Huh. I guess the question now is who takes sheriff…
I’m still not sure if I think it’s worth a vote. I guess Imp taking it would probably make my life easier, but it wouldn’t lead to hitting scum. Then again, I don’t particularly trust the power will work anyway… so possibly no great loss?
Imp took dorm, and mod says nobody has a double vote yet, the vote count would show it.
So. I can't take it.
I am already betting town, or a large part of it, on the auction being townie. It was not a blind bet; I know something that helped me think it is more likely to be townie. So I sure hope that someone takes the sheriff office
before end of day because the claim is that must be done to unlock the mech of the auction.
Sure, I'd prefer someone town to take it. That could be you; I could be wrong about my read of you.
I'd like to be wrong about my read of you. I freaking like you a lot this game. It would be so awesome to like you that much and you're even town.
Everyone is going to figure everyone out by their play and posts and whatever mess of mech and other info we get.
I still care who takes Sheriff.... but I've accepted it's just more info.
If you take it and live to report on however you use it (and it's free, so it makes sense for a report on how it was used, even if someone has no interest in using it) that's more info.
Heck, at this moment I wanna say I want
Elephant Parade to take it. I don't think Elephant's reasoning is usefully town and everyone he wants to vote for I either know is town, strongly townlean, or weakly townlean, with the exception of Juicebox... who he said he'd vote even in preference for me back
juicebox, Hyper: Neither of you have posted enough for me to get any kind of read on you, which means I'd be perfectly willing to execute either one of you today. Please fix this!
Look at these freaking reads.
IS OKAY WITH PEOPLE WHO HARDLY POSTED AT ALL, without any claims of mech backup, meta backup, or other reasoning. They're not null, they're okay.
I mean, I'm sorry if I'm yelling at you about your partner. But if EP is town, it's FBYOR Imp vs Secretdorf time. Yeah, he flipped town and so did I. And yeah people were sad to lose one or the both of us. But I swear Secret was gonna get town dead. Town does that sometimes. If EP is town, his reasoning is hurting town.
So, if EP votes for Sheriff Office, that gets a vote out of D1 play when there's VERY FEW VOTES left and I know he wants me dead, one of my top town reads dead, or someone I lean town on dead - or just all of town dead with some preferred to go first.
Town Lean
NJW: pushing the game forward without fluffing his posts; some odd stuff in reads but we always anti-mindmeld; I could change my mind later but executing them D1 would be completely absurd
CM: not a ton to go on, but I haven't seen her usual scumtells and I don't think scum!CM would be this forward with role information; however, increasingly unhappy about lack of nonmechanical posting
Hyper: was absent for a while but never pretended not to be; now more active; no strong impression of content otherwise
TricMagic: has barely posted, I still can't read Tric very well
EuchreJack: play reminds me unpleasantly of CYOS2 but I felt a bit better about him once he gave reads; would like to see more
juicebox: absent throughout most of the day but was literally offline
NQT: mechanics focus, acting like a spectator
Scum Lean
VermillionSkies: not seeking to engage with anyone; parked vote on lurker despite being borderline lurker themself; skimming previous games, refusal to question people matches scum activity pattern and goes against town activity pattern; they did at least vote FoU with a question but only after I called them out
Imp: posting a lot but barely engaged with other people's posts at first, which is out of character for her; absolute anti-mindmeld; scumreading active players and townreading lurkers feels like MVM4 all over again
FallacyofUrist: has essentially only posted about RVS and mechanics; basically vanished when things got serious; Imp is emitting more scum signals but FoU is emitting absolutely zero town ones
So. I'm no longer stressed about 'people who I think may be mafia' taking the sheriff's office. It might even lower my sus, because I suspect that it's better for maf for the auction to fail, and even more tempting for maf to have their vote to use in this tiny pool of remaining votes. And potentially to stay out of the sway of what Town CrystalizedMire (if someone is maf, they know if CrystalizedMire is town; if she is... that may look extra icky to maf) may be able to do to the people who take auction items.
We're all just responsible for how we use known abilities, and all else we do. I can be cool with that. And I really freaking like you, NJW. Please be town playing like this - this game or future games. I likes how you feel!
On the final Sheriff's Office, I'm of the opinion either Hyper or Fal should take it from reading things. It's a personal action so if it messes with your night plans no reason to. One reason I could say is that a Passive works out much better for me, but I was more thinking SHINIES when I saw the list and saw that one was the most obscuring. No one ever reads me based on mechanics so being miller for a day works out fine.
Rather obviously I have a way to render that mute eventually. Eventually, or I end up dead.
Supposedly, as far as we all know. The stuff we gain from the auction
locks at the start of the next day.Nobody has claimed they can change that, that I've seen. I've claimed I can't at this time do that kinda thing for myself or others.
You may want to be careful to read the ability and decide if you are intentionally revealing that it won't go locked for you, or if you want to admit you misread an ability. Would be believable - you were misreading stuff when you were known town and known maf. I know you're not more careful about that when you're maf, you freaking gave me a copy of your gym last game when you didn't even have to and might have benefitted more by not doing so, I think you misread. But I also know you might misread as town, so I'm cool with you.
But read the ability and ask the mod questions about it, and think about if you want to claim that it won't lock for you.
the active sheriff's office is free. Locks the next day but free when not locked. So if someone claims that messes with their night plans to use it... that is incredibly revealing about them.
Also, Tric. Thank god and you that you're posting. I think you're probably town and even without a D1 vote you're a D1 voice and thank you so much for using it.
Haven't really been keeping up with the thread cause been busy with other stuff but eh.
That is a very oddly balanced vote count. What do you think the chances are of catching scum today and why?
We may end up stuck with a D1 no elim, since elim requires hammer and hammer will require 3 votes if someone kindly takes the sheriff office.
If we have many maf that didn't take an auction item, they can coordinate a vote but that might look interesting to the rest of us unless we see a maf flip.
Otherwise... we have our 6 remaining voters, hopefully one takes the Sheriff... then the remaining 5 manage a hammer or not.
The game's kinda designed to go long, or be balanced even if it does go long... I think? Slightly unsure about that. Only slightly. I do prefer an elim today but I don't want a townie elimed so I'm really torn there and more open to a non-elim than I had been earlier in the day.