Interesting. I prevented Vermillion targeting EuchreJack, but I don’t find out if they actually tried to target EJ.
I have no new info about anyone's alignment, he's just Verm and I have a protective vote I want to display and think he's likely town, so yay.
Uh... you do see how this looks, right Imp?
1. There's no kill.
2. Euchrejack would have been the obvious target if town
3. NJW claims to have prevented Vermillion from targeting EJ
4. You immediately move to insulate Vermillion from votes.
It's a funny sequence. Funny haha, or funny peculiar? I'm not sure yet.
Either way, you've been constantly rolefishing. Maybe for an infovore like yourself that's more NAI, but it does give me pause. My vote is on you until I've read back.
Crystal, are you pleased with the outcome of D1? Is that it for auctions?
The people who could've targeted EJ last night (assuming no Location manipulation) aaaare:
I can confirm one part of this. I targeted EJ. If EJ had died last night, it might still have helped town a little because of my power.
I'm interested in how you progress with your thinking and decisions, thanks for sharing this far!
About my blue vote:
notquitethereMater, when convenient would you please show a votecount?If anyone wants to throw a regular vote or two on NQT just for a better display, that's cool. He just said:4. You immediately move to insulate Vermillion from votes.
I would like us to see how my blue vote 'insulates' a player from votes.I can vote him myself with my red, but would that confuse anyone? Maybe better if a couple other people's reds demo this.
N1 did nothing to change my reads, in terms of private info I got.
I left D1 with a strong townread on Verm. I begin D2 with a strong townread on Verm. And I've got this nifty, very visible blue vote. I choose to show us how it works and explain it.
I'm interested in your eval that I look scum for openly and directly sharing information that changes nothing.
When I placed that blue vote, nobody had any votes.
I'm restating my read from D1; if you think it's scummy I sure hope you explain why the new info we/you have makes it clear that protecting Verm when he's not even 'in danger' and at the very start of D2 looks specifically maf.
Would I do it as maf? Sure. We just saw me play a town-as-heck game when maf.
So, I don't understand how this looks to you.
Puttin' on my maf hat, it's still warm from last game.
Me maf: I'm pretty tempted to kill NQT N1, unless he is maf with me.
You took the one thing that makes you immune to protects for N1. Maybe I'm scared that someone's watching you, gonna jail or commute you (last game I got a lesson on how that works to protect those who are frail/immune to protection).
If I'm being careful and worried about maybe being tracked to you, so I don't touch you the best night to kill you?
I don't touch Jack that night either.
Also... imp maf strut - Sofar when I've been maf - I haven't had a kill stopped yet. I'm sure that'll change. But if I could kill N1 and wanted to - It would have been the first time any kill I pick as maf was stopped. And my first successful team maf game was against mech where the town dead got to see practically everything and could protect anyone they wanted from my kill. I killed 7 nights in a row without being stopped once. When I was a dead town in that setup... I stopped the kill 3x and chose not to stop it 1x (the townie was harming town and it was a choice between 4 left and 3 left with 1 scum alive; that townie needed to die).
You just saw me be maf. Now you get to see me gloat about being maf - think maf me can pull that one off?

I mean to get there, I don't think I'm there yet.
Use your vote how you please. So far, I don't mind how you use it at all. ... I'd mind being elim, I really like being alive this game. But to this point, nice, well done.
Either way, you've been constantly rolefishing.
Why are you the first to challenge me on this?
NQT. Serious. I want a list from you pulling quotes of me that are rolefishing from this game.
I won't demand you prove the
constantly, I think that's clearly garbage.
List them all, what you see, or stop at 15, is my 'request'. How do you respond? Now that... I am all in infovore on.