There's a lot of unknowns.
If CM is town and gets a sure-maf kill that's nice; any other town eurogames are nice. It sucks because some town with Eurogame might think not scumhunting protects them better. They don't need to pick their kill, they just need to live long enough to fire and forget. Which totally forgets the day game and the fact that there's at least 3 town alive right now and the other two+ (if CM is town) could really use some freaking help and clues and work.
If only we had any town narratives that's probably helpful for more kill power at some point as well. Course, a town narrative probably needs to pick who they kill (maybe not) and probably is trying to get more info who to kill (or trying to fake it).
Course, I don't think a maf would wanna frame it that way. Better to elim those people if possible for maf, then don't have to juggle so much at once.
Gosh, sure would suck if powerful, killing town has to eat a maf kill. If maf don't flip CM and CM is town, oooh that's gotta be stress. If Imp's narrative do maf flip Imp? Maybe there's other issues with that, the duelist and all - but didn't maf see that coming? Hrm, why'd pretzels come back into play (if I understand that's reported?). Some maf planning something? Guess they think there's a chance it's needed.
Still maybe Sal still in duelist whispering to a not-duelist live maf about what's goin' on in maf chat. Sal's clearly one of our better and more devious players, for all he glided easily into death (which makes sense why? How many levels of WIFOM? Who did and didn't try to save him and what really matters?)
Don't go huh too much: I think NJW's worry about 'bad plan, too many to kill' is... not towny. The overall goal of kill one of NJW/CM is not 'and for sure town will win'. But it's got some pieces there.
My basic reads:
Minimum 3 of us are town, max 4.
Minimum 1 of us is maf, max 2.
EP is convincingly town. If he's maf I am printing this game's pages, laminating them, and studying them. Masterclass on 'this looks town even though it's not'. I'd need to study it to hope to catch him as maf if this is his maf play.
1 or 2 of NJW and NQT are maf to me. I'm actually not surprised if it's both.
CM is likely town going 'I got a super important town job to do and I don't even need to know who maf are. Lemme alone'. She could be maf but I really think maf tries harder; I think I see her doing the same thing I am - with my 'nothing to report'. I am playing the day game, but hey. I denied being Eurogame - if I get a kill I gotta aim it. Not that I'm trying to get any info, even tangled, to maybe help me there.
Seriously though. If CM's maf I think I can eat her. I totally could be wrong. Of course I won't explain why I think that.
NQT and NJW? If either is maf that survives today's elim. OMG. Hang onto your hats. I have no idea how this progresses. Town could win, but I'm more scared by far than of if CM is maf that survives today's elim.
CM: Who are your townreads?
My only firm townread is Imp. Last day I townread you as well but I'm more open to the possibility of you being scum. So my only real scum leans are NJW and NQT.
Then again. Is this maf!CM locked and loaded, ready to clean Imp's clock? Or just townie CM with a 'fire and forget' kill-maf shot growing and just believing if she keeps her head down maf will cut other flowers first? mean I did mention betting town on her being town, though that was very early game.
I really wonder if maf's gonna pull this off. I wonder if this is still anyone's game.