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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29885 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #270 on: January 21, 2025, 09:27:58 am »

Yes, Marshmallows is the name of the Protect ability in the Family Genre, and Tric was quite clear that he was going to use the Protect.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #271 on: January 21, 2025, 09:52:24 am »

Claim: I share a genre with two other players. The players with this genre know who has it.

Once there are only two living players with this ability, they each learn the other's faction.

Yesterday, I asked in a rather veiled way if people wanted to talk about it, and they apparently did not. I don't want to reveal further details. You can ask questions if you're confused, but more information is unlikely today.

A quick check back using the search function for the word "auction" reveals NJW as the one who was pushing that narrative. At least in recent messages. Elephant just thinks there is Scum in the auction list. Which is Tric/NQT/Fal/Imp/Jack?
No I wasn't, Tric. I'm relaxed about CM's getting a kill N5, and didn't push any narrative that we should be scared of it. You do this to me a lot.

Is NJW in the building?
I'm British. I'm not too proud to apologise.

I behave like this no matter my alignment. Channeling a little bit of mania and showmanship helps make games more fun.
Do you? "You can't read me based on changes in my attitude" is only ever said by people who don't want to be read based on changes in their attitude.

More importantly, you only give crazy theatre kid vibes when you're town. As scum you tend to be a bit bland and mechanically focused, changing to grouchy when you're pressured. I remember reading you on this in the CYOS game, and pointing it out to you.

This game... you're kind of neither? Which would honestly show a very positive development in your play as either alignment, because both have gotten you killed before. But it's interesting that you say you're displaying mania and showmanship. You seemed to have the opposite feeling yesterday.

I think there's 1-3 scum in the pool of people who had a vote at the end of D1, and 0-2 outside it. So I'd really prefer to elim in the vote-havers today. Probably not EP. I'm willing to give HyperSalvation some time, especially after Hyper's posts late D1. So Juicebox and FoU.

I'm kind of interested in Verm too... they've been voting Juicebox and Fallacy, which is probably good town play, but they have also been very quiet and inoffensive. Not one for today though.

FallacyofUrist: are you willing to eliminate Juicebox today? If not, why?
One wheel short of a wagon

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #272 on: January 21, 2025, 09:52:51 am »


NQT: I had explicitly asked CM to take Smithy because nobody, IIRC, had expressed a scumread of her and there was an approximately 0% chance of her being lynched that day. So I feel vaguely positive about it.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #273 on: January 21, 2025, 10:19:46 am »

On Tric: The reason I wanted Tric to live during yesterday is because it would've been very profitable if they died last night from the Mafia.

EP: I notice you haven't actually mentioned what you did last night. You're the only person on the list who hasn't yet.
Speaking of, the rest of the list claims check out against the spreadsheet.

EJ, did you use any Free actions during your night? Who were they used on?

I still would love to hear from Juicebox. Severely.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #274 on: January 21, 2025, 10:33:52 am »

On Tric: The reason I wanted Tric to live during yesterday is because it would've been very profitable if they died last night from the Mafia.

EP: I notice you haven't actually mentioned what you did last night. You're the only person on the list who hasn't yet.
Speaking of, the rest of the list claims check out against the spreadsheet.

EJ, did you use any Free actions during your night? Who were they used on?

I still would love to hear from Juicebox. Severely.
Yes I have? I tracked EJ and did an action on another person that basically lets them pick which buff I'll get. I'd quote but I'm PFP. Look through my post history.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #275 on: January 21, 2025, 10:46:41 am »

Was the second action you performed a Free Action? And would you like to share who you targeted?

I have the target down to one of four people, but I'd like to hear from you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #276 on: January 21, 2025, 10:58:32 am »

Hello Everyone, I'm going to try to be more active today. I can confirm that I was unable to perform any actions tonight. If I could have I was going to track Elephant Parade.

@Elephant Parade Why track Jack instead of someone you were suspicious of, like me or Imp?

CM targeting themselves is also a bit suspicious to me, with that plus their focus on the auction, it really seems like they're playing for themselves instead of playing to help town.

CM are you more or less suspicious of anyone now that everyone's claimed their night results?

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #277 on: January 21, 2025, 11:14:25 am »

Was the second action you performed a Free Action? And would you like to share who you targeted?

I have the target down to one of four people, but I'd like to hear from you.
No. It was a Personal Action, and I targeted NQT.

Hello Everyone, I'm going to try to be more active today. I can confirm that I was unable to perform any actions tonight. If I could have I was going to track Elephant Parade.

@Elephant Parade Why track Jack instead of someone you were suspicious of, like me or Imp?

CM targeting themselves is also a bit suspicious to me, with that plus their focus on the auction, it really seems like they're playing for themselves instead of playing to help town.

CM are you more or less suspicious of anyone now that everyone's claimed their night results?
I wasn't confident in my ability to read EJ based on his day game, him having an inspect made him more important to verify, him having a third action for the night meant a track would give extra information, and I wanted to confirm that his inspect wasn't redirected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #278 on: January 21, 2025, 12:57:37 pm »

My trap card?  Seriously?  Well, great.

