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Author Topic: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - GAME OVER - Mafia Team Murder Victory?  (Read 16611 times)

Maximum Spin

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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #285 on: December 04, 2024, 03:19:00 pm »

Oh yeah, EGAN. Your ability tried to get away but I managed to cling onto it. Mind telling me how it works? It's not really a big deal or suspicious, I'm just kinda curious.
Do you want to know anything specific? About the ability itself, you should know as much as I do, since you own it now. The way I sent it to you is... That I have an action to copy that ability to people.
So that action wouldn't normally cause it to then be lost another day later? If that's the case, someone may have tried to steal from me. Luckily for both of us, I can't lose abilities, which is why I said your second wincons are now highly protected.


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #286 on: December 04, 2024, 03:23:34 pm »

At work, pfp and no discord access.  Any results from last night, in discord apparently as I have no pm from mod today at all.  I asked hours ago, no reply yet.  I will discuss much after work when I can.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #287 on: December 04, 2024, 03:24:42 pm »

Being honest that means Imp isn't actually town. Sound off, did anyone get a Super applied to them yester Day. If the answer is no it does not look good.

I mean… there are many holes in this logic, but we’ll start with the premise: why does it mean Imp isn’t town?
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #288 on: December 04, 2024, 04:04:16 pm »

Sorry I missed start of Day 1, was at work.
I will start skimming the thread, but I have evening plans so might not be able to post for a while.

Jim Groovester

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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #289 on: December 04, 2024, 04:05:07 pm »

I can confirm receiving a hat, not that I can confirm that FoU sent it.

More to say later.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #290 on: December 04, 2024, 04:22:25 pm »

I can't necessarily absolutely and totally confirm I sent it, but I can confirm my role is the source of them by trading another one to someone else.

That's right, I have more of them.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #291 on: December 04, 2024, 04:29:49 pm »

So that action wouldn't normally cause it to then be lost another day later?
That is the case.
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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #292 on: December 04, 2024, 04:35:57 pm »

Being honest that means Imp isn't actually town. Sound off, did anyone get a Super applied to them yester Day. If the answer is no it does not look good.

I mean… there are many holes in this logic, but we’ll start with the premise: why does it mean Imp isn’t town?
First would be fairly obvious, not using the day ability that has only positives when used on town. Second would be saying the pages could save me. They can't no matter how many I have. Last would be the existence of this book which requires 3 Pages. Imp only recommended 2 as the best number for my survival. It's entirely possible they got my night ability, not my day ability. Getting a permanent version of it would greatly speed along their win condition since it applies the buff to the user. And if all of their abilities have Super, it instead grants them Iron Physique, a status that allows all abilities to be used no matter the phase. Combined with the book that is effectively Game Over. That status also prevents actions from being prevented or redirected, and prevents Exhaustion.

Rather obviously, my plan was to use Gym Class to buff myself twice, gaining the condition. I could then buff everyone else, and kill people. Cause yes overwork is a very likely outcome. But the power ups would have been fun. As is I just find myself regretting I didn't fire off the cascade effect last night. As I'm dead I can't receive any buffs from the training.


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #293 on: December 04, 2024, 05:28:53 pm »

I have several questions:

1. Why did Hector die on N0? Has Hector even discussed this? Egan made it very clear their role killed them.
2. Who infected Tric on N0? It remains unclaimed and Tric wasn't lying as they have now died on N1. Even without flips I feel very confident that Tric is town.
3. Where was the mafiakill on N1? Was there a mafiakill even attempted?
Toony - They stole my body, can't have shit in CYOS2.
Who is "they"? You were informed your corpse went missing N1?

In addition, I believe someone tried to steal from me last night, although like Max I also have protection from such acts so it was unsuccessful. Anyone want to fess to the attempt?


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #294 on: December 04, 2024, 05:32:55 pm »

Toony - Ambiguous they, made in reference to the fact you mentioned my body is gone.

Was the mafia-kill blocked? Is anyone else infected?


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #295 on: December 04, 2024, 05:42:40 pm »

I'm infected and also I don't want this lost page anymore.
I'll catch up sometime later
I like birds


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #296 on: December 04, 2024, 05:54:17 pm »

Toony - Ambiguous they, made in reference to the fact you mentioned my body is gone.

Was the mafia-kill blocked? Is anyone else infected?
I checked every corpse last night, I saw: Egan, Hector, and Tric.

If nobody claims then scum likely took your body for some reason.

I'm infected and also I don't want this lost page anymore.
I'll catch up sometime later
I think it's reasonable to say this is from the same source that infected Tric.


