Also, the reason why I don't want the lost page anymore is because it changed one of my abilities in a negative way.
Imp: Why did you insist on giving a page to Tricmagic?
I did not give a page to Tric.
I encouraged anyone to give a page to Tric. Jack traded one to him, we all saw that.
Tric doesn't claim to have gotten an additional page.
Tric did claim he wanted to pass, to me, an ability. He used the chat he and I were in start of D1 to instalose, forcing me to gain a 1-shot copy of one of his qualifying abilities and ending the chat before I could even finish asking the mod questions about it.
I didn't get the one or either of the two he intended, I'm not sure I understand how many good ones he wanted to share and see used.
But he wants to pass 1+ ability.
As of D1, I have the book, I don't have the pages, and I have someone trying to pass abilities for use and claims the use would be pro-town, claims that he can't target anyone without killing them.
Maybe the book's made for stuff like this. It makes huge sense to get a page into his hands. If I keep control over the book/it stays in the control of town, and Tric discusses what the abilities do so I or anyone else using the book can use them safely, then it works.
Would it happen? No idea. It could, so reason to get a page (or even 2, but probably not all 3+) into his hands, to help have a way to try and pass the ability(ies) he wanted to someone else. He wouldn't even lose them.
Only other way to use the pages I can imagine is to try and see what ability names someone has, perhaps to catch lies. Rather narrow and unlikely, since only names are recorded. Someone with a book and enough pages can test named abilities to confirm claims as well - all that requires the book.
If it was in my hands, and I alive to use it, and had the pages to use it and information I wanted to try and use, that can make sense, since I know my alignment.
And we even have targetable ghosts, that I can test various things on to see if they do whatever was claimed, if ever anything was claimed, without being as likely to risk killing someone if there's lies involved. If the game had gone on long enough and that kinda set up happened.
As is, I don't plan on having the book or 3+ pages; I don't plan on being alive to use it. I am content with it being destroyed, getting it safely usable is likely a time consuming pain.
But that's why I wanted Tric to have a page.
I did
not give him one.