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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29735 times)

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #105 on: January 17, 2025, 01:53:51 pm »

I'm going to be entirely honest, my main towntell for Imp so far is willingness to type a lot.
They get very passionate as town, as it shows up as walls of text, which I'm seeing a lot of here, and didn't see nearly as much of, looking back in retrospective of MVM.
I don't have enough of anything else to be willing to put it up as official reasoning.
I see where you're coming from, but MVM4 was an extraordinarily quiet game (22 pages!) and that might be the reason for the disparity. If you want to see scum!Imp post walls of text, check out the (year-plus-old) Armed Forces Basic:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #106 on: January 17, 2025, 02:04:19 pm »

  I'm Imp and got the mind I got, and I already know 2/12 roles plus all the claims made so far.
There's only 11 players so you must be counting Magma's role, in which case we all know 2/12 roles, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. It is true that you make note of claims and try to put things together and not all players do that.

The genres each appear to have their own mechanics that are shared with other players of the same genre. Are the locations a genre thing?

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #107 on: January 17, 2025, 02:14:23 pm »

[snip; read explanations have been snipped]


NQT, FoU, Hyper, Juicebox, Jack
NJW and EP
To me this read slate feels like a repeat of MVM4 (where I didn't play but quickly pegged you as scum -- ask FoU!) where you systematically cleared out townies who were actively playing the game, with the single exception of Max, and thereby dominated the conversation:

[snip; read explanations have been snipped]

Pro-town leans:


Anti-town leans:

It isn't impossible for it to be sincere or even largely correct this time, of course. I just don't buy it.

Re: Smithy: My issue is that someone needs to take it or people can use it to dodge the lynch, and that whoever takes it can't be lynched today, which is annoying. The closer we get to having a lynch slate the less annoying it becomes (because someone not on the lynch slate can take it). If I'm right that CrystalizedMire isn't scumread by anyone, and she's willing to give up her vote, then she would be a good option to take it.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #108 on: January 17, 2025, 03:17:20 pm »

Have I not been pushing a case this entire time?
This is fair, you have an edge on almost every other player in the game in that you're actually using your vote. If you want an Imp lynch, convince two other players who still have a vote that she's the one that needs to go.

And giving up my vote 26 hours before the deadline seems like a bad idea to me, especially when I could just as easily (if not as certainly) do it 26 minutes before the deadline.
This is you not thinking like a team player. If we want to get someone to have the sherrif's office power, then trying to arrange that at the last moment seems like a very risky plan.
That's reasonable. However: to me, executing her today is less important than generating a solid base of content that can be used to read everyone, so I don't want to focus too much on Imp, who has already received far more attention, from me and in general, than anyone else in the game. (Doubly so because I would be perfectly OK lynching FoU over Imp, along with the lurkers if they don't get posting in time for me to form a read.) For now, I have left my vote and made my argument; I'll push or revisit it as required.

I see where you're coming from, but giving up my vote now would reduce town's voteshare and rhetorical power for the rest of the day, which to me eclipses the risk of nobody getting the good powers today if I leave it too late/don't buy at all. Perhaps a few hours in advance would be more reasonable?

NQT, this is also my answer to your direct questions to me.

Whatever the irony, I kinda am similar in thought about why not snap up the smithy or any other.  I would like to have my vote to use D1 as a vote.  I would slightly prefer not to have any of the auction items.  If I take one... I maybe weakly want dorm (because of Stranger Things.  What the heck is up with that dorm and the Tach abilities???) or more strongly Sheriff.  I more care that someone I'm not very sus of takes Sheriff, I most prefer to remain a voter.

About EP's deep focus on me... yeah.  Even after saying stuff like that, he's fast to counter Verm's comment about my post lengths and then paint my reads the color he prefers.

Speaking of which... EP... why and how....

[snip; read explanations have been snipped]

Pro-town leans:


Anti-town leans:

It isn't impossible for it to be sincere or even largely correct this time, of course. I just don't buy it.

I get it that I'm scum on Earth to you.

