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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 30058 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #375 on: January 22, 2025, 10:15:55 pm »

I only have like 13 posts left for today, so I will be considerably slower to post.  We have like 18 hours left to end of day, and of course must ensure a hammer before the actual time runs out.

Our votes are currently 4/2/2/1 with 1 not-yet-voting and of course the -1 from me until I remove it.  I think NJW is a totally valid vote!  I can't post much more today but please consider the cases and join me in voting out the most dangerous maf in this game!

I think this is our current votecount, and all names are in the colors of my reads:  townlean, whatisit, scumlean, my negative vote.

(4)FoU: Jack, NJW, Elephant, Salvatore Monday, Tric -Imp,
(2)NJW: Imp, FallacyOfUrist,
(2)CM: Juice, NQT,
(1)Juicebox: VermilionSkies,

Not voting

Reminder, it's 6 to hammer

Yeah, my mech is weird, probably on purpose.

It's useful for me to know that Grand Campaign exists and there's 5 related locations.

Risk was mentioned, risk has 6 main locations and loads of sub locations, so I'm not sure if Risk and Grand Campaign are the same thing or overlap or maybe something else.  If risk has a 6th location that isn't part of Grand Campaign, I would not be surprised (may not exist... my info is vague and maybe designed to help me enjoy guessing and hunting for answers/more clues).

I am completely unsurprised if there are 'properties', a set of 'locations' that may or may not overlap with the 5 of Grand Campaign.

For example, the traditional US monopoly has US street names, so if US is a location for Global Campaign then I would expect all of monopoly properties might also be in the US.  However, maybe not; and a special monopoly board might have properties around the world and even off it.

I'm guessing with some clues to work with; I know incredibly little about actual location names and must infovore for them, which I accept and embrace.

I am a green-checked town, but... I don't need the knowledge right away necessarily?  I can maybe scavenge it from flips and I don't know what the maf have.  The value of me gaining location names (and there may be 2+ sets of locations... as I define the concept.  Seems for sure there is at least 1 set) may not outweigh the value of maf getting them, so I'm torn in case maf doesn't have them (all) yet.

So discuss what's townie, when it seems right.

But yeah.  I can potentially use specific location info in some [redacted] way.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #376 on: January 22, 2025, 10:20:26 pm »

Good question. Why do you want to know, if your ability affects properties and not locations?

By the way, what's your current read on NJW2000? Answer and... I'll let you pick a player for me to give my own read on. (Preferably not someone with low post count, but a deal's a deal.)
I'm still working out NJW2000, but I probably won't be voting them today.

What is your read on CM?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #377 on: January 22, 2025, 11:19:48 pm »

Verm, you're making me nervous.

You're pretty quiet but definitely paying attention.

You've seen me fight for people before.  You in BYOAlignment specifically.

You should recognize what I'm doing with CM and it should give you warm fuzzies, as well as whatever else it gives you.  You know my greencheck report and you've just seen me be scum last game.

But that doesn't explain your relative reticence.

I could use some help with elim of NJW.

Why are you... appearing pretty disinterested?  If you're really sure I'm wrong about NJW, please discuss.

I don't remember us not working hand in glove before, do you?

I loved solving the game with you, we've already done this multiple times.  And I've needed your help before.

What's up, doc?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #378 on: January 23, 2025, 02:03:59 am »

Good question. Why do you want to know, if your ability affects properties and not locations?

By the way, what's your current read on NJW2000? Answer and... I'll let you pick a player for me to give my own read on. (Preferably not someone with low post count, but a deal's a deal.)
I'm still working out NJW2000, but I probably won't be voting them today.

What is your read on CM?

Hm, not much of an answer. I'll expect more tomorrow (if I'm still alive).

I also notice you didn't answer my other question.

Annoyingly, I can't use the 'view posts' feature for CM, since CM is a member of Team 1 in a certain card design game, so I'll have to dig through the thread manually.

Gimme a bit.

Point 1:

The auction is definitely a scum sided ability. Removing votes from town tends to be, and the abilities available were of questionable usefulness, aside from the very last one. CM took the "unexecutable" ability and forfeited her vote - shows a bit of a lack of guts. But then again, a lot of other people also took auction abilities, and they can't all be scum.
-Point 1b: CM is almost certainly lying about some aspects of the reward she got for clearing the auction. A kill that can be used only once it's night 5 or later is... Well, we have 11 players. If we lose two players per cycle that goes...

Day 1: 11 players
Day 2: 9 players
Day 3: 7 players
Day 4: 5 players
Day 5: 3 players

And that's assuming scum don't just, you know. Win. I'm guessing there's either two scum or three scum, more likely three, since our mod isn't using third parties. Given that, assuming two players die per cycle, and if they're all town, Day 3 would be MYLO.

Obviously, that hasn't happened, we're still at 11 players on Day 2, but the point remains that in a typical game, a night 5 kill in an 11-player game would never be used.

