Imp: Could you make a case for VS being town based primarily on the content/tone/etc. of their posts, rather than your historical skill at reading them?
My eval: he's honestly, earnestly, and sincerely moving towards a town win, flavored by his role and other info he has, in his own playing style. I don't see/feel a single thing that doesn't fit within that.
That's perfectly generic, and therefore perfectly unconvincing. Anyone could try to claim this about anyone at any time.
You're hilarious.
Here's you to my view:
Your case on why NJW is townie is worse; your case for why Juice is town (and wow you must think that player is down. You could have ensured he was elim - wasn't just FoU who said 'nah, Juice can live') is even worse than your NJW town-case.
Despite my vote, I'm not ready for the day to end. Nor do I particularly want anything from it except the flip it likely leads to.
NJW, it's not over, if you're town just play to your wincon and hopefully most of us will see/feel/get it and you'll be fine.
Right now I'd entirely accept an EP elim or a juice elim; juice is purely carry-over from D1.
But I do want more talking and stuff. But clearly it's time, so I oblige.
In case you're town. I think we all get it, you think I'm as scum as the day is long (dang we got long days this game, which in general I like).
I think you've put more energy in your day game into pushing me as scum than everything you've done besides that.
I recommend you put some energy into other stuff. Because if you're town, I can totally tolerate you. But it would be awesome if your day game was useful.
I haven't presented a case for NJW being town, but I haven't been asked for that case, and I haven't delivered paragraphs of exposition on how town I think he is. I just put him at the top of my readlist. You've spent a lot of time declaring VS's towniness, and I've asked for an evidence-based case on him being town twice now, I think, so it's weird to me that you haven't presented one. That's the difference.
Juicebox I explicitly said was town by POE, not because I got a strong town impression from him, and in my readslist I mention that his lurking D1 was mitigated by the fact that he was offline for most of that period—the exact kind of concrete detail I've been asking for.
I've tunneled you more than I'd like, even under the circumstances, but I've still pushed other players more than, say, Hyper, VermillionSkies, FallacyofUrist, EuchreJack, CrystallizedMire, or juicebox have. And that's more than half the players in the game, so saying my day game isn't useful is a little irksome.
PPE: well alright then