I'm much less concerned than EP states he is about who gets smithy.
Theoretically, whomever gets what from the auction, it's locked after N1 (or whatever night they get it), never usable again unless someone has some unlock ability outside of it that would work on it.
So, whomever 'intended elim is' snatches smithy, means someone else is the D1 elim and 'intended elim' is probably the D2 elim.
Potential problems include:
- Maybe someone can unlock 1+ of these for themself or someone else, meaning some 1+ people can use it multiple times.
- Maybe someone can take special actions on those who take 1+ of these auctioned rooms --- I'd think 'Oh, CrystalizedMire would be the only concern about that' except there apparently are locations based on what some of you have said, which are really not a key part of my board game, yet my role has something to do with from its creation - so other people who don't have something as a native part of their boardgame may indeed be able to interface with others just like I can.
- For sure a flip shows a townie who could steal an ability name.
So, someone who can target those with dormitory-related abilities or inherently non-functioning abilities (I notice the flip of Mater and the to-me eerie similarity of the Tachyon, which uses an upgrade space to give 1 extra upgrade space - sort of 'does nothing' in a more complicated way and sticks out because nothing else looks even a little like that, except for the auction's dormitory), someone who can target those who gained abilities, someone who can unlock/unlock the name of abilities they know - I suspect meta stuff like that may well be in play and I don't know the exact form it may take.
But we can time the votability of smithy. Anyone voting on whatever is very visible; any behind the scenes planned 'coincidences' - we at least get to see the play out happen.
I think the auction itself is probably either delightfully townie and something we should make happen for all the cool town downstream effects and all the info it reveals - like if there's 3 maf and they manage to all have votes for D1 left after the auction's traded out - then they control the elim D1, but probably not after. This does have the real risk of them getting control of the D1 elim and then doing their N1 kill, but the downstream effects and all the info revealed may be worth this - and we may be able to laugh at how obvious that might make team maf and handle the game just fine after that point.
Or the auction is solid scum, a disadvantage in some ways for those who take parts of it. I kinda don't think so... this is a day auction and town... well remember the timing goals of our mod:
3. The mafia should feel confident that they own the night phase. In my mind, this means that they should not be caught be a role action that they could not prevent. An unblockable cop would be a simple example of something I wouldn't include. It isn't uncommon for the mafia to be given notes at the start of the game so that they know what to expect. See also, rule 1. Also, see rule 2.
4. The town should feel confident that they own the day phase. Things like mafia hidden double-voters only serve to frustrate the town, taking away what should be their main weapon against the mafia. See rule 1 again.
5. If both sides act randomly, the mafia should win ~55% of the time. Obviously, this is difficult to achieve in a role madness game, but this is the aim. The town should have to work for their win.
I have some issue with that maf own the night thing. We see the town flip of Mater. And we each see our own roles - mine is town so I have no idea what a maf role looks like in this game. But I see elements of similarity between Mater's flip and my own role, it's vague but there. And there's elements that suggest that Maf's 'ownership of the night' could be threatened.
So, I think maf roles might be exceptionally powerful and very key-in-lock and immune to various things. Able to block unblockable; able to survive 1+ kill attempts, able to target multiple players, able to multiaction - we see a dead townie with all of that except blocking unblockable. Why wouldn't maf have... even more. Maf own the night how? I think we should be pretty careful about that. Maf are probably soup-masters in this game and have special meta stuff above and beyond what we can see town has, from the town flip and whatever role we see.
And CrystalizedMire's auction thingy... kinda gets in the way of town owning the day, unless the auction comes from a town player and has other reasons why it's cool for town, which likely also give some advantages to the mafia but more to town.
And presuming we can keep control over the day vote, I think the patterns that get revealed might be useful.
I don't really agree with the
If the executee is Town then they should go along with it because them being executed with a cleared auction block is better for Town than them being executed without. If the executee is scum... Hmm
I strongly don't agree that a town executee 'should go along with it', because that also means the executee is going along with being the executee. "The auction is going to help town, and that's a reason to help the auction" is not related to being the executee or not. The power to really consider taking out of play is the one that Tric took, not the one that makes one impossible to protect. The 'wrong person' (someone distrusted) takes Smithy? We elim them a future day and/or kill them... we see a town flip with a kill and CrystalizedMire claims a kill of anti-town... which I hope isn't wishful thinking on CrystalizedMire's part and absolutely could be written into her ability, I don't know anything about the game that would make that really unlikely... it's just iffy to my thinking.
And all these ability names are known and who gets them is known. We see a town flip that can steal an ability with a known name. We should expect that other townies and antitown too can potentially steal abilities with known names, and that locked might be unlockable for some under some conditions.
It bugs me a lot that EP wants the 'immunity to protect' ability out of the game. Maybe his thinking isn't scary about that... I can see scary reasons, pro-maf reasons, to want that ability out of play, as I try to imagine what these night-owning maf abilities may or ... even probably must look like based on what is known and is claimed.
I really think
Verm is town, further play and some things said hit my townie bells there.
I really think
Tric is town, I can see good Tric-reasoning pro-town stuff in everything Tric's done.
I strongly suspect
CrystalizedMire is town. Almost as strong as I really think Verm and Tric, and it's mech related.
I really don't want any of those three elim. I also am town and hope I'm not today's elim.
When I was maf with
Hyper he did appear to need encouragement to post on some days, but not the start of the game. Our maf chat from that game's open of course, you can search for posts from hyper and be able to scan all those without seeing my longer and even more frequent messages. He posted 677 times in our maf chat, flip it to search for in: mafia-chat and check oldest first and you see from beginning of the game maf Hyper feeling his way - but he made 4 posts in the game thread before I made my 1st, and he was chatty.
Is he different this game because he's trying not to look like last game's maf persona, be he maf again or town?
secondly, that would be quite cruel and unusual if i were mafia again. i was stressed out last game, so i’m satisfied i can ‘relax’ (it feels strange to say that, because i will not be relaxed here). i’ll try out a new gameplay style, a bit more aggressive and active now that, once again[/i.], im acquainted with the playstyle.
I would like to see this relaxed or aggressive/active or whatever playstyle. Sorry you were stressed out last game, you hid it really well for the most part; you did seem stressed and even checking out when you thought you/we were losing and especially when you seemed to think you might have to finish alone.
It's interesting to see you not really following through on stated intentions this game. You were better about that your last game; but you had my strong encouragement.... but not for your first posts. Your first 4-or-so posts in the game thread your maf game... that was you. And you looked great and natural.
So not sure about you. But failure to follow through does not generally get read as town here.
You didn't post until you were voted; vote came off and you didn't follow up yet... there's another vote on you now but....
As I'd say if I were town or maf... if you're town we need you. OMG we need you. Get over here and help. If you're maf... I'm sorry.
Since I'm not maf and there's 10 other players in play, I know there's at least a 20% chance you are maf. Same as everyone else. If there's 3 maf, 30% chance it's you. If there's 4 maf, 40% chance one's you. That's not unusual, and no more cruel than any other random process.
So, when you can, please please please play play play. Your team needs you and you have a team, be you town or not. If you're town, I am on your team. That is reason to delight - and if you're not town - don't fear me too much. Play with me and the others and learn; even if you're sure this game's a loss learn from it; try, explore and grow.
NQT, FoU, Hyper, Juicebox, Jack; need more from you when possible. Night 1 is coming. - not adjusted from shortly before NQT, umm... gave more
NJW and EP, I'm reading everything you two post. I'm glad to read more.
People I think are town, love to see more from you too.