My trap card? Seriously? Well, great.
Hi, scared scum!
I still flip town. And the rest of town can solve without me.
You may not want me flipped. Ever.
You may really not want me flipped early.
If you're town, what a freaking shame. But town can solve this even if they lose you too. And I do not think you are town.
I hope the reveal of my flip finishes burning you guys and cements town without needing further town flips.
I think Scum NJW with all the scum know between them and all said in thread
Claim: I share a genre with two other players. The players with this genre know who has it.
Once there are only two living players with this ability, they each learn the other's faction.
Yesterday, I asked in a rather veiled way if people wanted to talk about it, and they apparently did not. I don't want to reveal further details. You can ask questions if you're confused, but more information is unlikely today.
And put together the best lie he could. Nice, admirable. Good guesses. I claim and swear upon being a player nothing in my role or knowledge tells me this could be in play.
If 1+ of the supposed others choose to reveal, that's interesting. I wouldn't mind town having that info, and it's easy to set up with maf especially because we know 2+ genre are possible. So a maf who already claimed a genre could also claim this other one, plausible.
Let's see folks. Anyone wanna save NJW that bad?So I'm pretty sure Crystal's role is Betrayal At House On The Hill, specifically due to each of the auctioned abilities being rooms, taking a room being a willful action and choice - as in exploration - possessing a mixture of positive and negative effects - and granting a kill as the final result of exploring the rooms.
Thinking about it more, it may be one of those townie-roles-that-look-intentionally-scummy. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen one of those.
I think Elephant Parade and NJW2000 are either the scumteam, or masons.
VermSky initially gained some of my trust with his talk about the Location system - see, I'm also Global Campaign, so I understood what exactly is special about Tric.
Unfortunately, I think that Tric's decision to take the Darkroom mitigated some of that town-value, so only part of it remains, in addition to any value Verm's role gives it.
notquitethere definitely made an audacious play by taking Butchery, but that could be either confident scum believing they won't get killed, or town who is genuinely willing to take that gamble. Closer to null.
Frankly I scum lean Crystalizedmire - the claimed Night 5 kill simply makes no sense in a game with this few players, and this auction mechanic is, overall, anti-town. Yes, there's utility, but the main drawback (loss of votes) weakens town power overall.
That's my ability.
I'll say it's worth it but bear in mind I'm biased.
Hill house betrayal vibes.
I think maf were advised to find who the haunted house players are. I think FoU is taking 'risk that' on himself.
I think NQT should get his bleep out of the wild and track who's actually fishing... antitownily. That mis-attributed quote.
I think NJW made the biggest gamble and activated my trap card. You guessed wrong, scared scum.
If you think anyone is maf, vote NJW.
There is no world in which anyone is maf unless NJW is.
Mater put me back in CYOS. I am not... 'NJW's town counterpart'. But I am back in CYOS and this is web, the most dangerous maf in the game. Elim NJW.
NJW tried to guess what I meant by cement town and my flip and never flip me.
He may even have a scummy mechanic that's gonna give other players info about each other when he dies. Or that genre call is just a flat lie to try and blend - and find the bleeping haunted house town players so they can be elim.
Happily I'm just town that knows a lot. Maybe I did submit W13 the board game. Or something else that's high info and much solving and gets all the needed tools with enough work.
But NJW ain't town and NJW dies today, please. I put all I have on this is the elim today. Let it ride. Don't let this grow. Burn this beautiful...
You smile a little bit at the death of a traitor, but shake your head. You have work to do.
Now, perhaps for the sake of your memory of a certain innocent lord of pirates...
You break down a brick wall, crack the seal, and step into an underground lake.
There she is. What a beautiful corpse of a ship. You shudder in fear and delight.
You have gained the ability The Flying Dutchman!
(Item, Auto) The Flying Dutchman: A legendary husk of a ship, yet still breathing. You do not captain it, you merely offer it port. While you remain alive, the player with the role 'Pirate King' may take action during the Night, as the haunted ship carries them beyond the grave. This fact is revealed in deadchat. However, woe befall you if this ship has no port! If you die, this ability is publicly revealed and destroyed, and all dead players not of your alignment may take one action each during the next Night, as they hijack the Dutchman while she slips beneath the waves for the final time.
With regards to your question: Item abilities work just the same as other abilities, with the addition of the unique properties that Items have.
Keep in mind that you may only use one action per Night (though actions used as a result of your Team's effect do not count towards that limit).
NJW dies today. OMG help.
There is no universe in which that's the team.
Weird that this is the first post I see when I wake up. I can't shake the feeling that this is exactly the most likely team.
Your weird talk about being masons with them.
You tell web & toony jump (vote CM) - they jump.
Fallacy's post on how Toony keeps doing this thing where he asserts things without providing reasons was a great coherent argument from him, I'm impressed. The thing is, all three of you have been doing that.
And then I see both Toony and web assert that we need to keep Max alive because he supposedly can separate the lovers, which is a disturbingly bad non-alignment reason to keep someone alive.
