Look, at this point we're practically at endgame, what with the infections. I may as well fullclaim, since my role's actual utility is sharply limited and the scumteam don't gain much value by knowing about it.
My sphere chain is Trade->Hats->Second Wincon. Of these, I've already publicly demonstrated Trade and proven Hats to Jim. I can prove Hats to anyone else who wants a Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband, happily.
My role name is Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband Factory.
My first auto is Cat Ear Headband Market Saturation, with the Second Wincon sphere. If I'm alive and every other living player has a cat ear headband on, I win.
My second auto is Hat Production, with the Hats sphere. At the start of every day while I'm alive, I gain another Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband.
My third auto is Industrial Position, with the Trade sphere. I can make a trade request and specify a random item in return, or specify that I'll give a random item, or both. The trick to the ability is that if the target of the trade doesn't respond to it, the trade is forced. However, they can respond to the trade, and instead of a random item, I'll receive the item they selected in the response.
My fourth auto is Free Samples, with the Trade sphere. I can Gift as a free action once per Night, and it doesn't prevent me from using my normal action to Gift.
In terms of Items, I started out with one Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband - the full details of which I've already claimed - which immediately forced me to wear it. I also started out with the Six of Hearts card, and one Defective Cat Ear Headband, which is a hat that does nothing. I am currently wearing the Defective Cat Ear Headband.
I have one night action, Business Contacts, with the Trade sphere. It gives the target a copy of my Industrial Position auto.
It's really funny, but I don't think I have any reason to bother using it, currently.
Night 0 I had no abilities that would allow me to act.
At the end of Day 1 I gained the terror that is Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species Original Manuscript, With Three Pages Missing, thanks to forcing a trade to Imp with the Six of Hearts.
Night 1, I put on the Defective Cat Ear Headband, and used two Gift actions - one to give a Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband to Jim, and one to give the Manuscript to Egan_BW, since I thought it would be funny. Egan's since proved my decision to be a good one.
Sorry, Imp. I did tell the technical truth that I "lost" the Manuscript, but that's only because I gave it away. I didn't want you to be mad.
That's it. That's my role, my actions...
Oh, and I'm Town, which really should be obvious from the fact that I can't have been infecting people or turning people into ghosts.