But this other-game where I was maf... you snip out... my read placement of my partner.  How can that even happen?

[snip; read explanations have been snipped]

Pro-town leans:


Anti-town leans:


If I'm maf and if you think I'm maf, isn't my partner also extremely important and concerning and worth considering?

... why not?  I don't think you think I'm maf.  I don't think you're honestly and sincerely doing what you'd do with the 'evidence' you present if you did think I was maf.  Which makes me more concerned about you.  Granted it is weird that you, if maf, do single focus on me so much.  Then again... when I'm town, recently maf has tended to suffer.

I don't mind you chewing on me; I have the privilege of seeing my role before you do.  I flip town.  Better dig elsewhere too.

I'm going to be entirely honest, my main towntell for Imp so far is willingness to type a lot.
They get very passionate as town, as it shows up as walls of text, which I'm seeing a lot of here, and didn't see nearly as much of, looking back in retrospective of MVM.
I don't have enough of anything else to be willing to put it up as official reasoning.
I see where you're coming from, but MVM4 was an extraordinarily quiet game (22 pages!) and that might be the reason for the disparity. If you want to see scum!Imp post walls of text, check out the (year-plus-old) Armed Forces Basic:

Hehe, yes, compare my posting in a 12-page game with only 5 players as being... other than 'extraordinarily quiet' as compared to a 22 page game with 10 players...

Do note though.  I was working 45 hours a week during the 22-page game and adapting to some brand new shocking life stress and needed to figure out a ton of irl stuff.  Now I'm not working and prepping for the figured-out irl stuff and just handling know-this-adapted-to-that no-longer-shocking life stress.

I said before, what my role is (and how much I like it) and what's going on IRL profoundly affect how I play, way more than alignment.

Is fine to compare.... I wonder at the honesty and focus EP is showing.  We'll see!

EP, I flip town.  Hope you're working on what to do after that... think you are and I think you might not be town yourself.  Interesting focus for a townie, but I am much more worried about NJW and tracking everyone to seriously try to headbutt an Elephant Parade.

Hope we're getting useful info for solving, townies.  Dark Nights Ahead may be likely.  Scum are probably well-equipped to handle the night despite the pretty and interesting and protective-looking doo-dads we day-dwellers may have.

  I'm Imp and got the mind I got, and I already know 2/12 roles plus all the claims made so far.
There's only 11 players so you must be counting Magma's role, in which case we all know 2/12 roles, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. It is true that you make note of claims and try to put things together and not all players do that.

The genres each appear to have their own mechanics that are shared with other players of the same genre. Are the locations a genre thing?

I'm reminding and inviting.

As far as I know, locations are not a genre thing - well, I mean what Verm stated about


General abilities seem very strong.

Nothing to do with Family, I'm Global Campaign.
I think Imp is the same, but I'm not certain.
All of my actions have to do with Locations.

The location list is really funny. For related reasons, we shouldn't lynch Tric today.

I am not interested in taking anything from the auction.

Locations are not my genre thing, they could be someone else's.

I'm more trying to help everyone have the info they need to make the right choices, maybe without adding too much to what might be harmful choices, and my knowledge there is as vague as the locations list may be long - I don't know.

If I'm right that CrystalizedMire isn't scumread by anyone, and she's willing to give up her vote, then she would be a good option to take it.

I'm okay with this.  Crystal was willing to take the immunity to protective ability, so I presume she might be fine with taking Smithy instead.  If the auction is part of horrible maf plans and not part of precious town stuff... a whole bunch of stuff's gonna be borked either way.  There is the chance Crystal has something like... auction items work reverse on Crystal - but Crystal didn't just take the bad-looking Butchery, so that's probably not a concern either.

There's something weird about Tachyon (from Mater's flip) and Dormitory (from auction); they both... do nothing in a consuming of resources way.  Dorm's even worse than Tach; Tach at least gives its consumed slot back.  Dorm appears to eat the vote and get off the list but that's it.  Thing is I don't have any mech telling me why this stuff is special, but it jingles and jangles at my mind like... the BYOS2 game's 'get the hat, go to the gym, do what you can and you just might live!' of my D2/N2 where... random events, other players' choices, and unexpected changes that nobody (well, mod?  bows thankfully to NQT) set up made me res from my infection.

