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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29816 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #120 on: January 17, 2025, 08:34:42 pm »

Is there a reason you've mostly limited yourself to talking about the auction?
Yes, because I want to explain the auction as possibly the only player with knowledge on the inner workings. And also, I find I don't have enough energy to read some of the posts so I'm skimming through most of it and answering some questions.
I like birds


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #121 on: January 17, 2025, 08:39:15 pm »

Is there a reason you've mostly limited yourself to talking about the auction?
Yes, because I want to explain the auction as possibly the only player with knowledge on the inner workings. And also, I find I don't have enough energy to read some of the posts so I'm skimming through most of it and answering some questions.

Think your wincon can be satisfied just with the auction focus?

You're a little careful to take an auction item yourself, right?  Would if we refused, otherwise... let everyone else take stuff, good/bad both, everyone but you?

I don't want to dig too deep into towny secrets.  I know just enough to predict plausibly could be.  But... if your core is kill a maf D5 or later and... auction's the pure focus?  Help?  I guess you got more in your stocking but... help?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #122 on: January 17, 2025, 08:58:26 pm »

Alright I'm finally back. I'm gonna play catchup for now and then I'll give my reads when I'm done.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #123 on: January 17, 2025, 09:14:13 pm »

Right now I could get behind an Imp, FoU, or VS execution.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #124 on: January 17, 2025, 09:18:06 pm »

Is there a reason you've mostly limited yourself to talking about the auction?
Yes, because I want to explain the auction as possibly the only player with knowledge on the inner workings. And also, I find I don't have enough energy to read some of the posts so I'm skimming through most of it and answering some questions.

Think your wincon can be satisfied just with the auction focus?

You're a little careful to take an auction item yourself, right?  Would if we refused, otherwise... let everyone else take stuff, good/bad both, everyone but you?

I don't want to dig too deep into towny secrets.  I know just enough to predict plausibly could be.  But... if your core is kill a maf D5 or later and... auction's the pure focus?  Help?  I guess you got more in your stocking but... help?
b)I genuinely don't know if I can take auction items or not but nothing says I can't. I want town to agree on someone who should take the smithy. If everyone's okay with me taking the smithy I'll take it.
c)Auction will help with something besides kill on n5 but it requires me to survive past d2
I like birds


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #125 on: January 17, 2025, 09:23:02 pm »

Is there a reason you've mostly limited yourself to talking about the auction?
Yes, because I want to explain the auction as possibly the only player with knowledge on the inner workings. And also, I find I don't have enough energy to read some of the posts so I'm skimming through most of it and answering some questions.

Think your wincon can be satisfied just with the auction focus?

You're a little careful to take an auction item yourself, right?  Would if we refused, otherwise... let everyone else take stuff, good/bad both, everyone but you?

I don't want to dig too deep into towny secrets.  I know just enough to predict plausibly could be.  But... if your core is kill a maf D5 or later and... auction's the pure focus?  Help?  I guess you got more in your stocking but... help?
b)I genuinely don't know if I can take auction items or not but nothing says I can't. I want town to agree on someone who should take the smithy. If everyone's okay with me taking the smithy I'll take it.
c)Auction will help with something besides kill on n5 but it requires me to survive past d2

Well, I sure hope you're town, and hope the mech you describe matches useful town stuff.

But we really need your day game.  Got any day game too?
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #126 on: January 17, 2025, 10:35:05 pm »

Okay, so reads.

Let's do the easiest first.

I'm reading Imp as town here. They're playing well within their town meta in my opinion. They are contributing quite a lot to the discussion and they have also been pretty forthcoming with information

I also think that NJW is town as well. I like what they've been posting and their reads list appears to be well thought out.

Hyper, on the other hand is a scumlean for me. Being inactive for a good portion of the day and then voting someone else who is inactive when prodded is not a good look.

Elephant Parade I'm also scumleaning as well. I don't like that they're tunneling Imp, who is my main town read, and I also don't like how they have been pushing people to participate in the auction but haven't really committed to it themselves. It definitely could be a ploy to get town to use up their votes and get more voting power for the scumteam

Vermillion is another slight townlean, while they're posts haven't been amazing, their laser focus on getting hospital and willingness to share information do seem township to me

EuchreJack is a slight townlean for me. They have some decent posts, they seem to be starting to form some reads .

