Choose-Your-Own-Sphere's 2This is a BYOR with a Choose-Your-Own-Mafia type role-creation system. How it works is you fill out the following character creation steps:
1. Send a role. Can be anything. A name, a concept, a wikipedia page, an existing mafia role. Whatever you find interesting.
2. Pick a blue sphere from the ability web, then trace a route from sphere to sphere until you have picked three connected blue spheres (with as many red flaw spheres as you dare). You cannot reuse spheres or lines while tracing this journey.
The first game can be read here.The Sphere Web

Basic rules:
- Mafia is a game of informed minority vs uninformed majority. It alternated between day and night phases. During a day, players vote to eliminate a player. During a night, players submit an action to the mod. Players have different winconditions, and the game ends when there is no more uncertainty over who will win.
- No PMing to anyone but me, the mod.
- No Quoting of the Mod in relation to PMs. You are free to quote anything in the thread. You may also paraphrase.
- Semi-hammers in effect. Days last on a soft 48 hours, unless majority is voting for any player or No Lynch. If a player is hammered, there is to be no more talking. If you accidentally post something after the hammer, you can and should edit out the post.
- Nights last 24 hours or until all players have submitted an action.
- Between Day and Night, there can be a 0 hour trade phase where queued trades take place.
- Weekends count for 0 hours.
- There are no extensions.
- Vote by putting player names in bold and red: Bold and Red.
- Use powers by sending a PM to the mod; scum can do this using their Discord channel.
- Probably some other stuff that I've forgotten right now, but you know the drill.
- Ordinarily, players are limited to one action per phase.
The spheres are broad categories of roles and limitations to roles and can include things not shown in the examples below. Some spheres are dark blue, indicating they work on a meta level, modifying other spheres you have. As such, you can't pick three dark-blue meta spheres— the role has to do something.
Blue Ability Spheres
Sneak: You can detect the actions of others (e.g. watch, track)
Chat: You interact with chats (e.g. have an additional chat with another player, or are able to send information to other player's chats etc.)
Curse: Curse abilities give other players detriments that are not fatal, they may get progressively worse, add harmful corruptions, or mimic or transfer existing flaws.
Daytime: At least one of your abilities works during the day.
Fruit: You send players fruit. On its own, this does nothing, but may be augmented by other spheres. Fruit can be traded, but it rots away at the end of the next night. Fruit ingested usually would give a temporary effect or ability.
Hats: Your role involves hats, which are items that can be Traded in the Trading phase, which usually give a passive effect to the player. Players can usually only wear one hat at a time.
Improvement: You can improve a role (new powers, new shots, better targets, one-off free actions etc.)
Kill: You can kill to some capacity. This might be a direct kill ability, or indirect like poison, arson, infection etc.
Mass-Effect: Your abilities have multiple targets or game-wide effects.
Mimic: You can use other players abilities in some way (e.g. copycat, hypnotise, reflect)
Mutation: Your ability changes roles in some way (e.g. swapping, evolving, mashing-up)
Necromancy: Your power involves the dead (e.g. mediums, resurrection, graverobbery, ghouls)
Protection: Your powers protect others from harmful (usually killing) powers.
Redirection: You can change the reliability of other player's targets (e.g. bus/redirect/randomise)
Peek: You can learn details about player roles (sphere detection, censuses etc.)
Second Wincon: You have another way to win the game beyond your main wincondition.
Selfish: You have a way of avoiding some harm (often killing).
Speed: You have multiple actions or lots of [free] actions.
Spheres: You have a power that targets spheres. What it does to spheres will depend on your other spheres.
Super: Your power trumps other powers in some capacity. e.g. a kill that cannot be redirected, a detect that can't be fooled.
Thief: You steal things (particularly hats, but fruit, role abilities, shots, votes etc. all possible)
Trade: There is a trading phase that happens after each day, for trading hats and fruit. Your spheres interact with the Trade phase in some way.
Thwart: Powers that prevent other player's actions (e.g. bans, delays, jails).
Variety: You have more abilities to pick from than other players (guaranteed more powers than any player without Variety)
Votes: Your power involves votes.
Red Flaw Spheres
Blowback: Your abilities may cause direct or indirect harm to yourself or your team, or aid to your enemies.
Cascade: Something you can do can get out of hand and have cascading effects, impacting extra players after your intended target, in possibly hard to foresee ways.
Convolution: Your role has some significant complexities to how it can be used, e.g involving achieving specific states.
Counter: Another player has a direct counter to one or more of your abilities.
Cursed: Your role risks becoming progressively more flawed (accumulation of restrictions/vulnerabilities, magnetism for role-theft etc.).
Distributed: Parts of your role begin the game scattered among other players.
Flux: Your own abilities are subject to change, making long-term planning difficult.
Limitation: You have at least one ability with a limitation (limited shots, limited targets, limited phase use etc.)
Niche: At least one part of your role (but not all of it) is only useful in very specific circumstances.
Oversharing: Parts of your role are shared (either publicly or privately with some other players)— in ways that may present difficulties for your wincon.
Progressive: Your role takes several day/night cycles to reach its full potential, or only powers up after a certain number of players have left the game, and may be notably weaker at the start of the game.
Selfless: You lack access to some protections other players may have (most often protect-immune, but not exclusively).
