Have I not been pushing a case this entire time?
This is fair, you have an edge on almost every other player in the game in that you're actually using your vote. If you want an Imp lynch, convince two other players who still have a vote that she's the one that needs to go.
And giving up my vote 26 hours before the deadline seems like a bad idea to me, especially when I could just as easily (if not as certainly) do it 26 minutes before the deadline.
This is you not thinking like a team player. If we want to get someone to have the sherrif's office power, then trying to arrange that at the last moment seems like a very risky plan.
That's reasonable. However: to me, executing her today is less important than generating a solid base of content that can be used to read everyone, so I don't want to focus too much on Imp, who has already received far more attention, from me and in general, than anyone else in the game. (Doubly so because I would be perfectly OK lynching FoU over Imp, along with the lurkers if they don't get posting in time for me to form a read.) For now, I have left my vote and made my argument; I'll push or revisit it as required.
I see where you're coming from, but giving up my vote now would reduce town's voteshare and rhetorical power for the rest of the day, which to me eclipses the risk of nobody getting the good powers today if I leave it too late/don't buy at all. Perhaps a few hours in advance would be more reasonable?
NQT, this is also my answer to your direct questions to me.
Whatever the irony, I kinda am similar in thought about why not snap up the smithy or any other. I would like to have my vote to use D1 as a vote. I would slightly prefer not to have any of the auction items. If I take one... I maybe weakly want dorm (because of Stranger Things. What the heck is up with that dorm and the Tach abilities???) or more strongly Sheriff. I more care that someone I'm not very sus of takes Sheriff, I most prefer to remain a voter.
About EP's deep focus on me... yeah. Even after saying stuff like that, he's fast to counter Verm's comment about my post lengths and then paint my reads the color he prefers.
Speaking of which... EP... why and how....
[snip; read explanations have been snipped]
Pro-town leans:
Anti-town leans:
It isn't impossible for it to be sincere or even largely correct this time, of course. I just don't buy it.
I get it that I'm scum on Earth to you.
But this other-game where I was maf... you snip out... my read placement of my
partner. How can that even happen?
[snip; read explanations have been snipped]
Pro-town leans:
Anti-town leans:
If I'm maf and if you think I'm maf, isn't my partner also extremely important and concerning and worth considering?
... why not? I don't think you think I'm maf. I don't think you're honestly and sincerely doing what you'd do with the 'evidence' you present if you did think I was maf. Which makes me more concerned about you. Granted it is weird that you, if maf, do single focus on me so much. Then again... when I'm town, recently maf has tended to suffer.
I don't mind you chewing on me; I have the privilege of seeing my role before you do. I flip town. Better dig elsewhere too.
I'm going to be entirely honest, my main towntell for Imp so far is willingness to type a lot.
They get very passionate as town, as it shows up as walls of text, which I'm seeing a lot of here, and didn't see nearly as much of, looking back in retrospective of MVM.
I don't have enough of anything else to be willing to put it up as official reasoning.
I see where you're coming from, but MVM4 was an extraordinarily quiet game (22 pages!) and that might be the reason for the disparity. If you want to see scum!Imp post walls of text, check out the (year-plus-old) Armed Forces Basic:
Hehe, yes, compare my posting in a 12-page game with only 5 players as being... other than 'extraordinarily quiet' as compared to a 22 page game with 10 players...
Do note though. I was working 45 hours a week during the 22-page game and adapting to some brand new shocking life stress and needed to figure out a ton of irl stuff. Now I'm not working and prepping for the figured-out irl stuff and just handling know-this-adapted-to-that no-longer-shocking life stress.
I said before, what my role is (and how much I like it) and what's going on IRL profoundly affect how I play, way more than alignment.
Is fine to compare.... I wonder at the honesty and focus EP is showing. We'll see!
EP, I flip town. Hope you're working on what to do after that... think you are and I think you might not be town yourself. Interesting focus for a townie, but I am much more worried about NJW and tracking everyone to seriously try to headbutt an Elephant Parade.
Hope we're getting useful info for solving, townies. Dark Nights Ahead may be likely. Scum are probably well-equipped to handle the night despite the pretty and interesting and protective-looking doo-dads we day-dwellers may have.
I'm Imp and got the mind I got, and I already know 2/12 roles plus all the claims made so far.
There's only 11 players so you must be counting Magma's role, in which case we all know 2/12 roles, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. It is true that you make note of claims and try to put things together and not all players do that.
The genres each appear to have their own mechanics that are shared with other players of the same genre. Are the locations a genre thing?
I'm reminding and inviting.
As far as I know, locations are not a genre thing - well, I mean what Verm stated about
General abilities seem very strong.
Nothing to do with Family, I'm Global Campaign.
I think Imp is the same, but I'm not certain.
All of my actions have to do with Locations.
The location list is really funny. For related reasons, we shouldn't lynch Tric today.
I am not interested in taking anything from the auction.
Locations are not my genre thing, they could be someone else's.
I'm more trying to help everyone have the info they need to make the right choices, maybe without adding too much to what might be harmful choices, and my knowledge there is as vague as the locations list may be long - I don't know.
If I'm right that CrystalizedMire isn't scumread by anyone, and she's willing to give up her vote, then she would be a good option to take it.
I'm okay with this. Crystal was willing to take the immunity to protective ability, so I presume she might be fine with taking Smithy instead. If the auction is part of horrible maf plans and not part of precious town stuff... a whole bunch of stuff's gonna be borked either way. There is the chance Crystal has something like... auction items work reverse on Crystal - but Crystal didn't just take the bad-looking Butchery, so that's probably not a concern either.
There's something weird about Tachyon (from Mater's flip) and Dormitory (from auction); they both... do nothing in a consuming of resources way. Dorm's even worse than Tach; Tach at least gives its consumed slot back. Dorm appears to eat the vote and get off the list but that's it. Thing is I don't have any mech telling me why this stuff is special, but it jingles and jangles at my mind like... the BYOS2 game's 'get the hat, go to the gym, do what you can and you just might live!' of my D2/N2 where... random events, other players' choices, and unexpected changes that nobody (well, mod?
bows thankfully to NQT) set up made me res from my infection.
None of that directly applies here but I suspect that there's more to Tachyon and dorm than meets the eye and a tiny bit of me thinks having the dorm might work out - but I don't know how or to whose benefit and I'm guessing at the pattern we are shown. So I don't
really want the dorm. And I would like to keep my vote to use D1 and I am quite interested in the Sheriff's office which clearly has use. But we'll see who does what moving forward.