None of that directly applies here but I suspect that there's more to Tachyon and dorm than meets the eye and a tiny bit of me thinks having the dorm might work out - but I don't know how or to whose benefit and I'm guessing at the pattern we are shown.  So I don't really want the dorm.  And I would like to keep my vote to use D1 and I am quite interested in the Sheriff's office which clearly has use.  But we'll see who does what moving forward.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Signups (Mostly) Closed
« Reply #109 on: January 17, 2025, 03:25:24 pm »

It's now just under 24 hours until EOD.

FallacyOfUrist, CrystalizedMire, Hyper, NJW2000, juicebox — you can't all be scum, but chances are ~2 scum players are among you as mafia are usually the most passive voters.

This is the current vote spread:

Unofficial Vote Count - Day One

Imp (1) - Elephant Parade
NJW2000 (1) - Imp
Hyper (1) - Euchrejack
juicebox (1) - VermillionSkies

Not Voting (5) - FallacyOfUrist, CrystalizedMire, Hyper, NJW2000, juicebox

With 9 votes in play, 5 are required to lynch or 5 to no-lynch.

What do we know about a vote spread like this? Oh yeah, it never catches scum. Scum have to be all be asleep for this to do anything to hurt them. We need wagons people! I need each of you five players to use your vote to do one of following today:

1. Push for the elimination of a player you have sincere reason to want to eliminate


2. Join the auction so that we can get the inspect from the Sheriff's Office and make D2 a lot spicier. This will help give town a bit more control over the night game even if scum get hold of the power. Think about it.

If any of you fail to use your vote, I'll personally come around your house and beat you over the head with a keyboard be disappointed AND suspicious.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #110 on: January 17, 2025, 03:40:11 pm »


Re: snipping out your partner: that was unintentional and a pretty big oopsie! If you click through to the posts, you'll see that I was doing a lot of deleting to get rid of everything but the order. I nearly deleted some other names too. I don't see how either the mistake or Hyper's position in the list damages my point, which is that scumminess on your most recent read list this game is inversely correlated with activity and you did the same thing last game as scum, to great effect.

I'm focused on you because you're one of my top two scumreads and continuing to do things I find suspicious.

I don't really understand what you're saying re: game page counts. 22 pages is extraordinarily quiet for a modern 10-player game that went to D3. 15 pages is quite reasonable for a 5-player game that ended N1. I don't think it was unreasonable for me to propose that the reason you were more active in the latter than the former was that everyone was more active in the latter, even if I was wrong.

Repeatedly saying you're town is entirely NAI and will do nothing to convince me.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #111 on: January 17, 2025, 03:42:11 pm »

NQT: You aren't pushing any wagons either. Who would you vote if you could?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #112 on: January 17, 2025, 03:53:36 pm »

note: this is for only messages before my first long one. i will make an updated on right now, just posting what i had in draft.
now for my thoughts, and not an activity check post
as i said, auction is most likely a recurring thing. once we’ve chosen our lynch, we can test out sherif on them, assuming they are amiable to the notion of being that guinea pig.

Elephant Parade (EP?) ive not seen you before, i have very little experience here. how would you describe your playstyle falling under? using ‘vibes’ to form general suspicions about players, or deducting them and what they say throughout the game? a different way altogether? based on what i’ve read in your messages this game, i can say you at least partially fall under both, albeit general suspicions taking priority.

NQT do you play the same in every game? how often and to which degree do you differ your playstyle? you havent really said much so i cant give any opinion, but im one to talk… hope you get better soon.

Jack why claim family genre? is it that important right away - as in, so you desperately need coordinating within your genre? what about other genres?
also, who doesn’t want smithy at this stage though, ha.
i do agree that it probably isn’t very worth it d1.

