Mater, Prod for
Hyper, please? Still concerned about NJW, same reasons, but that vote begs to be placed.
Meta reads are all well and good but at no point have you explained how any of this ties into the single post Vermillion made. I find that quite suspicious. Imp.
Elephant, I don't get your desire for me to discuss or react to your reply, I discussed how unrealistic I thought it was when I asked. My thoughts - I don't think you're living in a realistic world with that ... 'stated dream' of how the choreography could work.
You described waiting for someone to have intent to hammer then we all unvote - which means there's already votes and voters scattered to time - then 9 of us (if that many are possible) line up to decide who gets what, or who means to fight for what when it's next, or who means to lie about that - and we get all that sorted so maybe pro-town decisions happen for the most part about who gets what of the auction, then the people who chose not to get anything then hammer... I guess ideally that same person initially intented to be hammered.
That's not how town usually works on D1, and I tried to weave something less complex than that in CYOS1 D1 to elim web (along with Sof, dang Tric the double elim target really helped there, it made it harder for maf to cover both targets, well done once more).
This game... when you posted that 'plan' we had 2/11 not even posted yet. Most of us had posted just once, a few twice. Voting's important to most of us...
Even so, we saw last game how D2 NQT was 'set up' to be the elim by town - my maf partner there wasn't even voting EoD. I could have had any of Tric, Verm, or NQT just by myself voting because nobody else was organized and everyone else but NQT had one vote, and town Jack had just parked his vote on NQT like 30 hours earlier and just not come back (granted was Christmas and day after, but still). NQT even gently discussed with Jack in deadchat or something how anti-town-like that parked vote was.
We do stuff like that, even the town of us, and I'm surprised that you think we can pull off a 9 player organized handle auction and handle elim.
It may fall into place. One vote's already gone to the auction - but you didn't predict 'it'll happen' - you describe an organized plan and one that I don't think is at all likely.
... I organize plans as any alignment if I see a way to. Scum have a team and often need to organize plans when they can. Masons might organize team behavior. Very few others do in maf games, especially D1.
I don't get or understand your thinking there - I'm not sure it's scummy of you but it's not reasonable and doesn't take human nature, specific players present behaviors and patterns into account, and it's weird as heck for you to expect - in my eval.
Harder to tell is that how you'd think when townie/when not in a team... dunno. When you were masons with Jim D1 you were not at all obvious team to me, but I had MY ROLE and its ability shining in my eyes and I was going gangbusters towards joy and thrill... even when I settled down to serious I was grabbing likely MLs and conf towning them (would have been fine if they were anti-town, but they were just seriously scummy) and I really kinda thought you town by the time I was focusing that way. You were even beggin' me to inspect you/Jim at one point to help ensure you guys weren't the elim... I was more worried about folks I thought were likely to be the elim/were likely to actually be anti-town.
I've grown a lot since that game and I don't have MY ROLE and its ability blinding me this game. What I've got is nice and all, just not so nice that I can't think how to play to my wincon as well.
Meta reads been there/explained that. Last game you were in with me, CYOS2, where my meta on Verm helped get him elim D1. My meta read of Verm has minimally changed since then; I got to seem him as to-me conf town when I was maf in our game after CYOS2 and now here. He's gonna try to fix it, and this:
Imp continues to haunt my mafia games like some sort of phantom. Please stop correctly reading me D1, it's getting uncanny.
Doesn't feel right or true, but the rest of his second post's okay and parts of it ring town-Verm-true.
Verm... you sure you don't want me to correctly read you on D1 when you actually are town? Cause... that means I run you up for elim because I wrongly I think you're not town... and that hurts town if you happen to be pro-town... sure you want me to stop reading you correctly D1? Didn't think so... what, you want that? Freakin' jester

Back to Elephant... so yeah. I'm not 'scared' of town-reading Verm when I am maf - I showed that clearly last game. I'm not scared of town-reading Verm when I am town, or reading him as anti-town. He's Verm, one of my favorite people to play in a maf game beside; he's what I hoped Toons would be with me but Toons got sick of my errors or personality or something - dunno, probably don't wanna know. He's what I hoped EJ would be for me since FBYOR, but that was mod-made key in lock and never a personality fit - maybe he is a personality fit.
He's Verm and he's my buddy whose throat I will and have cut when I think he's anti-my-wincon
and if I think I gotta go that far (last game, whew, no; never hurt him 'cept in mod's end-game flavor - when he's anti-town and I am pro-town... dang. Wish it didn't have to be, but you saw me handle that in CYOS2).
Elephant, glad you at least asked Hyper a question that may be past RVS. And your various RVS questions, glad you asked them. I wonder about your scumhunting and such too, sure you get time to find your feet. And I'm sorry I'm so loud or something that I distract you every game? I care more when you're town, of course. But I'm not playing that loud this game or posting that much, I think. And you bounce from telling me... though this was a few games ago now...
Literally just post less. Post only the top 10% most important content and let the rest sit.
And I know you get 'I read X as town' because you've given tremendously little there yourself:
EP, do you have a current read of MS?
Referencing other posts on this page. What type of post is that Elephant Parade? They ask, you say, and not much else?
I don't want to explain my read on MS because that would make it easier for scum!MS to be townread. I'll say that I read him as town, and I'll explain once he posts more, whether or not I change my mind.
So your chew on me is weird. I'm still puzzling over you though, so I guess that's fine.
But you have loads of what I'm doing and reacting this game to consider, if you wanna. Interesting to learn what you wanna. And I just wanna see you move towards your wincon when you're ready, whatever that means for you.
Carry on, all!