In either scenario, I think EuchreJack is very likely scum.
Explain why, please.
EP: I really don’t think Nightkill Analysis is going to help us here.
Explain why, please. Also you directed that to EP. Trying to shut him down in specific?
EJ: I still want to know: who did you think might try to use Pretzels last night?
My attempted actions were: Develop Property and Pretzels NJW2000
As you can see, Pretzels flips the alignment inspect result. As Crystal was going to test Salvatore Monday, I did not want to risk anyone else using Pretzels on Salvatore Monday, so I attempted to target it elsewhere.
Using pretzels in a declarative way actually is clever. I'd have called it sooner, example "Hey, we got a cursed family genre ability, it flips alignment inspects and anyone can use it any night if they have the genre. It's a shared 1 shot and I wanna burn it tonight; if I succeed everyone with family will see the shot gone. I'll target X or Y so everyone who might intend to alignment inspect, know that I am targetting X or Y. That helps confuse bus targets. If you were gonna alignment inspect tonight, consider if you still wanna do this tonight or wait for confirmation that's been burned."
Tric couldn't have wisely done that, there's mech that can pass abilities he's used to inheritors.
Oh. But that's how Tric's 'supposed' to unlock his narrative, maybe. If he could have used 2 genre abilities in a row, then had the option of using marshmallows (or anyone helps protect him from kills that night) and he retires. He survives the kill and is upgraded... nah. For him retirement's a way to ensure his chosen children can inherit. He literally just uses genre 2x in a row. For him, retirement's the red herring, I think.
Juice... suggests there's a way maf COULD survive an elim. Since he'd have to do that in order to actually use princess. Not sure I believe that could be in play, maybe it is. No reason for him to use it D3 if it exists and is usable since he didn't have narrative and can't unlock princess, and maybe it's shotted or otherwise limited and maf team needs to save it for later use more than save their first-to-die maf? I kinda think that there's no way to survive unlocking Princess for Juice, that it's a red herring to puzzle over in his flip.
Anyway. I didn't call for use of pretzels sooner because I don't have it, didn't know much about it and family until Juice's flip.
I have no confirmation that my Night 2 & 3 actions actually occurred. However, on Night 1, I was only told that Imp was Town.
So I appear to have misunderstood how the Mod would report on our Night actions.
So, maybe there are multiple houses in play interfering with night actions. Eventually, that should prevent the mafia from killing, so I plan to continue developing.
Seems reasonable. Going to be difficult, unless we get a player who can and will sit in the same spot (and not get moved, even by maf) while you build over them. Our General Campaign eyes could have called your shots. You could and may have to fire blindly. If you're immune maybe aim for yourself if you can, but even then there's a chance other players can/do move you.
Seriously though. Why would we ever ignore NK analysis? Tracking may or may not help, it probably would.
Both obvious kill methods Juice's flip shows involve targeting a player, I don't see any visible untrackable. Except maybe on
Cheat (Passive)
These games look difficult... perhaps some rule-bending is in order.
You have complete knowledge of all the General Abilities in the game. You also have a way to secretly interfere with each of them. See your Table-talk server for more details.
I don't know what that means. Secret may involve untrackable/undetectable. Interesting that NQT is locked into the idea that EP's inspect of me 'proves' I do something that might be a cheat, and might be secret. Seems like something a maf would push as 'sure'. NQT bothers to say,
I'm not saying Imp is dead cert scum. I'm just saying that this result is about as convincing as Euchrejack's inspection. Either way, I don't want to end today with it being the only reason to do anything.
But his push and other words show pretty strong 'lock' on he wants me flipped and he's reading everything towards 'he knows imp must be flipped' and without real wonder and doubt and carefulness of true town.
I still really hope NQT flips - if needed. I do think it's needed, I do think this is maf. My biggest reason to preserve the Sal slot is Hyper's first reads. That's dang townie for Hyper, compared to his natural maf play last game. That said, he was willing to show posts in maf chat to me for us to discuss and polish. If he had a skilled maf partner, he'd listen and he might proactively ask (I dunno about Juice, if Juice could/would use that well, I am guessing not based on attitudes towards reading Juice). Otherwise the Hyper/Sal slot looks like a good choice for today too.