NJW i agree with a large majority on the general topic of the game itself you’ve said, especially coordinating. if mafia own the night, giving actions, or attempting to circumvent their actions gives - as FOU said - a roadmap for scum. additionally, i have no clue if your personal reads are correct, so i’ll question: how often do you think you read correctly? are you confident in either leading, or giving suggestions?

Verm i have no questions about you, just a statement that you seem very laid back here, which is different from how you played mostly vanilla 4, my only experience (at all) with you.

CM upfront with role info, and confident in plays. very little to go off of though - once again, who am i to say, hopefully i will be after tomorrow. my first concrete d1 read of town.

FoU an off topic but somewhat related question: i see you’re very active when i look at  your posts. how is that? is it a lot to handle or have you settled in just fine?
on topic: you seem to be able to read people already. why is that?

Tric what confidence! seems very fast and loose, leaning scum, but not enough content to actually say or imply anything yet. i can’t believe it, but i have light aggro on you d1 again. i cant really describe it, but i’ll leave you alone this game for now because you seem trustworthy. hopefully (ha).
why did you take darkroom? do you not care about your vote and wanted to get the ball rolling, or is it related to your role?

juicebox you have sent but a single message, so i’m willing to put my vote on you.

Imp there is already so much content to read here, is this normal - last game, was it mitigated? the auction is a very powerful tool. how often will we be able to use it though? is it a d/n1 thing? if the auction is as powerful as complete protection in lieu of a d1 vote (when we can settle on someone then take auction), why wouldn’t we touch the auction. i’m not connected to the auction also. your reads seem reasonable but same as last, don’t make much immediate sense to me. very in depth talking with elephant. send me the cliff notes? (ha).

side-note: is auction even the right way to describe it? more like a tiered marketplace. or sequential buy-in.
this is the best colour

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #113 on: January 17, 2025, 04:14:07 pm »

Elephant Parade (EP?) ive not seen you before, i have very little experience here. how would you describe your playstyle falling under? using ‘vibes’ to form general suspicions about players, or deducting them and what they say throughout the game? a different way altogether? based on what i’ve read in your messages this game, i can say you at least partially fall under both, albeit general suspicions taking priority.
I would say I lean into vibes but I don't see vibing-vs.-deduction as a dichotomy or even a spectrum. They're techniques more than playstyles.

Hyper, VermillionSkies: As borderline lurkers, I don't think you should be parking your votes on another lurker. I'm not saying you shouldn't vote to execute them when the time comes, but right you need to start conversations with people and voting someone who's lurked the entire game is a terrible way to do that.

VermillionSkies, you in particular haven't been seeking out engagement with people, which is scummy even if you're new. You have to do more than answer questions, remark on things, and vote hardlurkers:

General abilities seem very strong.

Nothing to do with Family, I'm Global Campaign.
I think Imp is the same, but I'm not certain.
All of my actions have to do with Locations.

The location list is really funny. For related reasons, we shouldn't lynch Tric today.

I am not interested in taking anything from the auction.
Okay, so!
I don't have any mechanical information on Tric's alignment, but they are in a spot that's very convenient for my nightgame if they're left alive.
Said nightgame is directly helpful to the town.

Imp continues to haunt my mafia games like some sort of phantom. Please stop correctly reading me D1, it's getting uncanny.

EP, I'm not entirely against the idea, it just feels a little too vulnerable to hijacking for me to be comfortable with it.

Speaking of Tric, huh? What are you doing?

I enjoy EJ's early information claim this game.

NJW seems kind of null to me, actually.

Also, two things:
1. The Auction only takes the vote for the day, not for the rest of the game.
2. If we're really going for the auction, I want the hospital.
EP: Imp this game is... honestly, NAI for me.
They're willing to throw out reads like that regardless of what faction they're in, from what I've seen, and walls of texts aren't uncommon either.
That said, I think they're playing more like CYOM or CYOS2 Imp than MVM Imp this game. Mild townlean, maybe?

