Let's assume for now that Euchrejack is town and successfully clears Imp as town. And let's assume (as it could be independently verified) that these people were the people who could have targeted EJ:
The people who could've targeted EJ last night (assuming no Location manipulation) aaaare:
I'm good. I'm willing to give Hyper/Salvadore a pass for today as just subbed in. Elephant Parade I'm town reading. This leaves Crystal. Crystal who has done basically nothing both days other than answer questions about the auction.
ReadsThese are lighter in detail than I'd like, as just a snap impression from having read back. I'm sure they will continue to sharpen up as the day develops.
TownImp - Prolix as ever, touchy when accused but not as directly OMGUSy as when she was last mafia. Apparently cleared by EuchreJack.
Elephant Parade: I think this is a town EP. Stuck neck out to try to push for an auction plan. Actively pressuring other players
EuchreJack - Active. Cleared Imp, who could have been a possible target today as more than one person had been on her case D1.
NJW2000: I liked his reads on D1 and willingness to reassess his views. I didn't like the fact he decided to unvote and abscond from the EOD decision making. Still, can hardly talk myself as I wasn't able to around due to weekend plans.
VermilionSkies: Has tried to do solving stuff with the location reveals. Voted on D1 (low bar, and yet!)
Hyper/Salvatore Monday: We need to see more. Hyper didn't do much on day 1 probably due to RL issues. I want to give Salvatore at least a day.
TricMagic: Being incredibly tight-lipped about his abilities when usually town Tric is all MY ROLE. I wouldn't be surprised if we're seeing scum Tric here. Became uninspectable on D1. Apparently protected EJ though, so that's nice if true.
juicebox: Who? Where? Basically just lurking through. Didn't use vote until last part of D1.
FallacyOfUrist - Didn't vote until last third of the game. Didn't hammer Juicebox (if either flip scum then this looks bad for the other)
CrystalizedMire: has done nothing other than put forward the auction. Didn't vote all day and then grabbed an auction item to prevent themselves getting eliminated.
EveryoneWe need to have a wagon and hammer someone today. Two competing wagons would be even nicer. It's still early, more might yet be revealed, but I'll be badgering people on this point if they still have their votes on non-wagon picks by the second half of the day.
I personally consider the pool should be between the somewhat suspicious Fallacy, and the shifty do-nothings Juicebox, Crystal, and to a lesser extent Tric.