Uncertainty: Knowledge you receive might not be absolutely confirmable, there may be gaps, or there may be misinformation to sift through.
Vulnerability: You are more likely to die (e.g. lovers, self-destruction, magnetism etc.)
Fruit and hats are items in the game which may be traded or given. Fruit is usually consumable for a one-off effect; hats are usually wearable for a continuous passive effect, though there may be exceptions.
Trade: Declare in the thread in Bold, Purple text that you will trade [item name] for [item name]. After the day ends, but before the night begins, all valid trades will take place in a Trading Phase. A trade is valid if two players make matching purple bolded statements. If multiple players match, the last trade offers are picked. Players can only trade items they currently own before the Trading Phase, but any number of Trades may be made in a phase. Players will receive their new items at the start of the night (so hold off on submitting actions if you're expecting to receive an item). Players are privately informed of successful trades. You can't trade 'nothing' or other non-existent items. If a player has more than one item with the same name that would be a valid trade, a random one is picked or they may private message their preference during the day if there is a difference between the same-named items.
(Example: NQT declares he will trade the Eiffel Tower for a Mouse and Tiruin declares she will trade a Mouse for an Eiffel Tower during the trading phase, if NQT had an [item] Eiffel Tower and Tiruin had a [item]Mouse, the trade would be made.)
During the night, anyone may give. It uses up a night action to do this (trading is more efficient).
Give: Give an item you are carrying to one player.
This is a BYOR and so the mechanical space of the game is wide open, but the following things will be true:
- Players usually get one action per phase, but some abilities may grant additional actions (especially hats, improvements, mutations, over-powered etc.), or some single actions might combine multiple sphere effects (e.g. a delay which randomises everyone else targeting the target would combine Thwart and Redirection, with Cascade).
- Players in general will receive less information than more. You won't generally get a report to tell you if your actions have succeeded, and you won't know if you've been redirected etc.
- Players can gain limited-time conditions like {on fire} or {poisoned}-- they'll know if they have these conditions.
- There are no alignment inspections. Millers and alignment cops are not a part of the game.
- You won't get night action flavour (sorry!), though you will get it during the day.
- Straightforward blocks are unlikely (I don't like 'em)
- The setup will be designed to avoid action processing conflicts where possible, but otherwise it will use natural resolution order, with simultaneous action.
- Players will typically know their own abilities: insanity, hidden abilities etc. are unlikely to feature unless a player signals through character creation that that's what they really want
- Powers won't inherently be more powerful if the player has lots of flaws, so don't take red spheres unnecessarily.
- All abilities may be described in any number of ways, except fruit-selling and hats, which always involve fruit and hats.
- Players won't usually start with abilities tied to spheres they don't have. There may be exceptions based on specific roles players have (e.g. a mafia player has a blowback role that empowers town on start, a player has the corruption flaw which has altered the function of one of their powers).
- A cycle is a sequence of a day, a trade and a night phase (which are given numbers, starting at D1).
- Day actions won't trigger until after the day has been going for 24 hours or everyone has posted that day, to allow for people in different time zones to see the thread.
This is a non-exhaustive list of tags that might appear on actions:
[Auto]: This isn't an ability you use, but an 'always on' effect.
[Free]: You can use this ability without impacting your "one per night" ability limit. Like normal, this ability can only be used once per night (i.e. you can't use a [Free] ability twice in a night).
[Item]: Items are uniquely portable. You may always use an action to Give an Item you're carrying to someone else.
[Wearable]: Once per night you can choose to wear the item, gaining its effect. Usually players can only wear one item. Items may usually be removed from oneself for free.
[Consumable]: Using the item removes it from the game.
[Mafiakill]: This action can be used as the once-per-cycle mafia kill.
[X-shot]: Uses a shot when used. When all shots are depleted, the item is still carried, but is functionally useless.
There are four basic alignments:
Town: You win when all anti-town factions are dead.
Mafia: You win when town cannot win. The exact number of mafia are not known to players at the start of the game. They may be split up into more than one team, in which case the team must also eliminate their rival teams in order to win. Mafia have a shared chat. They have a mafiakill which can be used once per night, and often individually have alternative mafiakill abilities based on their spheres. They essentially have access to a secret mafiakill sphere. E.g. a player with the Mimic sphere, might get a power like one of the following:
(night)(mimic)(mafia-kill) Hypnotise [target 1, target 2]: You hypnotise target 1 into killing target 2, in addition to their other night actions.
(night)(mimic)(mafia-kill) Bloodstained Library Catalog [target]: You perform a random action belonging to the target on themselves and then kill them. Action inspection would only reveal the copied spheres.
Neutral Third-Party/
Anti-Town Third-Party: You win when you meet a condition. If a Third Party's goal involves (directly or otherwise) the destruction of town, then it's considered anti-town. E.g.
Serial Killer: You win when all other players are dead. There can be Third-Party factions with shared win-conditions.
Players with the Second Wincon sphere also get an additional way of winning ontop of their main win-condition. This second wincon doesn't interact with other wincondition (e.g. if a neutral third-party player had the second wincon that they win if all players are dead, they still wouldn't be considered "anti-town".
There will be no traditional cults or conversion, and no unmodified survivors
Maximum Spin-
Elephant Parade- Imp
Euchrejack- FallacyofUrist