I'd like a little more than what we have from Juicebox. Same with Hyper, but I like what they've put out more than what Juice has.
Fair warning, if the Hospital opens up I'm grabbing it. It's too valuable to not take.

EP feels townlean to me. At least, enough so that I wouldn't have too many grievances with them taking the Smithy.
I'm going to be entirely honest, my main towntell for Imp so far is willingness to type a lot.
They get very passionate as town, as it shows up as walls of text, which I'm seeing a lot of here, and didn't see nearly as much of, looking back in retrospective of MVM.
I don't have enough of anything else to be willing to put it up as official reasoning.

Also, what changed your mind on the auction?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #114 on: January 17, 2025, 04:48:42 pm »

About the Auction: I wasn't willing to open Pandora's Box. Once the Darkroom was taken, though, and especially now that the Butchery has been as well, I'm acknowledging that if we are going to try for the Sheriff's Office, I want the Hospital on the way down.
I'm not interested in any of the rest of it, though.

About Locations: Locations are not abilities attached to a role, but a 'state' you can be in. There are five Locations, to my knowledge. I should have been able to decide the starting Locations of everyone, but either there is another person who was voting on it, or the list was always going to be somewhat randomized.

EP - That's fair.
Fallacy, you said you didn't trust CM or the auction, earlier. Has that changed, with new information that's come to light? Do you think you're likely to grab anything from the auction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #115 on: January 17, 2025, 05:05:35 pm »

i will strike through irrelevant or already answered info.

Don't take Butchery or someone else will have to take Smithy to prevent last-minute shenanigans, and I don't think anyone is universally townread enough to justly do that
If someone takes smithy and we have reason to question their alignment, we can always vote them later, right?

If all the auction items are taken off, then the quicker it is for me to kill an anti-town.
do you have a kill ability? or were you talking about lynching?
it seems cm has said their kill happens n5

i dont really conceive of a way to reach even near post limit per day. it seems like a really high number just for convenience.
yessss, yessssss, my hoard of possstsss will become the biggest of allllll..
somewhat stressed, but not mentally, so all good. actively attempting to wade through the mess that is the thousand cuts of everyone’s differing and constantly variable opinions on people d1. ahem, not taking about anyone who posts paragraphs at a time on one topic. i’m fine with you taking sherif. i don’t really want to lose agency over my vote, especially when i don’t know or understand the long term effects of the auction, and you seem to have read everyone just fine at this point, where no one else has. i would be amiable to taking dormitory.

I don't see how the plan is as impossible as you're saying. It is possible to herd players sometimes. Also, I find it odd how strongly you reacted to my proposing a plan for dealing with the auction, acknowledging that it might not work, in response to NQT's question about whether we should try to clear the auction. I guess we can test how likely it would be to work:

Everyone: What are your thoughts on a plan that looks like this? Would you agree to it? How would you react if you were the executee?
  • When a player would otherwise hammer, they instead declare intent to hammer (assuming the day isn't about to end).
  • Everyone unvotes.
  • People buy abilities, with the executee claiming Butchery so that they can't gum things up by claiming Smithy, and generally trusted players claiming the beneficial abilities.
  • Once the last ability has been bought, the remaining players hammer the original executee, regardless of their personal opinions.
it does seem hard to coordinate, id be willing to participate. if i’m lynched, IS is AS does, that’s that.
you and imp are simultaneously at arm’s length and in each other’s faces.

it’s the d1 vote. yes, i agree it being town v town, but i would like to keep an eye on what they do tonight.
please don’t judge me town based on gambler. even if it’s a joke, it subtly reinforces me as town - but not guaranteed - when i’d rather be a guaranteed town person, instead of ‘oh, i dont have any reasoning, i just thought about it’.
not useless, but we apparently own the day, so

[EVERYONE]: why don’t we by using auction fully?

This could also go extremely poorly later in the game, so long as the mafia ensure they're the "remaining players".
Though that depends on whether the auction restocks.
we dont have to use this plan every day, just enough to be justified in use of it. also, the lynched was going to be gone if the plan hadn’t taken place, not accepting it with grace is a pretty scummy thing to do.

