Looking back at the five remaining players and the two outed scum and seeing who (among these seven) they were trying to remove from the game, let's see what that tells us. Because my time is not infinite, and because it's the most relevant part each day, I'll be mainly be focusing on the very last vote and who they say they suspect. (Note, the most/least suspicious only includes the current living players.)
Who Everyone VotesD1Juicebox: Elephant Parade
Salvatore/Hyper: Juicebox
NJW: No one! "I don't even know at this point. I'm not sure if I'd be okay with any elim."
Imp: Auction
Crystal: Auction
NQT: Auction
Elephant Parade: Juicebox
Conclusion: Scum bussed juicebox on D1, but probably accidentally!
Hyper put a distancing vote on juice as his first move but then didn't get to post again! I earlier thought this was a deliberate bus of juicebox but now I can see this is haplessness caused by Hyper having to leave the game early. This spread thus makes Elephant Parade look good
NJW wasn't voting and managed to hold the peculiar position of thinking players giving up their vote was
"an impressively terrible idea" but also that he wasn't sure he even wanted an elimination. Still, I think given that Juice was on the block, he would have had an incentive to find a reason to vote for any alternative wagon. This then may actually be a good look for NJW.
Crystal, Imp and NQT are in the auction, and so get to avoid voting at day end. Crystal picks the option that makes her immune to being the elimination candidate. It's interesting that Juice decided not to go that route— quite possibly because he knew he needed to have his vote to counterbalance Hyper's dangling vote on him.
Most suspicious: Crystal.
Least suspicious: Elephant Parade
D2Juicebox: Crystal
Salvatore/Hyper: Fallacy (late on the wagon, no other targets offered)
NJW: Fallacy (then Juicebox, the Vermillion)
Imp: "Elims I want today, order of preference: #1 NJW2000, #2 Juicebox"
Crystal: Didn't vote. "I was mostly suspicious of Juicebox" but doesn't actually vote Juicebox.
NQT: Fallacy but "I actually prefer Juice or Crystal over Fallacy."
Elephant Parade: Fallacy. Showed some suspicion of Crystal.
A big thing that jumps out at me is that Crystal doesn't vote, despite voicing a suspicion. Imp and NQT both try to float an alternative wagon on Juice. Elephant Parade says it's too late to attempt anything like that. It's easy with hindsight but of players on the Fallacy wagon, Salvatore's was the weakest vote.
Note that Juice is voting for Crystal but that doesn't tell us anything about Crystal: scum know Fallacy is being eliminated and classically at least one or two of them will be off of the wagon that kills town.
Most suspicious: Crystal.
Least suspicious: Imp
D3Juicebox: No one (he'd basically given up)
Salvatore/Hyper: No one!
NJW: No one — though is around EOD to hammer. "I'm still trying to figure out where else I'd want an elim in crystal, [NQT] and salvatore"
Imp: Tricmagic "wish we could flip Tric today"
Crystal: Juicebox
NQT: Juicebox
Elephant Parade: Juicebox
D3 everyone has the chance to wagon the person they all suspected on D2: Juicebox. Juicebox is powerless in the face of this, and Salvatore stands back. Unlike in the previous day, now it's Crystal who commits to her read and NJW who does nothing. NJW, in fairness, doesn't want to hammer Salvatore, but opts not to create a second wagon. Functionally, he's in favour of Salvatore, he doesn't concoct a reason to vote for Tric or push hard on an alternative option. Despite being one of the first players awake in the game, he doesn't vote Juice when he has the chance to get in early.
If there was a time anyone was bussing Juice, this would be it as the writing was on the wall. Crystal even says: "Definetly not the best maf to kill today but is the one that I'm sure is maf. He doesn't seem to have much in terms of connections that we can gather to find the other maf." Crystal gives the
world's laziest reads, still manages to place Salvatore and Juicebox next to each other despite "completely not paying attention".
Elephant Parade uses vote actively to pressure reads out of Crystal and then quickly settles on Juice. As with other nights, Imp controls the end of the day and so functionally hammers with her inverted vote.
Most suspicious: Crystal & NJW tied.
Least suspicious: Elephant Parade
D4Salvatore/Hyper: Euchrejack "If EuchreJack was the n1 target, then we live in some kind of bizarro world."
NJW: Crystal, but around for the hammer.
Imp: No one, would like NQT dead but accepting of Salvatore and around for the hammer
Crystal: Salvatore Monday "I think it's salvatore monday because I feel that their suspicion of Euchrejack wasn't genuine and make town doubt that Euchrejack and Imp aren't town."
NQT: Salvatore "POE they are now looking worse than the other players"
Elephant Parade: Salvatore "has never risen above a meh for me, so I'll put my vote there"
NJW is very reasonable on D4 and tries to intervene between me and Imp, saying it's a town fight. Which I eventually recognised. This is easy to read as a town thing, but playing the neutral arbitrater is something scum do all the time because they do it genuinely! They know who's really town after all.
He expresses suspicion of Crystal but again is around for the hammer, willing to hammer Salvatore... but he doesn't lead that hunt.
Crystal does the same thing she did D3 and immediately picks scum and then sits on it, not doing much of anything. Having genuine doubts, hunting players, openly being wrong: all town-sided traits that Crystal doesn't really display. Still, she didn't actually need to do this, unlike Juice, Salvatore wasn't necessarily the only target. It's possible that having distanced early, she felt stuck on the wagon when it took off. Her reasoning that Savatore is trying "to make town think Imp and Euchrejack aren't town" doesn't make much sense from a genuine town perspective. Mafia
know that Imp and EJ are town, but town don't know that. It's not suspicious for town to try to make other people think their scumpicks are scum! This seems like it genuinely could be a scumslip.
Salvatore has an earlier vote on Crystal, saying "But at the present moment it's not a thunderdome and I'm voting for
Crystal "I'm gonna alignment-cop these two players, oops, it didn't work, guess we've got to lynch them both to be sure, teehee" Izedmire instead". This reads to me as possible distancing, but also we saw with his eventual Euchrejack vote that Salvatore did really seem to be trying to feel around for an alternative wagon.
Most suspicious: NJW & Crystal tied
Least suspicious: NQT*
*Not to blow my own horn here, but I'm calling it as I see it.
Well... that took longer that I'd like, and I'm still not 100%, but having looked back I think I'm justified in saying two things:
1. Crystal either has excellent instincts without the need to pay any attention, or is just bussing. On two days she pegged scum first thing and then sat on her vote.
2. Both NJW and Crystal have avoided voting on at least two days. When NJW has done it, he's been around to hammer or it's been a situation where voting could have saved scum. When Crystal could have voted, she expressed suspicion of Juice but didn't actually do anything.
On balance,
Crystal is the best pick. If Crystal isn't scum, she needs to give a clear read on who is and vote for them.