Godspeed, Max.
As the Official Reads List Nazi, the following players have not to my understanding done a reads list, and are required to do so:
I'm giving Maximum Spin and Egan_BW a pass. Max because of stuff (plus he usually doesn't listen to me on this anyways) and Egan_BW is excused on account of being dead (and also usually doesn't listen to me on this).
To humiliate the above players further, I will note that even Fallacy has made an attempt at a reads list. Even Fallacy!
guhEgan/Hector: Neither of these two seem to matter
too much, considering the fact that they're dead. Hector has been more helpful than Egan, but neither of them seem excessively scummy to me.
Tric: Weirdly coherent this game? Most of their discussion has been terminally derailed by the fact that they got into a ??private chat gambling session?? N0, and also the fact that they're going to die tomorrow. It doesn't matter too much, due to previously stated 'dying tomorrow', but they don't seem too much like scum.
Max: I would say that they seemed scummy without the context they've given. As of right now, there's not enough for a good read. o7
EP: Got caught up in plague discussion for a very long time, and their read list is pretty vague, but it's D1, and talking about the death plague is hardly scummy. Neutral.
Imp: Tric stole their ability to make normal posts early on in the day, but it's gotten better since. Kind of weird that they read CM as town, considering that they got poked and then vanished into the aether never to be seen again. Appreciate the data collation, but not the lack of clear explanation on what happened N0. Neutral.
CM: Where
are you? Where did you go? Do you need assistance? Rescue? Scumlean.
Toony: Hasn't spoken in a bit, but their discussion posts aren't overly focused, provide useful insights, and are generally well-made. Heavy townlean.
FOU: Has posted a lot but said very little, and less without being prompted. Slight scumlean.
EJ: Asked a few questions, showed off a role mechanic, and tossed around a haunted page. Still more new, concrete information than we've gotten from some people. Slight townlean.
Jim: Seems like Toony, but somewhat less helpful. Still, townlean.
Also, I will say that I'm not involved with the playing cards. I do have one, though, if anybody has a reason to want it.