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #297 on: December 04, 2024, 06:07:33 pm »

Seems fairly safe to say that infection is a mafiakill-like ability, then. Maybe one mafia is infecting and the other is causing the ghosts?
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #298 on: December 04, 2024, 06:27:22 pm »

Seems fairly safe to say that infection is a mafiakill-like ability, then. Maybe one mafia is infecting and the other is causing the ghosts?
I believe the lack of flips is not a town-sided ability, especially since nobody has fessed up. I agree with this theory.

I have cooled off since last night. I think Hector is a crucial key to solving the puzzle of the mafia so I want his insight on the matter.

I don't think Vermilion or Crystal are scum from what I'm seeing. Out of living players I suspect FoU and Elephant the most strongly. I need to make more assessments though.


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Re: NQT's Choose-Your-Own-Spheres 2 - D2 - Silent Night
« Reply #299 on: December 04, 2024, 06:37:12 pm »

I'm infected and also I don't want this lost page anymore.
I'll catch up sometime later

I am also infected as of last night.

Tric, encouraging you to breathe and exercise/self care and when ready, focus.

You use 'obviously' in your explains a lot, but you're very incorrect.

You rushed that chat, forced me to gain an ability.  Part of your 'obviously Esk is anti-town' is that I didn't use your day ability.

Nope, I just didn't get that one.

I told you, I hope, in a way useful for you D1 to understand and hopefully not useful to others because I wasn't sure how towny a secret your abilities might be - that I had your class ability.  "I need a leader".  I have a 1-shot that does nothing by itself if I'm the only one using it, since I don't also have your other ability that does stuff if the class is used - and you already directly told me that if you targeted anyone N1 they would become infected.  So I didn't want you targeting me N1, plus we didn't plan and discuss to ensure you used your class, so to sweep me into it if you chose to - I did not use it N1.

Talking about 'not exactly honest'.  The form of infected I have is maybe different than Tric's form.  Or else he forgot to tell us that anyone who targets him while he's infected gains the infected status.

That probably explains how/why I'm infected, I did target Tric last night.  I don't know if that is how CrystalizedMire became infected or what.  But if anyone could have cured Tric or otherwise helped Tric, they would have caught the infection if possible because they targeted him to do so.  Since he didn't warn us of that, I'm rather unsure of Tric's intentions; since he's dead I'm looking for the live anti-town that must die for town to win.

Tric.  Consider throughout the day.

I'm very likely to die end of N2.  But I could use my copy of the class N2.  If you think my becoming a ghost that was buff before death is useful for your wincon, that's your one shot to get me there, presuming I don't die before N2 (I don't see any reason to predict I would) and presuming I too become a ghost on death (I have no idea if that's gonna keep happening.

We're all aware that role and abilities in a BYOR, CYOS or not, may not relate to alignment at all.

Warehouse 13 is potentially a terrifying role, there's light and silly episodes and 'is everyone really going to die now and literally nothing can be done?' episodes, and all in between.

I consider the book probably seen/known by at least 1 anti-town now, so I will soon be discussing it in detail.  I'll delay to see if anyone thinks that isn't the best thing to do, and why if so.  I'll also discuss my ideas about the pages and page-related strategies soon as well; again I want to hear who says 'don't do that' and why if they do.

Tric, you're maybe in despair or something.

I never ever said the page could save you or prevent you from dying.  Not 1 page, not 2.  But you were very intensely appearing to trying to pass an ability to me with how you rushed the weird chat and forced yourself to lose within minutes of the chat opening - and the ability I got wasn't usable except to help me tag along with you.  Apparently you have something better and you were trying to share it.

I said D1:

I'm possibly going to have to play this awesome Spheres game more like it's a normal mafia game instead of as a super powered freakazoid who is coincidentally also playing to win a mafia game.

Seems even more likely now.  I expect D2 to be the last day I get to vote, happily maybe I can strategize and discuss observations.

To anyone wanting to save me who thinks maybe they can:

Anyone I target or who successfully targets me will gain the infected status, unless otherwise immune; ghosts are immune.

I am also unable to eat fruit (can eat non-fruit consumables) and unable to be 'protected'; protection sphere abilities will fail on me.  That's not related to the infection.  A mixed-spheres ability can be used on me, the protect portion will fail.  Indirect protections, like jailkeeping, if it has a 'thwart' sphere or something would work normally, thus both blocking me and 'protecting' me with an effective non-protection method.

The wording of infection is very precise.  If I can somehow not be involved in an 'entire night phase' I will not die that night from the infection - based on wording.  So, if someone has a way to somehow not experience part of the night, that person should avoid death through infection; if that can be used on me or anyone else infected it should save them.
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