Hi, scared scum!

I still flip town.  And the rest of town can solve without me.

You may not want me flipped.  Ever.

You may really not want me flipped early.

If you're town, what a freaking shame.  But town can solve this even if they lose you too.  And I do not think you are town.

I hope the reveal of my flip finishes burning you guys and cements town without needing further town flips.

I think Scum NJW with all the scum know between them and all said in thread

Claim: I share a genre with two other players. The players with this genre know who has it.

Once there are only two living players with this ability, they each learn the other's faction.

Yesterday, I asked in a rather veiled way if people wanted to talk about it, and they apparently did not. I don't want to reveal further details. You can ask questions if you're confused, but more information is unlikely today.

And put together the best lie he could.  Nice, admirable.  Good guesses.  I claim and swear upon being a player nothing in my role or knowledge tells me this could be in play.

If 1+ of the supposed others choose to reveal, that's interesting.  I wouldn't mind town having that info, and it's easy to set up with maf especially because we know 2+ genre are possible.  So a maf who already claimed a genre could also claim this other one, plausible.

Let's see folks.  Anyone wanna save NJW that bad?

So I'm pretty sure Crystal's role is Betrayal At House On The Hill, specifically due to each of the auctioned abilities being rooms, taking a room being a willful action and choice - as in exploration - possessing a mixture of positive and negative effects - and granting a kill as the final result of exploring the rooms.

Thinking about it more, it may be one of those townie-roles-that-look-intentionally-scummy. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen one of those.

I think Elephant Parade and NJW2000 are either the scumteam, or masons.

VermSky initially gained some of my trust with his talk about the Location system - see, I'm also Global Campaign, so I understood what exactly is special about Tric.

Unfortunately, I think that Tric's decision to take the Darkroom mitigated some of that town-value, so only part of it remains, in addition to any value Verm's role gives it.

notquitethere definitely made an audacious play by taking Butchery, but that could be either confident scum believing they won't get killed, or town who is genuinely willing to take that gamble. Closer to null.

Frankly I scum lean Crystalizedmire - the claimed Night 5 kill simply makes no sense in a game with this few players, and this auction mechanic is, overall, anti-town. Yes, there's utility, but the main drawback (loss of votes) weakens town power overall.

That's my ability.
I'll say it's worth it but bear in mind I'm biased.

Hill house betrayal vibes.

I think maf were advised to find who the haunted house players are.  I think FoU is taking 'risk that' on himself.

I think NQT should get his bleep out of the wild and track who's actually fishing... antitownily.  That mis-attributed quote.

I think NJW made the biggest gamble and activated my trap card.  You guessed wrong, scared scum.

If you think anyone is maf, vote NJW.

There is no world in which anyone is maf unless NJW is.

Mater put me back in CYOS.  I am not... 'NJW's town counterpart'.  But I am back in CYOS and this is web, the most dangerous maf in the game.  Elim NJW.

NJW tried to guess what I meant by cement town and my flip and never flip me.

He may even have a scummy mechanic that's gonna give other players info about each other when he dies.  Or that genre call is just a flat lie to try and blend - and find the bleeping haunted house town players so they can be elim.

Happily I'm just town that knows a lot.  Maybe I did submit W13 the board game.  Or something else that's high info and much solving and gets all the needed tools with enough work.

But NJW ain't town and NJW dies today, please.  I put all I have on this is the elim today.  Let it ride.  Don't let this grow.  Burn this beautiful...

NJW dies today.  OMG help.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

... Mater made this game into something akin to .... CYOS1 + FBYOR6 for me.  It feels wonderful and we have to elim NJW really soon.  He's the maf I've been lookin' for... the one that got away because it wasn't in CYOS1 game, it's in this one.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As I always long for... if allowed.  Take my dreams and turn them to nightmares that are too good to play.

It happened, again. Mods, I love you all.  Especially mods that take dreams and stretch them.  But I love all mods.

Mater.  Thank you for this:

And this, oh... especially this.  For giving us this.  Dives into playing this boardgame next  "Oh, Galwin.  It's starting again."

Elim NJW.  Or else.

He's growing.  And he's traitor.  And he's gonna haunt and I don't THINK he haunts because he dies because he's getting so protected.  But the other scum deaths.  Could well be part of his unlocks.

This maf dies first, seems very likely it matters.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #279 on: January 21, 2025, 02:10:44 pm »

Imp, I love your passion for the game, but this latest post is coming across a tad... unhinged. NJW has made a bold claim, but it's not one that would make much sense for scum to invent whole cloth, as it would show him to be a liar as soon as everyone knows all the genres. You're doing the stochastic rolefishing move again by trying to encourage other players to reveal. Town withholding information is often a good thing! Please try to internalise this, it's important!

