maf so that is a fine compromise to me.

FoU... please don't scar CM.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #400 on: January 23, 2025, 03:43:19 pm »

Imp it's going to be really hard to round up 3 votes for juice in 15 minutes what are you doing


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #401 on: January 23, 2025, 03:43:51 pm »

Imp, I just meant it would be funny if that were the team. It was a fun post. I was having fun.

Anyway, we're 15 minutes left, Fallacy  is protecting Juice


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #402 on: January 23, 2025, 03:45:22 pm »

Imp it's going to be really hard to round up 3 votes for juice in 15 minutes what are you doing

Fal is probably the chosen maf sacrifice.

I'd take Juice by preference.

NQT seems to like Juice until I move to support.

Fallacy's claim is somewhat plausible for town, I actually prefer Juice or Crystal over Fallacy. (Not least of all that a town-Crystal or a town-Juice cannot be trusted at LYLO, while a town-Fallacy could.)

Anyway, we're 15 minutes left, Fallacy  is protecting Juice

These lies are laughable.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #403 on: January 23, 2025, 03:47:01 pm »

If Fou's here and moves to juice; if NQT moves back to juice.  If EP moves to Juice.

We got 1 more?

Juice is an acceptable compromise to me.

Let's keep FoU around 1 more day and see what happens, we agree to flip Juice?

1 more person?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #404 on: January 23, 2025, 03:49:11 pm »

He's making weird whoopsies and failures to see and understand - or claims so, in his posts.
You're displaying the reading comprehension of a myopic slug. For the record, you repeatedly refused to answer very direct questions, repeatedly asked. Not really doing a lot to convince me that that green check was real! You have a lot of time to spam out walls, but not enough time to carefully answer questions?

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