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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Board Game - Boardgame Over  (Read 29811 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #90 on: January 17, 2025, 12:01:28 pm »

Don't take Butchery or someone else will have to take Smithy to prevent last-minute shenanigans, and I don't think anyone is universally townread enough to justly do that (though I personally would be okay with NJW doing it -- they're my strongest townread at the moment, with my only beef being a setup focus that can be justified by (a) everyone else doing it (b) the lack of other things to talk about until just recently)
Okay, got it. I agree with your read of NJW.
If all the auction items are taken off, then the quicker it is for me to kill an anti-town.

... CrystalizedMire.  For sure?  Not just kill, but kill a maf is your claim you can for sure do? For rules say we don't have any other kinda anti-town?  I wouldn't probe this but you just claimed it.  If we believe you even slightly you have a whole bunch of eager town plotting your success and survival.  However, I cannot tonight protect someone other than myself, so I cannot urge you not to take that butchery and I don't know what to recommend.

I have no idea how much claiming you wanna do about this.  Or if you feel so sure you die quick that protection is meaningless, use this shot now and help get there.  At a guess you don't get to do this again though so....
However, I would note that my kill would happen at n5 at minimum. That might not be worth it.
I like birds


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #91 on: January 17, 2025, 12:07:51 pm »

We're approaching the 24-hours-until-EOD marker, so we should probably start thinking about making our mind up. I think the auction might best work if we start acting more unilaterally: getting everyone to agree ahead of time to a plan is harder than enacting a plan and getting enough people together as you go.

More than that, there is one thing I can do in this game that will give me more information than anything else at this point...


  • Darkroom (Passive)
    Nobody can see you in here. It's a good place to lie low.
    You are immune to investigative abilities. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Butchery (Passive)
    A little creepy. Many of the tools here are used to dissect animals. Hopefully they don't turn against you.
    You are immune to protective abilities. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.

  • Smithy (Passive)
    The armour here will make you positively unhoistable.
    You are immune to lynches. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Dormitory (Passive)
    A nice place to doze off for a while, if you don't mind the bedbugs.
    This does nothing. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Hospital (Passive)
    This is a great place to stub your toe.
    You are immune to kills. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Sheriff's Office (Active, Free)
    The sheriff needs a new deputy. Will you answer the call?
    Target any player. You will learn their Faction. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.

Juicebox, Imp and Elephant Parade have all expressed an interest in joining the auction, and so they should do so. Are you going to race to get the Smithy?

Scum will want to grab Sheriff's Office themselves... but they'll also be aware that whoever takes it is themselves likely to be investigated. This could all get very interesting...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #92 on: January 17, 2025, 12:12:37 pm »

We're approaching the 24-hours-until-EOD marker, so we should probably start thinking about making our mind up. I think the auction might best work if we start acting more unilaterally: getting everyone to agree ahead of time to a plan is harder than enacting a plan and getting enough people together as you go.

More than that, there is one thing I can do in this game that will give me more information than anything else at this point...


  • Darkroom (Passive)
    Nobody can see you in here. It's a good place to lie low.
    You are immune to investigative abilities. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Butchery (Passive)
    A little creepy. Many of the tools here are used to dissect animals. Hopefully they don't turn against you.
    You are immune to protective abilities. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.

  • Smithy (Passive)
    The armour here will make you positively unhoistable.
    You are immune to lynches. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Dormitory (Passive)
    A nice place to doze off for a while, if you don't mind the bedbugs.
    This does nothing. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Hospital (Passive)
    This is a great place to stub your toe.
    You are immune to kills. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
  • Sheriff's Office (Active, Free)
    The sheriff needs a new deputy. Will you answer the call?
    Target any player. You will learn their Faction. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.

Juicebox, Imp and Elephant Parade have all expressed an interest in joining the auction, and so they should do so. Are you going to race to get the Smithy?

Scum will want to grab Sheriff's Office themselves... but they'll also be aware that whoever takes it is themselves likely to be investigated. This could all get very interesting...

