I don't know who provided either of my upgrades, or how it was done. I'm definitely interested in seeing Jack's claim.
Unfortunately, my role really is that weak. I guess the second wincon helps make up for the overall lack of power?
There is one strong upside, though. All my actions are verifiable.
So, a role's as weak as what you do with it, and also how you think and feel about it.
Your force-trades role absolutely ended up exposing the 'terrifying' book to you N1 and to the game D2. That's no small thing. You could have hammered me with trades each day, trying to confirm if I lied about anything. Anyone else with items you could have done the same; like Verm with his 'counter sphere item' (He claimed it in his first post, ended up being Egan's 'Counter' person), but you could have dug that out of him if you thought him untowny enough and that something to dig for. Same with Toony and his claim of many ACME items, same with anyone and anything item. You could have gotten very involved in tracking items and verifying claims, in fact or just in threat.
Your ability to trade to me a hat was part of my being ressed N2, for all I didn't know, only blindly tried whatever I could do that didn't feel wrong and I don't think you predicted my res connected to it either.
Actions being verifiable is of less use in a game with a speed sphere, and we already see people with ways to get free actions that may not involve Speed. Sure, you may be completely honest with all you do (or impossible to catch where not honest) but there's no way to prove to others that this is all you do, just all you admit to. To my thinking, it's not an up or a downside, it's just a side.
To look town to me, you ideally are gonna have measurable effort towards a pro-town wincon. Now, I've seen you, as town, fail that hardcore. I don't like it, but it's part of why I called for Verm's head D1 and didn't call for yours D1. He wasn't playing like his town self, from my limited experience with that - you unfortunately seem to have 1 playstyle for any alignment and it's not really great for town. Love you, want you in games with me, gonna whine about your help with games when they're hard and you might be aligned with me. Town mighta won Max's Supernormal if you'd not scared many townies D2! If you'd had measurable movement towards scumhunting, I'd have had an easier time trying to save you (and I wasn't even town there, just trying to be pro-town).
Here we are on D4 this game, and while you've done stuff that benefited or didn't harm town (like be part of saving me, like be part of exposing the book and not being clearly harmful to town in how you handled the book), I struggle to see scumhunting in your play and you look like you wanna coast or just self-serve. Hugs, love, and play towards town wincon or die sooner or later if you don't win first.