It makes zero sense. So CM is either lying or at the very least leaving things out. But, as we know, lying isn't always scummy. It could be a town attempt at hiding a trump card. Or a scum attempt at hiding a doomsday device that kills us all on night 5.

Small chance it's just the truth, never outguess the mod, but I wouldn't say it's likely.

CM later claimed during Day 2 to not be Betrayal, which also seems unlikely, but it's certainly possible. There's other options, such as Cluedo or Disastles (wait, Disastles is a card game).

Factor result: scum lean.

Point 2:
NJW2000, Elephant Parade, and EuchreJack form a triangle of support, this is sus as all hell
CM hasn't been very active. Of course, we have to factor in the Hyper factor - IRL business, as Crystal mentioned earlier. Engagement is thus a better measure of towniness than raw activity.

(Otherwise, Imp would always be town.)

I'm willing to forgive her first-day detachment as a symptom of things beyond the game. That's fair and fine.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was also some bias at play, being focused on the auction - which has the vibe of a Genre ability, given its expansiveness.

It does look like CM has... not exactly been more active and engaged on Day 2. Worse than juicebox, even.


Factor result: scum lean.

Point 3:

Crystalizedmire is being talked about a lot as a potential execution candidate, but so far, no sign of an organized push has occurred.

Ironically, I'd say this is closer to a sign of scumminess. "I tooootally scum read this person", but never actually following up with a vote, is a prime position for one scum player to put another.

Factor result: scum lean.

End result: moderately scummy.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #379 on: January 23, 2025, 04:12:59 am »

NJW2000: Were you told your location last night?
Why do you want to know?
Is there a reason not to answer?
I don't know if there is, there's obviously a lot I don't know about locations. I think you have a reason for asking. I don't trust you.

I note that you declined to answer my question, despite being the likely elimination.

Verm: should I answer FoU's question here?
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #380 on: January 23, 2025, 08:22:18 am »

Can you succinctly explain your NJW case?
Sure. [1600 words of explanation and quotes]
(Aside: You either don't know what the word 'succinctly' means or you don't care.)

You've said NJW appeared 'scared'. I've seen the quote you've shared, but I don't see why you think he was scared. He was voting you, yes, but why does that make him 'scared'? Remember that a town-NJW wouldn't know that a town-Imp is town.

Your case is based on secret role stuff, which obviously convinces no one else, and NJW's general meta. Do you see how these aren't very convincing arguments?

You've been resolute in your defence of Crystal, but why? What has she done to earn that trust? She's still yet to vote today! Does that look like a player who is trying to catch scum?

Vote Analysis

I like Imp's colour-coded vote count. It's something I've done myself in the past. Let's see what it looks like from my perspective:

(4)FoU: Jack, NJW, Elephant, Salvatore Monday, Tric, -Imp,
(2)NJW: Imp, FallacyOfUrist,
(2)CM: Juice, NQT,
(1)Juicebox: VermilionSkies,

Not voting

  • Crystal and Juice probably are not both mafia, as there's no particular reason for Juice to be distancing. If Juice were on a team with Fallacy this would make even less sense.
  • Although they're my top picks, the scum team probably is not literally juice/fallacy/crystal - I must be wrong about at least one of these. I would be very surprised if I were wrong about all three.
  • If Crystal flips scum and Imp continues to survive the night, we should eventually question Imp's hard defense of her (Imp could be a Godfather, or, much less likely, scum alongside Euchrejack).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #381 on: January 23, 2025, 08:32:24 am »

Thinking on this some more...

I think it's clear that Crystal probably should go but also that Imp can use her antivote to veto that wagon today.

As there are no third parties, we can expect there to be 3/11 scum. If there are eight town players, and it takes six to hammer, and we have to hammer to eliminate, then we might expect generally scum won't have a reason to bus unless the elimination looks certain. As such, we'll need one pure wagon. Right now, that looks like the Fallacy wagon — though there are some unknown elements voting on it.

Let's see what happens if I go for Juice, with the understanding that I'll be around EOD to make sure there is an actual elimination this time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #382 on: January 23, 2025, 11:37:34 am »

Bleep you, with respect and joy.

I am imp.


Who picked Web, the most dangerous scum in the game, out D1.

Of BYOMonster.

Who picked 4maskwolf to alignment inspect N1 - oh, someone wants to say 'that's verifiable mech'?  -- it wasn't what guided my choice to pick 4maskwolf.


Who picked Verm, the most kill-capable scum... and arguably the most dangerous (he was the one who finished the game.... Jack MVP too, but still...) out D1.

Of MVM4...

Who didn't manage to catch a maf 3 days in a row.  We know why.

You can yell about my supporting details, but the TLDR is at the top.  67 words, can stop there.  People wanting evidence can continue.  You're wack, but trying your best.  Love you for it.

I didn't need a 'case' past what I gave here, for any previous game.

CYOS1.  Maf tried so hard to save web too.  It took 2 elims happening D1 to get 1 to be web, and a heck of a lot of cooperation.