Oh neat.

I have a bigger post ready to go, but I'll delay and watch fireworks.

No, I'm not after smithy.

I'm hoping I can remain a voter on the elim, but I am very interested in whomever takes the sheriff's office, and might take that one... maybe.

However, I would note that my kill would happen at n5 at minimum. That might not be worth it.

Do we have to clear the auction today, or can it run over multiple days?  I presume you need to be alive to have it keep running?

Feel free to say 'townie secret' or any form of that.  But info you're willing to share that you think could help town... to call me 'all ears' is an understatement.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #93 on: January 17, 2025, 12:15:58 pm »

It looks like people have decided to keep quiet about the thing I said I'd talk about at some point. So I won't talk about it today unless a thing happens towards the end of the day that makes it necessary to talk about. I'm aware this sounds like complete nonsense to a lot of players, but if so, just don't worry about it.

@EP: maybe on a different day when there's more consensus, but I think that that's not going to work today because we're nowhere near an agreed elim target. It'll devolve into chaos, and that's pretty much always going to work well for scum.

Ok, initial reads. We have a fairly short space of time left, need to start looking properly. I suggest everyone have a go at a reread at this point, if you haven't already.

EuchreJack - as I said, scum!EJ is nervy and careful while town!EJ is aggressive and chaotic. This looks like town!EJ.
TricMagic - they're extremely given to D1 claims and sacrifices as town. They just lot their vote by taking Darkroom and announced a night action. If this is scum!Tric, they're being coached extraordinarily well.
Elephant Parade - just a town lean because they're a long term forum vet that I shouldn't feel confident reading. But so far today, they've been helpful and engaged, as well as a bit more conversational than by-the-book scumhunters like EP dare to be as mafia. I completely disagree with their idea that there's a way to safely trade half our votes for an inspect and a (claimed) vig, but I don't often agree with EP.

Imp - my gut says town-Imp, and I read them perfectly based on tone last game. So if I'm sticking to my process and trusting my intuition where it's worked, town. But a lot of their behaviour is non-town, like a seven hundred word response to EP voting them. Maybe this is unfortunately consistent with Imp's play in general, but there comes a point. Same for the votes without asking difficult questions or trying to present a case on me... feels like they'd decided to do their best to push me out from the get-go. Though again, Imp with a gut feeling and no new ideas is just going to state the gut feeling repeatedly.
There's a kind of egotism in assuming I can perfectly tone read a longtime mafia player, but on the other hand, I just think my reads based on tone are usually right, which would make them town?

CrystallizedMire - this is largely a meta read. But this just doesn't look like the previous D1s I've played with her. For example, in the MVM game, there was a bit of a tendency to pick up on other people's ideas and ask some slightly obvious questions, from which I read her correctly as unconfident town. I mean, she's playing better - I like the absence of less interesting questions and the independent takes. I enjoy the lucid and confident posts, and do think CM is on the way to being a strong and unconventional player, so I feel a bit bad posting this. But today just seems a bit outside her meta.

As for claiming a kill that unlocks when the auction is finished - to be honest, I could see crystal doing that as scum, especially with someone strong coaching her.

Hyper - they've said a small amount. I don't think I can read them based on that much. It looks like they're not entirely following how the auction works, which would be unusual for a scum player, but NAI. An elim here might lead to information, but I'm willing to hold off on it for now based on later posts.
VermillionSkies - really wants to keep Tric alive and don't have much else to say. I guess if Imp is town I'd be inclined to trust their Vermometer, but that's just because I'm lazy.
Juicebox - yeah, I dunno. Juicebox has an extremely neutral tone every game I've seen. They've done one post replying to very early questions, and not adding or asking anything. This is null, but it's the kind of null where you just shrug and elim them if they haven't made more of a contribution at the end of the day.