CM, is null for me while their focus on the auction to the detriment of scumhunting is a bit suspicious, I don't thinknthat's really enough to scumread them for.

Fallacy is also null, they have been unusually quiet, and they're not up to their usual shenanigans, but I think I need to see a bit more from them before I townread them.

Tric is a hard one for me. While their play to take Darkroom is within their town meta, I have a gut feeling that this may be scumTric using their town meta as a smokescreen. Only a slight scumlean for now, but I definitely have my eyes on them

And finally NQT. They're always a hard one for me to read. I think in this case they're a slight townlean. They've also been focused on the auction, but unlike Elephant Parade, they've actually been willing to use their vote in the auction which makes me trust them more


  • Bay Watcher
  • she/her
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #127 on: January 17, 2025, 10:40:46 pm »

Posting from phone.
NJW feels town and helpful.
Elephant parades probaby town too. They feel honest and trying to help.
Tricmagic is also probably town. I can see town tric doing that.
Imp feels off and I dont like how inactive Hyper is. It could just be theyre always inactive or theyre inactive as scum.

If nobody objects, Im taking smithy.
I like birds


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #128 on: January 17, 2025, 10:53:24 pm »

Digging into EJ first.

Bouncing off of NJW's assessment, just for a touchstone and because I find NJW very easy to listen to and focus on this game.

Also, NJW, if this helps you find and read EJ's posts from early that game, this is all of them up to his first reads post, use as you choose.

We have a real recent scum!EJ game, the one that EP asked NJW to look at:

Short post as I'm about to go to bed, and haven't had time to digest everything that's gone on.

EuchreJack - as I said, scum!EJ is nervy and careful while town!EJ is aggressive and chaotic. This looks like town!EJ.
How would you describe CYOS2's scum!EJ, if you're willing to glance at that game?
I'll take a quick look tomorrow - I admit that I've read none of that game.

I would say I'm mostly talking about D1s in the quote... scum!EJ can get a bit less self-controlled in later days if the team falls apart, or earlier if they're really under pressure. This is a shot in the dark and may not apply at all to the game you linked, but I suspect what you're remembering is scum!EJ in later days.

So, here's early EJ's first posts from D1 CYOS2:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Of note, Verm and Jack were maf partners (and I put deep focus on Verm elim fairly early)
Tric and CrystalizedMire were maf partners (different team, enemies of Verm/Jack).

Toony was a third party SK.  (who also never killed.... Maf nearly never killed that game, especially not early.)

This was Jack's starting role (many things changed as the game played out)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

How I characterize that EJ earliest D1 play .... and I like it :(

Abrupt.  Focused.  Helpful.  Goal-orientated.  Mildly/slightly apologetic, "Not to interrupt" and "Now to head back to work before I get fired." "Right now, I'm hoping I translated the html code correctly."  Oddly tentative, "I seem to recall..." "Well, maybe we can try something..."  Very tentative to vote; voted as an example and unvoted even on someone he was sus of:  "Maximum Spin has largely posted things I imagine he wrote before the game started. There was a bit of panic over someone touching his stuff, but I don't see how that points to him being town. But now going through stuff. Maybe should ask for a replacement? Eh, unvote"

"Nervy and careful" - A reasonable match.

EJ's posts this game:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In comparison:  More relaxed.  Less focused.  Not directly apologetic.  Less careful.

I still wanna watch Jack but I don't want Jack elim today, and I agree, this is potentially town.  Medium confidence.  It's definitely not CYOS2 Jack.  :(  It's also not the Jack of FBYOR6, the Jack I wanted to team up with so bad.  That game was long ago though.  See you D2, Jack, hope you make it there.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #129 on: January 17, 2025, 11:04:53 pm »

I like birds

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #130 on: January 17, 2025, 11:09:48 pm »

Elephant Parade I'm also scumleaning as well. I don't like that they're tunneling Imp, who is my main town read, and I also don't like how they have been pushing people to participate in the auction but haven't really committed to it themselves. It definitely could be a ploy to get town to use up their votes and get more voting power for the scumteam
After Butchery was bought I pushed people to buy Smithy, and specifically Smithy, because, if left unbought, it could foil the lynch. I also pushed a specific scheme that would, in theory, have let people buy abilities without changing the result of the lynch. I otherwise haven't been pushing people to buy abilities, to my recollection.

