Made this map of claims. A tiny bit of it comes from my current chat with Tric, like that Jim claims he made the 4-way chat I don't think was said in thread.
I could have missed stuff! If you notice something missed, please mention it.
- Dead Tric is all about exercise. Can take an evening gym class, can train a person.
- Dead Hector is all about disease, and is fully gone; Hector was an original ghost(N0-D1) and able to act N0. Started with a page, his went into death with him.
- Dead Egan has some interest in second wincon(s). They can give players a second wincon 'to revive'. If they revive, they win but leave the game; Egan was an original ghost(N0-D1) and claimed a passive that allowed a N0 action. Claims to have an action to copy 'that ability' (the wincon related one) to people. Said role killed Egan. Claims spheres mass effect, super, and second wincon, red spheres Vulnerability, cascade, Distributed, counter
- Dead Verm has not said much. Started with a counter sphere item. D3 said gained a page with only 1 ability on it, claimed, "I mean, if you really hate Second Chance, I can remove it from you this night." and said D3 gained 1 page with "Aggressive Sales Pitch" on it; far as Imp knows that page should not exist 'as is' on D3 without use of some of Imp's abilities or some other explanation. Toony says Verm's body is missing.
- Dead Jim has not said much, but he can consume items for free any action phase and created a 4-person chat that lasted from start of D2 to end of N3. "If you have a way to grant me items it would be really handy if you could give them to me. My role is not traditionally powerful but if my analysis about it is correct it's pretty damn good. Having items to burn should help me get my game going."
- Dead CrystalizedMire claimed to make fruit. Started with a Page. Ability(ies) changed by EP N1.
- Living Max has not publicly claimed abilities or actions, except claimed to get a new ability N0, it came from Egan. Claims could do something bad to the ability. Claims cannot lose abilities, implies may know if an ability tries to leave him (by stealing or other means).
- Living Imp is Warehouse 13 and involved with a scary book and lost pages.
- Living Elephant Parade mostly fullclaim #605. Gained 0.1 vote N1.
- Living Toonyman mostly fullclaim is #617, Checked on corpses, says Verm's corpse is missing as of D2. Claims detected a theft attempt N1, and has protection from such acts. Claims spheres Variety -> Niche -> Improve -> Selfless -> Peek. Claims got 0.1 votes N2.
- Living Jack is mostly unknown. Has 1.5 votes from D1. Claims cards not part of role. Started with a page, gained Ah! and traded to Tric. Passed to Egan N1. Claims has no hats as of D2. Spheres Daytime, Kill, and Votes. Day killed Jim for reason 'since he seemed like the player who would most appreciate not having to play as much.' and 'Sorry that I didn't consult prior to firing, but I figured when I got back to the forum that I could learn something from how people reacted.'
- Living FoU has claimed much. Can force trades, taking a random item if not cooperated with. Can give a headband at night, creates a headband per day to trade with. headbands are 'hypnotic' but appear not to do anything except force wearing if no other hat on. Claims role name Hypnotic Cat ear Headband Factory. Claims cards not part of role. Can use give 2x per night, 1 give free. Can give copy of the force trade ability. Fullclaim post #408
Someone is making wager-chats between 2 players. There are at least 2 types of these chats and they open during the day, starting D1. So far, Imp-Tric affected twice, Verm and Egan affected once.
Most or all of us started with 1 playing card. For sure, Fal, Tric, Imp, Jim, Jack, Toony, Verm all claim started with 1 card. Max claimed started with 0+ items; others did not say either way that I saw.
Someone ressed imp N3, possibly trying to res someone else. Tric has a second-wincon from Egan, if ressed leaves the game (no more helping/harming others or talking). Egan had something better to do than second-wincon Imp N2.
Someone may have redirected Hector to target Imp N2, as well/instead of CrystalizedMire, for infection. I believe Town Hector about targeting claims, still I got infected. A redirect, copy, other? But CrystalizedMire knew to claim being infected, that may be true.
FoU, Verm, and Egan claim that Egan had book D2, and it is claimed by Egan and Verm to be believed 'lost'. As in, if both players are ghosts, staked items are lost. Lost where....
N2, apparently Tric may not have trained Imp. But train-like effects happened to Imp. Toony targeted Imp N2 but got unexpected results.
Both Max and Toony said they thought someone tried to steal from them N1; Max said attempt to take an ability, Toony said attempt to steal or mutate them.
There are ghosts.
Someone destroyed a ghost.
Someone made a body go missing without destroying its ghost (per Toony).
Actions - note, speed and maybe other factors can cause people to be able to do multiple actions; just because we know what someone did doesn't mean we know everything they did.
Hector appears to have targeted Tric N0 with super-spread, claims to have used what must be superspread on CrystalizedMire N1, was destroyed N2 (no idea if before or after could have acted).
Max has not publicly claimed any actions, except D2 said, "My first use of my abilities totally failed to work out the way I had wanted or provide anything useful." Thinks was trained N2.
Tric D1 nothing? N1 gave page to ghost Egan. D2 train CrystalizeMire. N2 train Max.
Egan N0 targeted Max to give an ability related to protecting second wincons, maybe. N1 targeted Tric to gain second wincon revive, "I didn't give Tric Second Chance, I gave him a copy of my own wincon". N2 had something better to do than target Imp for a second wincon - FoU thinks Egan 'buffed' Fou N2.
FoU Force-trade D1 to imp. N1 give headband (free) to Jim and scary book to Egan. N2 give 2 cards to Jack.
Jim N1 gained exhausted status and a hypnotic headband, made a group chat with Jim/Tric/Max/Toons. Died middle of D2.
Imp N0 no options, D1 gain class ability from Tric because of wager chat and Tric's choice, N1 check Jack->Tric page. N2 use class ability 1-shot force-given by Tric.
Toons N1 checked on corpses, invited to group chat by Jim, detected and prevented a steal or mutate attempt. N2 got 0.1 votes, targeted Imp for an acting lesson but got an unexpected result of 'nothing', and gained a headband.
EP N1 target CM with Inefficient sphere pick (CM commented on a messed up ability). N2 targeted Toons with Inefficient Sphere pick (Toons did not comment), and gained 2 abilities at some point.
Verm elim D1. Claims lost card, gained page with 'Aggressive Sales Pitch', page is strange or incompletely claimed. Claims can remove ability 'second chance' but Egan said it couldn't be vetoed from Tric because tric has Egan's wincon. Has not claimed any actions.
CM N1 "made two fruit. One is a revive the other is a one shot ability." also lost 0.1 vote. No posts since start of D3.
Jack has 1.5 votes D1 and D2. Appears involved in the transfer of 0.1 vote between CrystalizedMire (-0.1) and EP N1. D2 killed Jim. Toony claims to gain 0.1 vote D3 which may have come from Jack N2.