FallacyofUrist - slightly lean scum, some of it tone and some for reasons I'd rather not go into right now. More observation needed.
NQT - scum. Because they're being very, very quiet and not rocking the boat. Voting someone who's been low-activity is an extremely uncontroversial move, and it's been their only move so far. Having been on a scumteam with them, this notquitelurking was exactly their strategy D1, and they're very good at it. If they do indeed kick things up a gear as they promise to, I'd change this read. And I'm happy saying that, because I genuinely don't think they will. I think they'd gamble on being able to fade into the shadows D1 despite a few players getting a meta read on them for it.

I know that not everyone will see this, as they haven't played with NQT as often or as closely I have. But right now, NQT is the closest thing to a sure thing.

NINJA: Well fuck me, he started a mad scramble to give away votes for powers. Ok, this isn't a classic scum!NQT lurking through D1 at all. I don't know if I trust it, but I'll have to reconsider the above.

I really suggest people do not buy everything today. Not only do I not entirely trust CM, it's very likely that losing even 4 town votes in one day hands the elim to scum, or at the very least leads to a no-elim. I'd remind you that vigs aren't actually that pro-town, statistically speaking, so even if CM does get the kill there's no guarantee it's going to help.

CrystallizedMire: do you feel different this game compared to the D1 of the MVM we were just in? If so, why?

EuchreJack: I'm very comfortable with you taking smithy if you want.

Everyone else: keep your grubby mitts off that power or it'll be the worse for you tomorrow.
One wheel short of a wagon

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #94 on: January 17, 2025, 12:26:43 pm »

Elephant Parade - just a town lean because they're a long term forum vet that I shouldn't feel confident reading. But so far today, they've been helpful and engaged, as well as a bit more conversational than by-the-book scumhunters like EP dare to be as mafia. I completely disagree with their idea that there's a way to safely trade half our votes for an inspect and a (claimed) vig, but I don't often agree with EP.
Not criticism, but it's funny to me that people keep calling me a vet when I have fewer games under my belt than nearly anyone here.

EuchreJack - as I said, scum!EJ is nervy and careful while town!EJ is aggressive and chaotic. This looks like town!EJ.
How would you describe CYOS2's scum!EJ, if you're willing to glance at that game?

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #95 on: January 17, 2025, 12:32:19 pm »

Juicebox, Imp and Elephant Parade have all expressed an interest in joining the auction, and so they should do so. Are you going to race to get the Smithy?
Recall that my interest was conditional:

I would be willing to participate in the plan I outlined or some other plan if I thought it was good. I also might be willing to buy an ability near the end of the day if my ability [ebwop: vote] didn't seem likely to affect the outcome of the execution. I'm not interested in buying Butchery right this second because, as I explained to CM, it would mean someone would have to buy Smithy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #96 on: January 17, 2025, 12:40:39 pm »

NJW, I agree entirely that lurking and safe votes is a good D1 scum strategy. That would have been a fair read. As it happens, I've just not been very well the last few days (much better as of today!), but that would be an easy lie for someone to make so you shouldn't take that at face value.

Anyway, while I would be happy for you to take a power today — I like your post, you've demonstrated you should live another day — perhaps you should be one of the EOD voters.

1. I'd like Sheriff's Office if nobody else should have it
2. I'm also interested in being able to vote to elim today
3. I want the auction to happen
If you want the auction to happen (3), then you should join the auction. Of course you want Sheriff's Office but: A. if you're town then I remind you this is a team game and it's important that someone inspects more than it being you to do it; B. if you're scum then of course you want to grab it!

If you're serious about the auction happening then put your vote where your mouth is.

Elephant Parade
Recall that my interest was conditional
We're entering the last third of the day. Do you have a case to push? Or are you going to help us get to the Sheriff's Office? If you end up not using your vote usefully today, I shan't be impressed.

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #97 on: January 17, 2025, 12:48:42 pm »

juicebox, Hyper: Neither of you have posted enough for me to get any kind of read on you, which means I'd be perfectly willing to execute either one of you today. Please fix this!

juicebox: Who is your top scumpick, and who are their most and least likely partners?
apologies for lack of activity. recently had a problem come up from the beginning of when i originally entered my in, but dealt with it. some small aftermath delayed me from my devices for 2 days, leading to this. anyways, im here now.