Town Lean
NJW: pushing the game forward without fluffing his posts; some odd stuff in reads but we always anti-mindmeld; I could change my mind later but executing them D1 would be completely absurd

CM: not a ton to go on, but I haven't seen her usual scumtells and I don't think scum!CM would be this forward with role information; however, increasingly unhappy about lack of nonmechanical posting
Hyper: was absent for a while but never pretended not to be; now more active; no strong impression of content otherwise
TricMagic: has barely posted, I still can't read Tric very well
EuchreJack: play reminds me unpleasantly of CYOS2 but I felt a bit better about him once he gave reads; would like to see more
juicebox: absent throughout most of the day but was literally offline

NQT: mechanics focus, acting like a spectator

Scum Lean
VermillionSkies: not seeking to engage with anyone; parked vote on lurker despite being borderline lurker themself; skimming previous games, refusal to question people matches scum activity pattern and goes against town activity pattern; they did at least vote FoU with a question but only after I called them out
Imp: posting a lot but barely engaged with other people's posts at first, which is out of character for her; absolute anti-mindmeld; scumreading active players and townreading lurkers feels like MVM4 all over again
FallacyofUrist: has essentially only posted about RVS and mechanics; basically vanished when things got serious; Imp is emitting more scum signals but FoU is emitting absolutely zero town ones


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #131 on: January 17, 2025, 11:31:04 pm »

Next deep dive:  CrystalizedMire.

From a previous semi-recent town game, first many posts:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

CM was just maf in CYOS, with TricMagic as her partner.  Earliest posts from there:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


I stop there.  Crystal is not clearly maf based on play.  I'm going with my gut and imp-nature on this one; let's help and protect Crystal if possible and seems reasonable.  Crystal, I personally can't mechanically help you much tonight that I know of.  We all already gamble a lot on the auction and CrystalizedMire being town-true.  I waver and fear, but gamble continues; in for an imp, in for the whole of Hades.  CrystalizedMire is town or I already steered this course very wrong.

CM: not a ton to go on, but I haven't seen her usual scumtells and I don't think scum!CM would be this forward with role information; however, increasingly unhappy about lack of nonmechanical posting

Yeah.  Amusingly, to me at least, I more agree with some of your posting; why not go for an auction item if reasonable not to; and the lack of non-mechanical posting bugs me too.  However, that's not a CM scumtell that I have noticed before.  I think it's something else and I essentially am betting the game that I'm okay with it.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #132 on: January 17, 2025, 11:42:03 pm »

This is bugging me so much.

But it feels right.  Here's to hats and gyms and recognizing wonder and the unknown when it passes near:  Dormitory
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #133 on: January 17, 2025, 11:55:24 pm »

I think this is where we're at:

Players and posts:

19   Imp                 45,47,49,52,59,62,70,75,78,92,103,104,108,116,121,125,128,131,132,
3     FallacyOfUrist      55,69,87
9     CrystalizedMire      54,73,85,90,118,120,124,127,129
3     TricMagic              56,58,89,
7     EuchreJack      42,43,81,82,83,84,86
5     VermilionSkies      51,63,100,102,114,
25   Elephant Parade      39,53,60,61,66,68,71,74,77,79,80,88,94,95,97,99,101,105,107,110,111,113,119,123,130,
3     Hyper         72,112,115
8     NJW2000         48,57,64,93,96,98,109,117
5     notquitethere      41,44,65,91,106,
3     juicebox              67,122,126,


(2) Fallacy:  VermilionSkies(114), NJW2000(117)
(1) Imp:  EP(66)
(1) Juicebox:  Hyper(112)
(1) Hyper:  EuchreJack(84)
(1) Elephant Parade:  Juicebox(126)

Claimed auction items:
Darkroom: (TricMagic(58))
Butchery: (notquitethere(91))
Smithy:  (CrystalizedMire(129))
Dormitory:  (Imp (132))

Not voting: FoU,
Hammer is... 4?

Remaining auction items:

Hospital (Passive)  [Verm said wanted, leave for him?]
This is a great place to stub your toe.
You are immune to kills. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.

Sheriff's Office (Active, Free)  [Whoever takes this better use it well]
The sheriff needs a new deputy. Will you answer the call?
Target any player. You will learn their Faction. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #134 on: January 18, 2025, 01:11:44 am »

Yeah, I admit I haven't felt the most engaged with this game. I'll at least give it a good attempt, though.

At the very least, I owe you all a reads list and a decently reasoned vote.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

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