I started with 3 autos, one's the item, book we saw on Max's corpse. I also have the auto that made me part of our D1 opening post, naming my role and 'vast' number of abilities, and I share the architectural limitations auto we saw Toony have.
I started with 8 other abilities, 6 allow me to manipulate pages in various ways. The other two:
One allows me to destroy any item I possess. I haven't used this.
The last allows me to choose to allow anyone targetting me to be forced to steal a random item from me. I haven't used this.
Of the 6:
One fails always unless changed in a specific way, it hasn't changed that way yet, but it could allow me to steal pages or the book if it did. I haven't used this.
One lets me send a specific message to anyone holding a page (could have allowed me to spread infection). I haven't used this.
One lets me take abilities (any number) off of any pages I hold. I haven't used this.
One lets me create a new page that matches any I hold. I haven't used this.
One lets me create a new page that matches a random one held by a target. I used this on Tric N1. (it does let me 'check' the page, I sure do see what's on it).
The scary one lets me bring back into the game any of the pages that became unaccessible - they come back as original items, so pages created this way would be blank until they gain new abilities - or the book itself. I haven't used this.
My destroy any item ability got changed, it gained super. I don't know how or why, happened the night I used my one-shot of Tric's gym class, but apparently he didn't train me, so not sure how I gained super on it. But this allows me to destroy any item(s) with a specific name that are in 1 target's inventory; I used this N3 on Toons to destroy any 'lost page' that were in his inventory. I don't know for sure the book is out of play. I can check - I can try to bring it back into the game. Fails if it's already in the game, puts it into my inventory if it is. I want it out of play... but it's only dangerous if the living holder also has 3 pages, and if the pages have anything dangerous on them. So I decided to hunt/destroy pages, starting N3 (would have started N2, but the whole 'I don't wanna die, maybe I can....' thing distracted me).
In play, D1 I gained that 1-shot from Tric (evening gym class). I've used this.
Last night I gained Reverse Fate. (auto, should I res again, I win by second wincon)
I started with a playing card, it ended up traded to Tric in the D3 ouija chat I presume Max forced us to have. I was kinda scared of a copy of my 'bring the book and pages back into play' ability going to Max... who Tric told me was creating the wager chats... or Tric. I didn't think Tric was maf, but he wasn't like normal Tric either and really, I don't an endless book-hunt.
I gained a second playing card that FoU forced me to get in exchange for the book, that one got traded back to FoU for the Headband that apparently may have gone to Toony as he was forced to bring me back (that auto Hatted House works against his wincon, poor Toons, so lucky me).
Gained that Headband, think it went to Toony on res.
And since I targetted Toony last night, lucky me; I got a Poltergust I think because of his Treasure Rooms. It allows me to destroy any ghost, forcing them to flip; also gives me any items they had when destroyed. Course, there are now no ghosts, but if the game lingers and we get more ghosts, I could bust 'em at long last!!!!
And I have 2 pages (But no book, and I'm not looking for the book or bringing it back). One's the copy I made of Tric's N1. The other was given to me N3, and appears to have come from Egan. It has the 'Ah!' and also 'Forgive', twice. Of note, I do not know what Ah! does. I do not have the book and don't intend to get it.
Far as the pages go... there should be/have been 4 in play, more if anyone messed around.
I created one of the ones I hold;
I was given the one that went from Jack to Tric to Egan, who held it until last night (I presume based on the abilities it has).
Verm died with one that appears to have become a 'forbidden' page; I presume EP's switch-spheres ability targeted the page and what was originally CrystalizedMire's 'Aggressive Sales Pitch'. She didn't die with that, but she died with '(Super)(Fruit)(Mimic) Syncophantic Non-Allergenic Sales Pitch' - she doesn't have Mimic or Super spheres. And the now-forbidden page doesn't have Mimic (it started with Mimic) but gained Thwart; I think the 'Aggressive Sales Pitch' had spheres (Fruit) and (Thwart) at the start, not sure about super but think that came through play. She was Tric's partner, he easily could have trained her, giving her a Super on an ability; would have had to wait a full cycle before he could train her again. So, I think that's the page that CrystalizedMire claimed to start with.
Hector died with a page, terrifyingly with 'super-spread' on it twice.
If anyone can target a corpse and take the items, the book and pages on corpses could potentially return to play 'as is' (book doesn't change, but those pages wouldn't be blank). I cannot target corpses to copy a page from them (I can target players, living or ghost).
Unless someone has a compelling reason why I should bring the book and apparently 1-2 pages back into play, I plan to destroy 'lost pages' on myself tonight (should I live to the night) unless there's some other better play for me to use.
If someone thinks using the book makes sense - I would have to bring it back into play along with the page N4, and then use it N5 - I don't really think this goes to N5, so that should be considered even if someone thinks that's a great idea.If the forum stays up long enough, I'll reads and stuff and decide my vote.
My idea about FoU: I can't read FoU for alignment, but:
If we can trust the info from Tric; and maybe given to others in the team chat with Jim - there were 2 persistent chats that were consistently there each day, plus the ones Max made that opened and closed each cycle and the one Jim made. This is consistent with 2 maf teams (or could be a masons chat or any other constantly open chat, also could be someone else regularly opening 1 chat). But there's a reasonable chance we have 2 maf chats to go with what looks like 2 maf teams.
I think it's weird if we have 1-member team murder and 3-member team gains; 2 each seems maybe more likely. I think a 1-member mafia in a larger game is weird, guess possible. The murder team member died D1, I don't think that explains why the other maf were not killing, or why the murder maf didn't kill as a ghost - maybe Verm is the reason for my infection N2, with his "(Kill) Chase: Target a player. Infects. Destroys ghosts."
FoU, if you're town, hang in there, we need you to help chase a town wincon. But if you're antitown, I have a very serious suggestion for us all to consider.
If anti-town FoU is honest about the second wincon, then FoU has a way to leave play and share a win with town (especially if FoU is last antitown alive). Means we get hats on; not sure how many hats FoU could trade for and give tonight. But if all 3 other players need a hat, for sure I can trade the Poltergust for a headband, and FoU can give 2 items tonight.
There's the chance FoU has a mafiakill that uses the headbands. It's risky. No idea if we wanna trust FoU that much; then again it's not that much different from BYOM... except FoU has a partner that's dead and relies on FoU to win for them... technically maybe all the maf are partnered that way. They do seem to share a wincon that doesn't require the other maf team to lose.
I don't know this is a reasonable idea. I also don't know that FoU is town.
I'll need to read more for an opinion about EP and Jack.