Hyper: Which players, if any, have you formed reads on?
give me an hour and i’ll send another message with some of my probing thoughts.
This did not happen. If it was because the problem came back up, that's fine. Otherwise, why not?

VermillionSkies: What's your read of Imp?

Elephant Parade
Recall that my interest was conditional
We're entering the last third of the day. Do you have a case to push? Or are you going to help us get to the Sheriff's Office? If you end up not using your vote usefully today, I shan't be impressed.
Have I not been pushing a case this entire time? And giving up my vote 26 hours before the deadline seems like a bad idea to me, especially when I could just as easily (if not as certainly) do it 26 minutes before the deadline.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #98 on: January 17, 2025, 12:53:55 pm »

Have I not been pushing a case this entire time?
This is fair, you have an edge on almost every other player in the game in that you're actually using your vote. If you want an Imp lynch, convince two other players who still have a vote that she's the one that needs to go.

And giving up my vote 26 hours before the deadline seems like a bad idea to me, especially when I could just as easily (if not as certainly) do it 26 minutes before the deadline.
This is you not thinking like a team player. If we want to get someone to have the sherrif's office power, then trying to arrange that at the last moment seems like a very risky plan.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #99 on: January 17, 2025, 01:08:00 pm »

Have I not been pushing a case this entire time?
This is fair, you have an edge on almost every other player in the game in that you're actually using your vote. If you want an Imp lynch, convince two other players who still have a vote that she's the one that needs to go.

And giving up my vote 26 hours before the deadline seems like a bad idea to me, especially when I could just as easily (if not as certainly) do it 26 minutes before the deadline.
This is you not thinking like a team player. If we want to get someone to have the sherrif's office power, then trying to arrange that at the last moment seems like a very risky plan.
That's reasonable. However: to me, executing her today is less important than generating a solid base of content that can be used to read everyone, so I don't want to focus too much on Imp, who has already received far more attention, from me and in general, than anyone else in the game. (Doubly so because I would be perfectly OK lynching FoU over Imp, along with the lurkers if they don't get posting in time for me to form a read.) For now, I have left my vote and made my argument; I'll push or revisit it as required.

I see where you're coming from, but giving up my vote now would reduce town's voteshare and rhetorical power for the rest of the day, which to me eclipses the risk of nobody getting the good powers today if I leave it too late/don't buy at all. Perhaps a few hours in advance would be more reasonable?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #100 on: January 17, 2025, 01:12:18 pm »

EP: Imp this game is... honestly, NAI for me.
They're willing to throw out reads like that regardless of what faction they're in, from what I've seen, and walls of texts aren't uncommon either.
That said, I think they're playing more like CYOM or CYOS2 Imp than MVM Imp this game. Mild townlean, maybe?

I'd like a little more than what we have from Juicebox. Same with Hyper, but I like what they've put out more than what Juice has.
Fair warning, if the Hospital opens up I'm grabbing it. It's too valuable to not take.

EP feels townlean to me. At least, enough so that I wouldn't have too many grievances with them taking the Smithy.

Elephant Parade

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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #101 on: January 17, 2025, 01:24:12 pm »

EP: Imp this game is... honestly, NAI for me.
They're willing to throw out reads like that regardless of what faction they're in, from what I've seen, and walls of texts aren't uncommon either.
That said, I think they're playing more like CYOM or CYOS2 Imp than MVM Imp this game. Mild townlean, maybe?

I'd like a little more than what we have from Juicebox. Same with Hyper, but I like what they've put out more than what Juice has.
Fair warning, if the Hospital opens up I'm grabbing it. It's too valuable to not take.