If the executee is Town then they should go along with it because them being executed with a cleared auction block is better for Town than them being executed without. If the executee is scum... Hmm, you make a good point. I agree that doing this later in the game would be a bad idea; I sort of took that for granted.

CM has made it explicit that progressing the auction will somehow let her use a kill. There isn't much to go on yet, but I'm not seeing her usual scumtells and I don't think scum!CM would be this forward with information, so I townread her.

that’s the gist of what i was going to put in notes at the end of this beast of a message.

I'm aware this sounds like complete nonsense to a lot of players, but if so, just don't worry about it.

$$$insert long list of evaluations$$$

Everyone else: keep your grubby mitts off that power or it'll be the worse for you tomorrow.
yes. yes it does.
very fair reads. i know i need to post more.
is there some specific info we should know about the auction that the general public doesn’t? or town secret/suspicion.

juicebox, Hyper: Neither of you have posted enough for me to get any kind of read on you, which means I'd be perfectly willing to execute either one of you today. Please fix this!
apologies for lack of activity. recently had a problem come up from the beginning of when i originally entered my in, but dealt with it. some small aftermath delayed me from my devices for 2 days, leading to this. anyways, im here now.

Hyper: Which players, if any, have you formed reads on?
give me an hour and i’ll send another message with some of my probing thoughts.
This did not happen. If it was because the problem came back up, that's fine. Otherwise, why not?
agreeable. im amending it as i speak (ha).
sleep, it was nearly midnight and i didn’t catch as much as i would’ve liked to the previous night. i posted what i was going to post then and there. also, typing on mobile is not easy or quick, especially when considering formatting. excuse my excuse, but it’s reality.

anyways, that’s the entirety of page 2’s messages that i would have a comment on. i have dinner to make, so i’ll put my responses and comments to page 3 out soon.
this is the best colour


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #116 on: January 17, 2025, 06:15:12 pm »

Hyper, as I move to answer your questions, I have a few.

Are you having fun?  What's the most and least fun parts of this game so far for you?  Which parts seem the most core important of the day chatter, and why?

At the time you voted for Juicebox, and said 'you have sent but a single message' - that was your second message that you voted Juicebox in - your number of posts looks about identical to his right before that voting one.

How likely do you think Juice is maf, and how much does being voted matter for people who don't post much?  Far as you know?  Like should we keep a vote on you so you don't get bored and forget we care about you?

side-note: is auction even the right way to describe it? more like a tiered marketplace. or sequential buy-in.

Maybe take that up with the mod, I call it auction and items because the mod did:

An auction has started! The following items are on the docket:

the auction is a very powerful tool. how often will we be able to use it though? is it a d/n1 thing? if the auction is as powerful as complete protection in lieu of a d1 vote (when we can settle on someone then take auction), why wouldn’t we touch the auction.

very in depth talking with elephant. send me the cliff notes? (ha).

Spoiler: sure (click to show/hide)

Imp there is already so much content to read here, is this normal - last game, was it mitigated?

Mitigated by irl situations more than my maf alignment.  We also have a post limit here, I might post more often otherwise (but shorter posts on average).

i dont really conceive of a way to reach even near post limit per day. it seems like a really high number just for convenience.

Spoiler: ... Hehe.  Blush.... (click to show/hide)

[EVERYONE]: why don’t we by using auction fully?

It's complicated.  Maf may fear it's a town trap (and CrystalizedMire might gain some additional... whatever.  Involving people who participate.  That could fit like a puzzle piece into this game too)  Maf may wanna have their 2,3,4 however many votes to own the day, and may be drooling over the ability one of them has to make 'spent votes' that can't be used to vote permanent.  That... probably doesn't fit the 'town owns the day' theme... but that theme might be quite bendable if genre and/or 'but they walked into it knowingly and chose to participate' gets involved.

Town may legit wanna help control who is the elim and may think that's worth more than these effectively 1-shots.  Town may fear that maf can somehow use these abilities in unseen ways to control stuff.  Town might think 'hrm, is there someone that is key-in-lock for?  If I don't take it, someone 'better fit' might?

