I just realized there's a chance this object forces a challenge not between Tric and whomever Tric picks.
But between EP and whomever Tric picks.
If I had to choose between no elim or EP or any of CM, Verm, Imp, Tric, Jack - I support either no elim or EP.
If I got to choose between no elim or EP or either of Juice or NJW, I take the either of. I'd definitely want an elim.
If I had to choose between no elim or EP or any of nqt, Sal, FoU - I would probably take the any over EP. I'd definitely want an elim unless new info changes my mind.
I find it interesting that EP presented it to us as if whatever's done 'buff's EP'.
And I guess that the bugle allows whomever was offered challenge as a... way to retaliate? If it's EP-focused, that's why I suspect we choose between EP and other, not Tric and other.
To the person who got the thing: Please take the option that lets me gain the predetermined unlimited-shot ability, not the 3-shot version of one of several abilities (all of them are IMO worse than the unlimited-shot ability) or the extra vote. Also, please make your choice late enough in the day that the condition won't turn out to be impossible to meet.
I tracked EJ and did an action on another person that basically lets them pick which buff I'll get. I'd quote but I'm PFP. Look through my post history.
So, I suspect the bugle's a challenge 'buff' on EP and someone else. Or has to be between Tric and EP, which makes the conversation... interesting.
If I had to elim between Tric and EP. I would wonder why all the better elim options were being taken away from me. Why oh why oh why.
But I wouldn't fret too terribly. We have a lot of town left.
I explicitly, though privately, asked Mater if there were conversions; faction cannot be converted in this game.
The one flip we see suggests that our roles may grow exponentially in power over time... even if town. Probably even if maf. I'd like an elim today and tomorrow, but I don't want a town elim and... maybe there's some hope as time passes.
I wouldn't bet town on that but I'm sure Tric's taking everything Tric knows into consideration.