I personally can't see an NJW elimination happening today. Him not voting at the EOD was a red flag, I'll grant you, but of all the players I don't think he's the worst. A really fundamental thing in mafia is realising that town players spend most of their time attacking town. You need to look past the attacks against you and see who is actually trying to eliminate scum and who is coasting.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #280 on: January 21, 2025, 02:17:06 pm »

Hello Everyone, I'm going to try to be more active today. I can confirm that I was unable to perform any actions tonight. If I could have I was going to track Elephant Parade.

@Elephant Parade Why track Jack instead of someone you were suspicious of, like me or Imp?

CM targeting themselves is also a bit suspicious to me, with that plus their focus on the auction, it really seems like they're playing for themselves instead of playing to help town.

CM are you more or less suspicious of anyone now that everyone's claimed their night results?
My night result is that nobody targeted me last night. Targeting myself last night was indeed playing to myself. My role is very buildup heavy.
Last one is a yes actually. It is possible that scum decided not to kill but there is also a possibility that scum couldn't kill due to being blocked. This means I'm more suspicious of Vermillion and you.
Note: I cannot be eliminated as the result of the auction during day1

Guys, my role is not Betrayal At House on the Hill

Claim: I share a genre with two other players. The players with this genre know who has it.

Once there are only two living players with this ability, they each learn the other's faction.

Yesterday, I asked in a rather veiled way if people wanted to talk about it, and they apparently did not. I don't want to reveal further details. You can ask questions if you're confused, but more information is unlikely today.

And put together the best lie he could.  Nice, admirable.  Good guesses.  I claim and swear upon being a player nothing in my role or knowledge tells me this could be in play.

If 1+ of the supposed others choose to reveal, that's interesting.  I wouldn't mind town having that info, and it's easy to set up with maf especially because we know 2+ genre are possible.  So a maf who already claimed a genre could also claim this other one, plausible.

Let's see folks.  Anyone wanna save NJW that bad?
And my kill on n5 was somehow more believable? I don't know what you're getting at so can you please explain what you find suspicious about that statement laconicly?
I like birds


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #281 on: January 21, 2025, 02:26:41 pm »

And my kill on n5 was somehow more believable? I don't know what you're getting at so can you please explain what you find suspicious about that statement laconicly?

Yeah, I'm cool with CM claims throughout this game.  I believe they are townie.

At this time I don't see any town advantage in my explaining exactly what you requested, laconically, my laconic answer is "Sorry, no."

I personally can't see an NJW elimination happening today. Him not voting at the EOD was a red flag, I'll grant you, but of all the players I don't think he's the worst.

Cool, so you have 'worsts'.  Neat.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #282 on: January 21, 2025, 02:47:00 pm »

Note: I cannot be eliminated as the result of the auction during day1

Are you sure about this? Doesn't your anti-execution ability self-lock?

Oh, and I have one additional piece of info. I may have had my action duplicated, based on NQT's claim and my own results.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #283 on: January 21, 2025, 03:01:26 pm »

I behave like this no matter my alignment. Channeling a little bit of mania and showmanship helps make games more fun.
[1] Do you? "You can't read me based on changes in my attitude" is only ever said by people who don't want to be read based on changes in their attitude.

[2] More importantly, you only give crazy theatre kid vibes when you're town. As scum you tend to be a bit bland and mechanically focused, changing to grouchy when you're pressured. I remember reading you on this in the CYOS game, and pointing it out to you.

[3] This game... you're kind of neither? Which would honestly show a very positive development in your play as either alignment, because both have gotten you killed before. But it's interesting that you say you're displaying mania and showmanship. You seemed to have the opposite feeling yesterday.

[4] FallacyofUrist: are you willing to eliminate Juicebox today? If not, why?

Okay, I feel like it's important that I respond to this post.

[1] I do genuinely believe my attitude isn't a good way to read me. My pace and level of engagement would be better metrics.

[2] I'll dig up a counterexample or two once I'm home from work.

[3] You're right about this, though. I assessed my play based on my usual style and not how I've actually been acting.

Mania and showmanship are fun. And right now... I'm not using those aspects.

[4] I'll at least consider it. Remaining null for too long is a scumtell in itself, but I'd rather take people who are actually acting scummy first.

Right now, my short list is you, EP, and CM.

EuchreJack may have slipped earlier with his targeting claim, but I'll let him get away with it for now.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day Two
« Reply #284 on: January 21, 2025, 03:14:52 pm »

I think this is our current red votecount:

(3) FoU: NQT, Jack, NJW
(1) EP:  Tric
(1) NJW: Imp
(1) CM: Juice

Not voting
FallacyOfUrist, CrystalizedMire, VermilionSkies, Elephant Parade, Salvatore Monday

Hammer's only 6 and FoU is halfway there; my blue here now is just helping move a L-3 to an L-4 when the day's young and we got more to discuss.

I still totally support a save the game today NJW elim (no Duh?!) and my current reads:

Want alive D3:

Ehh?  Technically yeah I want these guys alive D3 too.  I'm just sure I want the above alive.

Probably does need to die[So, PDND instead of PoE], but NJW first (other order unsure if matters; decide later but I am more confident about Juice than the others):

For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.
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