If you think Max is town, you keep him alive.
If you think Max is scum, you lynch him and any golden mountains he promised are irrelevant.
And it doesn't even matter in the first place, because the two of them are vulnerable to a nightkill too so if mafia wants the 2-for-1 they can always get it.
So yeah, there are a lot of universes where you three are a team. I have to type this before I go to work and day 1 ends.
So, use your vote, go to web? Do you see a universe where Max is scum and web isn't? If you think Max is scum, go for web?
I can see a universe where Max is town and saves web, irrespective of web's alignment. But not the inverse.
... Mater made this game into something akin to .... CYOS1 + FBYOR6 for me. It feels wonderful and we have to elim NJW really soon. He's the maf I've been lookin' for... the one that got away because it wasn't in CYOS1 game, it's in this one.
Any of these things are potentially possible for me to do, all in the same phase. I do have limits, they're pretty broad and flexible except I don't currently have a great way to find and elim anti-town, probably part of why I can do so much - little to none of it without cooperation and/or assistance. I designed my role around the concept of 'empowering others, be they anyone, though of course I try to only help my allies'. Apparently nqt said, 'alright, you fool. Altruism isn't gonna save you; if you want to help them, you help yourself first. Get your own gas mask on, the plane's in trouble'. I can breathe, yay. Outflowing help coming soon, unless we agree nope, don't.
I don't expect to get a way to take out anti-town, I think I'm GOAT JOAT aka Robin Hood as Secret Santa aka whatever my real role name is (it's not Cthulhu of the 13 spheres and 25 actions either, but that's what I was/am scared anti-town can be.) But I don't think my night play is directly key or core to eliminating anti-town. I'm the game's biggest distraction, trying to not be too distracting, except as I reveal that I can do this shuffle of stuff, especially in and out of play I think it is gonna look terrifying; I'd rather openly shock and awe you all when we can discuss if anyone wants.
Just remember, it's possible, if you made the right role/sphere choices, to have... kinda log growth of your actions per night. And this can apply to scum if they made that choice.
There can be so much behind the scenes... I both want to say 'yes, let this game go to D20, it's gonna be so much fun at night!' and... scream in terror that it's already D3.
I had more than 2 actions last night, guys. This is fine, I'm town and fluffy, I'm not even scary to scum unless I get really lucky.
But really, there's a chance we have anti-town Cthulhu of the 13 spheres and 25 actions per night out there, or growing into that.
I am not comfortable saying 'hey, we got control over this, let's just see what happens night after night, day after day, No Elim is fine, we're safe'.
I'd love that to be true. I can't believe that's true.
If I move off NJW today it is because he convinces me he's town, or because some idiot decides to reveal to me that it is them who is the anti-town Cthulhu of 13 spheres and 25 actions. I don't know that is the role, or the number of spheres or number of actions. But I'm hoping it isn't even worse than that.
While you play games of your dreams, this game I stare at the chance that there could be unlimited actions. In the hands of anti-town. I'm cool, I 'play'. Robin Hood the Secret Santa, more or less - facing what could be Cthulhu who knows how to design a role even better than me. What I asked for is useless. All I got to fight scum is words, whoops. 'Scottish Novelist'? No. But I feel like I am finding out if the pen's mightier than the sword, because most of you asked for swords. We literally may not have time to mess around and play this game, no matter how fun it seems to play.
Play to your wincon. I literally don't have time to judge you by anything else. If the game's designed so you're anti-town and have to die more than once, EJ, I'm gonna relax a little, that sounds like playtime, running you through the lynch a few times while gifts pop up wherever they do, good and bad, and I get to trade a little and fix a few problems (I created them, sure, but I can fix 'em) while we watch whatever color EJ turns each time we rinse him through the elim again. That's actually the game I wish I could play.
Instead, nqt kindly designed me a role that gives me what I asked for and shows me how dangerous this game is, and events showed me what random can do atop that. Alright, we're in a nightmare, and there's no stopping it except elim (or kill?) the scum and end this dream before it is crushed. This game I'd otherwise enjoy taking to N20... I actually wish we could have ended it N2 with a town win and fond thoughts of what could have been if only the game went a little longer, we were so close to our powers.... no no. Now think about the anti-town and what they're wishing. We ain't got time for feuds, unless you'd rather feud than not lose.
As I always long for... if allowed. Take my dreams and turn them to nightmares that are too good to play.
It happened, again. Mods, I love you all. Especially mods that take dreams and stretch them. But I love all mods.
Mater. Thank you for this: this, oh... especially this. For giving us this.
Dives into playing this boardgame next "Oh, Galwin. It's starting again."
NJW. Or else.
He's growing. And he's traitor. And he's gonna haunt and I don't THINK he haunts because he dies because he's getting so protected. But the other scum deaths. Could well be part of his unlocks.
This maf dies first, seems very likely it matters.