Some of us might not be following that closely/not really here.  Those are the votes maybe best put into the auction; those are the voters maybe least likely to helpfully vote for town.  A point NQT brought up strongly, and 1+ others touched on.

I should have been able to decide the starting Locations of everyone, but either there is another person who was voting on it, or the list was always going to be somewhat randomized.

Wow, that's cool.  Thank you for being vague and non-specific; you are being very helpful to me.

Do you know which or how many people ended up where you chose to put them?  Did you know anything about why you might want to put someone somewhere?

I am feeling my way through this, and you need to decide what if any answers may be unsafe to give or otherwise not aligned with your wincon.  I may not know enough to know which questions would be bad to answer if answered, I hope your more specific knowledge for this helps guide you to understand how and if to answer.

What do we know about a vote spread like this? Oh yeah, it never catches scum. Scum have to be all be asleep for this to do anything to hurt them. We need wagons people!

Agreed, but to get to the better wagons we probably need people talking/pushing/probing and that's often with votes (for those who still have them) and seeing who reacts and doesn't react.

We have the weird vote-eating auction.  And we have low activity.  And I love your call for action.  But action that helps town may start all scattered and shifty and spread out, and then consolidate.

But yeah, if we're to have an elim, it's gonna be a hammer, and maybe the expectation we don't nail a hammer every day is built into the game design. What with stuff like Crystal's D5 (or later) mention.  And that flip we see would need maybe many days to really get very strong.

I dunno, I prefer an elim today, and still hope I get to use my vote to participate in the elim stuff, we'll see as we get closer.

Ahh, my themesong for this game :)

For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #117 on: January 17, 2025, 07:36:44 pm »

Short post as I'm about to go to bed, and haven't had time to digest everything that's gone on.

EuchreJack - as I said, scum!EJ is nervy and careful while town!EJ is aggressive and chaotic. This looks like town!EJ.
How would you describe CYOS2's scum!EJ, if you're willing to glance at that game?
I'll take a quick look tomorrow - I admit that I've read none of that game.

I would say I'm mostly talking about D1s in the quote... scum!EJ can get a bit less self-controlled in later days if the team falls apart, or earlier if they're really under pressure. This is a shot in the dark and may not apply at all to the game you linked, but I suspect what you're remembering is scum!EJ in later days.

@Imp: I understand a lot of your read on me is from tone... and tone reads I respect a lot and can't argue with, people on this forum need to use them more. That being said, both the games you're looking at where I was scum, I did have to stay alive to win, and was doing a fair bit of third party hunting... Neither of which apply here. Food for thought.

I do actually agree with what you say about investigations. From the OP, magma strongly hints that scum will have something to counter investigations, which suggests a) there's something off about any situation where they seem to be free, or b) they won't always work.

NJW: how often do you think you read correctly? are you confident in either leading, or giving suggestions?
When I'm not facing new players, I'd say my reads are right pretty often these days. Honestly, after last game I really regret not pushing them harder... In my early games, I used to tunnel, suffer confirmation bias and push poor cases way too hard. If anything, it's the opposite right now.

There have been a couple of times where I've fumbled a win when I should have doubled down on my intuitions, but I'm especially salty about the MVM game, where my read was correct, and another player even backed it up, yet it was all for nothing.

In the light of NQT's awesome play with big red letters that potentially sabotaged the entirety of D1, I'm reserving judgement there.

I think I would still like to see a FallacyofUrist elimination.

Could that feel a bit unfair, if they haven't had a chance to speak for themselves as much as some other players? Yes. Yes it could. I hope it does.

FoU felt things were a bit unfair in the CYOS game. I liked how that went.
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #118 on: January 17, 2025, 08:16:35 pm »

The auction ends at the end of this day.
I like birds

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #119 on: January 17, 2025, 08:28:52 pm »

Is there a reason you've mostly limited yourself to talking about the auction?
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