Still, I'm imp.  I need cooperation to do anything.

If I'm wrong about NJW, where's the wave of scum who know he's town and I'm wrong and want to see NJW dead?  Blame her imperial majesty.  Well, we believed imp?

Didn't happen.  I couldn't get him voted D1, with the weird vote-eating mechanics.

The possible maf I hold for a bit 'sole-hammer rights' on is the only one to vote him with me today so far.

Town doesn't know, but they know my background and history.

Maf know.  If NJW is town... why won't any of the maf gladly touch him because imp thought it was a good idea?

Oh.  Maf know.  Like the little children know.  Maf trying so hard to avoid votin' NJW, especially not in numbers.

Come, little mafia.  The time's come to play.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #383 on: January 23, 2025, 11:55:51 am »

Someone please recap me on the thread. I didn't consider Fallacy to be super suspicious I was mostly suspicious of Juicebox.

And also, the night the kill comes is probably never now since I didn't get enough buildup to execute it.
I like birds


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #384 on: January 23, 2025, 12:07:41 pm »

Again, that's a lot of fine words, but could you please answer the very clear questions I asked:

You've said NJW appeared 'scared'. I've seen the quote you've shared, but I don't see why you think he was scared. He was voting you, yes, but why does that make him 'scared'?

You've been resolute in your defence of Crystal, but why? What has she done to earn that trust? She's still yet to vote today! Does that look like a player who is trying to catch scum?

This self-aggrandisement isn't going to convince me, and I doubt it'll convince anyone else. Please try and be slightly less bombastic and slightly more helpful. I'd like it if NJW were scum— he didn't vote on D1 and that fits neatly with my theories about general scum behaviour. But right now I don't think he's the best candidate.

If I'm wrong about NJW, where's the wave of scum who know he's town and I'm wrong and want to see NJW dead?
There are presumably only three scum players and there are more than three players who are currently off the Fallacy wagon. Fallacy is currently also voting NJW — Fallacy being the player most other players currently think is scum.

If NJW is scum, who do you think is on his team?

Someone please recap me on the thread. I didn't consider Fallacy to be super suspicious I was mostly suspicious of Juicebox.

And also, the night the kill comes is probably never now since I didn't get enough buildup to execute it.
We'll you're in luck, because Juice is the current #2 wagon, so feel free to vote him. I posted the current votecount about three posts back. Most players think you look bad because you haven't done anything all day, except for Imp who likes you for some reason, and NJW who doesn't think you're the worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #385 on: January 23, 2025, 12:08:57 pm »

*The first part of my last post was directed at Imp. Managed to mess up the attribution of the third quote there.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #386 on: January 23, 2025, 12:22:20 pm »

he didn't vote on D1
*For clarity, I mean, NJW wasn't voting at the end of the day. And I can almost see the reason given the specific weird circumstance of the lynch with so many people losing their vote. Though I think it's weak. He should have been voting for someone. He did persue votes earlier in the day. Still, given the other players and his engagement, I think this is a "don't kill first" player.

Fallacy, on the other hand, was late to use his vote and didn't hammer Juice, which fits with the Fallacy+Juice scum theory. He claims he wasn't counting the votes, which is possible, but Tric had posted a vote count earlier up the same page, ~29 posts back, so while not impossible, it seems a bit more questionable.

I've not really seen why, even if she doesn't like NJW for whatever role or meta reason, Imp likes Fallacy and Juice more thank NJW.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #387 on: January 23, 2025, 12:53:33 pm »

This game:

Easy Mode

Scum is literally just the lurkers Fallacy + Juice + Crystal

Intermediate Mode

Scum are second tier players playing a good game, like Vermillion + Tric + Salvatore

Funny Mode

Euchrejack + Imp + Crystal trying to cover one another and chainsaw each other's detractors.

Hard Mode

NJW + Elephant Parade + Euchrejack all deep undercover.

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #388 on: January 23, 2025, 01:03:46 pm »

This is interesting. I was pretty suspicious of you this morning because, on top of my D1 read, I found it really weird (albeit potentially coincidental) that you opened the day by going after my top two scumreads with IMO really shaky cases. Now you're playing as I would expect town to play. Although assuming FoU flips scum like I expect I could imagine this being an attempt to reroute the lynch... Is FoU+NQT an unlikely team for other reasons? Maybe, I'm not sure.

If you're thinking of doing anything other than taking the option I asked for, now's the time to say so so I can argue you out of it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #389 on: January 23, 2025, 01:16:59 pm »

FoU: I did notice you never answered my question here, about the resemblance between your play in the CYOS game and this one. I know it's an inconvenient one, but I'd appreciate an answer.

Broadly speaking, you became more aggressive as you got closer to the elim that game.

NQT: thoughts on CM now they've claimed they won't have a kill after all? I'd struggle to see why scum would end up saying that, but interested in your take.

EP: you say you have access to the challenge ability. What was your rationale for not using it last night or claiming it for tonight?
One wheel short of a wagon
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