EP feels townlean to me. At least, enough so that I wouldn't have too many grievances with them taking the Smithy.
Could you explain this in more specific terms, and ideally -- but not necessarily; I know sometimes it's just impossible to get a fix on someone -- reach a read that, however weak, doesn't end in a question mark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #102 on: January 17, 2025, 01:36:45 pm »

I'm going to be entirely honest, my main towntell for Imp so far is willingness to type a lot.
They get very passionate as town, as it shows up as walls of text, which I'm seeing a lot of here, and didn't see nearly as much of, looking back in retrospective of MVM.
I don't have enough of anything else to be willing to put it up as official reasoning.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #103 on: January 17, 2025, 01:42:23 pm »

Oh gods.

This is awful because I really enjoy playing beside NJW this game.

My history with NJW and reading him each game:

That said, I like him, he's talking plenty and active.  I've said my piece, others after D1 can pick up the pieces regardless of if I'm here or not.  I think he's probably a good elim today.  I tended to have trouble as town picking out likely power roles, I tried to damp that down because I was tending to elim town power roles... but scum can have greater and weaker power roles too, and I'm concerned about NJW being the right maf to elim first too (as web was in CYOS, as 4maskwolf was in BYOMonster; I don't always catch the OMG stop that now! vibe... but I have... and that fits into 'come and be killed calling' too - and is also something I can be wrong about).

I'd like to be wrong?  As I said in FBYOR6 when I was instead of reads, saying who I wanted to see alive the next day?  I like NJW a lot and other than that 'but he's the maf gonna kill us all?' issue/concern/certainty/delusion/worry I would be glad to have him here all game.  And the rest of me stares at that part of me and shouts, "OMG elim NJW now!!!"

So! I'm super curious to see the flips once game is over.

And guys... whatever happens later in the game.  Consider at least investigating NJW or something?  And remember... one way to own the night is to be safe even if investigated.  All the protections from actions Mater's flip show... potential to get for a townie.  How safe must our maf be, to 'own the night' and have a better than 50% chance to win, our mod thinks, if actions are taken randomly?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Board Game - Day One
« Reply #104 on: January 17, 2025, 01:53:01 pm »

And this is what I was gonna post before I saw NQT had taken the auction item, spoilered for length but leaving the locations out of spoiler because I wanna.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


I know I seem pretty knowledgble for a townie.  I'm Imp and got the mind I got, and I already know 2/12 roles plus all the claims made so far.  Remember me in CYOS 1; remember me in BYOAlignment.  I put the stuff together and may not need much - that does not mean I'm overinformed scum.

One thing I know nearly nothing about is actual locations.  I have a role that does something in connection to them, but I don't actually know what they are/are not and I don't know much else about them either.

Like... I dunno if 'the corner bakery' is a location, if 'Boardwalk' is a location, if 'Rainforest' is a location, if 'Sweden' is a location or if 'Africa' is a location or if 'Starlight Station' is a location... 'Heaven', 'Dormitory', 'Bottom Left Corner', 'e4' or what are or are not location names... and purposes or anything else about them.  I also don't know if different people have their own sets of locations that apply to them but not others, and I don't know how the mech all ties together or the maze it forms.

If you think it's probably townie to discuss knowledge you have about locations, I and everyone else are listening, and I and maybe everyone/anyone else can perhaps do something with some of that knowledge.  Be thoughtful?  But we know mafia are likely well informed so the odds of that info hurting town more then helping... consider and decide what you share if anything about any kind of specifics.  Remember it's Imp and the mind of Imp who can put stuff together asking too, so you may not have to be really detailed?  But I will miss stuff like cyphers/weave it into the letters of other words you type.  I just don't see that kinda stuff.  Weird confusing things said... maybe I can catch that kinda info easier.

I'm eating breakfast before I dive headfirst into the newer stuff and discussing NQT's questions about auction and vote and whatever else I didn't focus on yet.

Also I really wanna hear from CrystalizedMire about items staying available for tomorrow if they do or whatever Crystal feels is townie to discuss about that if anything.  That the kill isn't until N5 at minimum... may not make it less believable or too late to matter.  And may mean not rushing to finish Auction today might be even more advised, so I'm thinking - and need breakfast.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.
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