Hm, so I have a dillema.
I'm probably going to be executed. (Amusingly, this means my town meta is being detached and my mafia meta is being engaged, which is the opposite of the norm.)
If I share the list of who started in what location, it'll keep Verm from falsifying the list later if he's scum.
However, it would make it easier for scum to fakeclaim, which would hurt Verm's ability to catch them in lies if he's town.
I believe this is our vote count. NQT moved to CM, so I think FoU is actually L-2 still. Colors are my rough sus range, purp is intermediate and teal's my -vote.
Salvatore Monday,
Tric -
VermilionSkiesNot voting
CrystalizedMireIf I manage to restrain my urge to save CM at any cost. One of which means for today is allow early hammer of FoU to help prevent other shenanigans. But I don't want FoU dead today (want someone else dead) and I am not deeply sure FoU is maf (seems likely, but that would suck to early hammer and FoU flips town. I would not like that feeling, I can imagine it.) And maybe the suspicious and the scum of the game don't unite to whale on CM.
I think there's more time, though I'm twitchy too.
FoU, you gotta decide on that reveal.
I can tell you that I was not told where I started. Like, not "Imp, you start on B2." type of... So I don't personally know if it is even something to maybe catch maf in lies about or not. I got to see my role and among my questions to the mod before confirming actually was 'so, do I start in a location?' and got told what. And when the game started, I asked, "Do I know what my location is?" and I got told something that was not a location.
So, I am in a ongoing confusion about what locations are and what the range of them may be. Teach me to submit 'Wonderboy' as a character, means I gotta have stuff to wonder about? I wonder.
This CM stuff.
Mech I have says CM's claims are plausible.
CM's acting reasonably similar to how NQT himself acted in Max's Supernormal.
I was cool with it then while scum tried to dig him out. I was playing hide the human there.
Let's declare CM a human doing some important town job and stop trying to elim CM.