My suspects are NJW2000, NQT, and Salvatore Monday. I think everyone else is Town.
Two of these are my top maf sus as well.
I note that all three together are the entirety of the initial duelist chat. I'm pretty sure all three are not maf, they used the chat and have a multiple nights-long discussion of feeling each other out/leading each other - well, NQT and NJW did, with NQT starting it after claiming he forgot the chat existed. That can be faked but I don't feel it. Of the three, NJW is the most likely town - by far to my read in the chat.
...I'm tempted to just vote Imp as a liability. I ain't gonna eat the lynch for them.
That would suck. I am town and I think you're very likely town. We have 1 dead maf and 3 dead town. I would take massive convincing to vote red for anyone beside NQT or Sal. I don't think Sal's or nqt's play is up to snuff and I can see the maf team deciding to keep NJW alive, at least until they put a new genre member in, for multiple reasons
What we found out is that any Mafia player could have access to the Family abilities. They sure as hell wouldn't claim that.
What did we “find out” about mafia having access to family abilities?
What I see is a personal ability,
King (Active, 1-shot)
Take whatever you want! You're royalty, after all.
Target any player. Gain that player's General Abilities at the start of the following day. Lose them at the end of the following night. It's possible to have more than one copy of Family through this ability.
That names Family and doesn't seem to be intended to stack, so it's likely he started with that; it doesn't name Eurogame which shows on his flip so maybe he used that N2 - except most of his abilities provide victory points which is tied to Eurogame.
His role's also built around Princess, which is flippin' weird. Many of his abilities upgrade if he is elim while possessing narrative genre -but that's step 1. Then he has to be the elim that day he possesses it, which is a single day opportunity based on the role - and he's not built to survive that elim or come back from it. Outside methods may exist, but this is kinda the narrative version of town Tric.
Imp, I'm guessing you have been keeping tabs on what everyone has claimed to be doing at night? Want to share with the rest of the class, or do I have to go through the whole game with a fine comb myself?
Less than usual for me! Extra confusing game mech and I don't have the magic eyes to see location info that clearly matters so much. I'd love to see a nqt version of what the claims look like.
NJW and NQT and Sal too.
So I see in Duelist that first the mod writes, a reminder to only type there during nights of 1+.
Hyper joins. NJW joins. NQT joins.
Hours into N1, NQT writes (timing is fine, NQT sleeps and wakes on his own hours). A kinda squirrely opening to my read, stating who is in the genre with uncertainty and suggesting a maybe thunderdome if a single member seems sus.
NJW responds, and I read reasonable town presence, about his thoughts what a TD even is, that it isn't what NQT just defined, and agrees there's motive to go down to 2. But then NJW goes into NJW's idea/feel that it's weird the other two didn't choose to discuss this in thread; the idea of secret masons if the maf don't know about genre/the chat but that otherwise the maf know so why not discuss.
NQT's very very very very very very fast answer. 2 mins later, between 40 and 50 words. I can type that in less than 1 minute if I know what I wanna say. But NQT read, thought, and decided what to write super fast. And what he says is squirrel as all get out.
He claims sheepish emotional response and that he thought he was joining the normal game discord. He just joined and never looked.
That's malarkey. The discord link is in the genre ability itself. Mine is. The genre has a load of info and it looks a lot like the maf chat per this flip:
Table-talk (Passive)
A wink here, a nudge there; you can communicate a lot non-verbally.
You share a chat with your Faction. Join the chat by clicking here. You may speak here at any time.
It's got a lot more words but it outright tells there's a group ability chat. Tells how to join it. It's buried in the genre info. Tells you when you can talk in it.
I don't believe anyone sees this and thinks 'general game discord'. No bleepin' way.
NQT goes on to also claim in his 40-50 word squirrel-post that he thought all chats would be here, he saw the server name but he just ignored it.
I don't believe that can be true. Speed lies and ick and stress.
NJW. Sal. What do you read? What do you think? I think: This is maf going frantic lying squirrel mode.
I would be cool with an EJ lynch today.
Fuck you
Find scum tomorrow, ok?
help me. Get your vote back on nqt. Keep playing. I think you're town and I bleeping need town. Don't leave town here to lose without you.