Night FourImp is infected.
When the dust settles, the warlocks see ahead to multiple horrible futures. Some knew they had definitely won, others definitely lost; for the rest, the possibilities were decidedly more hazy.
TIMELINE ONEDay FiveVermilion is voted out, but resurrects Euchrejack (who has .3 of a vote left).
Night FiveEuchrejack mafiakills Fallacy. Imp dies of infection. The game ends before any mroe Second Chances kick in.
Day SixIf somehow Imp or Fallacy survived (maybe EJ forgets Imp was infected and kills her), neither can hammer due to votes being nerfed, so Euchrejack daykills the other player before the day ends and mafia win.
Victory for Mafia: Team Murder.Town lose.Mafia, Team Gains lose.TIMELINE TWOI could have decides that Vermillion shouldn't have been resurrectable as his corpse was destroyed: in which case, town would instantly win. That would have been in keeping with how corpse destruction is usually handled (in Supernatural, say). I just didn't think to write that rule clarification when I wrote the resurrection rule for Revolving Door. If you feel in your heart that this was an inconsistent mistake, then feel free to consider this timeline canonical with a
Town Win.
TIMELINE THREEIf Fallacy had given the hat he's wearing to Vermillion, he would auto-wear his new hat on Day Five. If that had happened, and Imp hadn't have destroyed her hat, or if Fallacy had worked with Vermillion to get rid of Imp after giving Vermillion a hat, then
Fallacy could have won his second wincon. But he didn't.
TIMELINE FOURIf Vermillion had used the Bullshit Hammer on Fallacy, the resurrection effect would have ended, Vermillion would have been voted out, and the game would win with a
Town Win.
TIMELINE FIVEIf Vermillion had mutated someone's ability tonight it could have added some effect that could have swung the game for town, but he didn't.
TIMELINE SIXEarlier, Imp could have acted to get the book back, and then fired it off. With its current spread of powers, it wouldn't have helped, but if other things had been different, perhaps??
Imp Warehouse 13 - episode 'Evo-Devo - You are TOWN
Warehouse 13 - episode 'Evo-Devo - You are TOWN
You are the Warehouse 13, and your aim is to get back Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species Original Manuscript.
mimic - oversharing - distributed - convolution - variety - niche - selfless - progressive - cascade - blowback - mass-effect
[Auto](Selfless) Architectural Limitations: You cannot be protected and you cannot eat fruit.
[Auto](Oversharing)(Variety) Open Secret: It is public knowledge at the beginning of D1 that you are playing a Warehouse 13 themed role with a large range of abilities.
(Super)(Niche) Field Bag and Tag: You can remove from the game any item that a target holds (you must name the specific item). Multiples of the same named item will all be affected.
(Niche)(Mimic) Edit: Remove any number of listed powers from any Lost Pages that you are carrying.
(Niche)(Blowback) Allow a Break-In: Anyone targeting you this night will steal one random item, if possible.
(Mimic) Agent Patrol: If any Lost Pages or the Manuscript have been removed from the game, rendered permanently inaccessible somehow, or otherwise altered beyond all usability, gain a new (blank) copy of these abilities. This fails on any Lost Page already copied in this way.
(Niche) Capture Mission: An agent is sent to recover an item. This action usually always fails. However, if this action ever somehow gains the Thief sphere, it is guaranteed to be able to steal any Lost Pages and Manuscripts.
(Niche)(Blowback)(Oversharing)(Mass-Effect) Counter-Infiltrated: Every player who holds a Lost Page is sent the message "Mod note: Imp may become very powerful if she ever received your Lost Page".
(Mimic) Transcribe New Page: Create a copy of a Lost Page that you currently hold.
(Mimic) Agent Transcribe New Page: Create a copy of a random Lost Page target holds if they hold one.
[Item][Card](Distributed) Ten of Spades: This does nothing on its own.
[Item][Auto](Distributed)(Mimic) Lost Page: The name of one of your non-auto, non-item, non-mafiakill powers is copied onto this page at the end of each day, if possible. Currently transcribed on the page is:
"Agent Transcribe New Page"
"Transcribe New Page"
"Field Bag and Tag"
[Item][Card](Distributed) Ace of Spades: This does nothing on its own.
[Item][Auto](Distributed)(Mimic) Lost Page: The name of one of your non-auto, non-item, non-mafiakill powers is copied onto this page at the end of each day, if possible. Currently transcribed on the page is:
"Agent Transcribe New Page"
[Auto](Trade) Industrial Position: You may trade items to people specifying "a random item" in return: if they do not propose an item to trade, during the trade phase you will force a trade with a random item of theirs if possible. You may also offer "a random item" in trade, in which case, a valid item you hold will be selected at random during the trade phase.
[Auto](Trade) Industrial Position: You may trade items to people specifying "a random item" in return: if they do not propose an item to trade, during the trade phase you will force a trade with a random item of theirs if possible. You may also offer "a random item" in trade, in which case, a valid item you hold will be selected at random during the trade phase.
**For reference:**
[Item][Auto](Distributed)(Mimic) Lost Page: The name of one of your non-auto, non-item, non-mafiakill powers is copied onto this page at the end of each day, if possible.
Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband Factory - TOWN
Trade->Hats->Second Wincon
[Game Wide][Auto](Second-Wincon)(Super)(Mass Effect) Second Chance: While you have this ability, if none of your secondary win conditions are currently winnable, a new game-wide effect will appear to make it winnable. These effects last so long as one player has Second Chance.
[auto](Selfish) Security: Items cannot be stolen from you and you cannot be subject to forced trades.
[Auto](Second Wincon) Cat Ear Headband Market Saturation: You win and leave the game if you are alive and all other living players are wearing cat ear headbands.
[Auto](Hats) Hat Production: At the start of every day phase when you are alive, gain another Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband.
[Auto](Trade) Industrial Position: You may trade items to people specifying "a random item" in return: if they do not propose an item to trade, during the trade phase you will force a trade with a random item of theirs if possible. You may also offer "a random item" in trade, in which case, a valid item you hold will be selected at random during the trade phase.
[Auto](Trade) Free Samples: You may use the Gift ability for free once per night. Unusually, you may use this to use the Gift ability twice in the same phase if desired.
{Worn}[Item][Wearable](Hats) Hypnotic Cat Ear Headband: This item is automatically equipped when obtained if you have no other hat worn, and cannot be removed, traded, or given away unless you equip an alternative hat.
[Item][Wearable](Hats) Defective Cat Ear Headband: This item does nothing.
[Paid](Super)(Trade) Bribed Business Contacts: Target gains a copy of your ability, Industrial Position.
For reference:
[Paid]: The Paid tag means you can optionally spend any item you own to perform the action for free during any phase of the game. Spent items are usually removed from the game though other abilities may change this.
I've unprivated all the threads on the discord. In the SpoilSpec, you can see the original roles.
My preference had always been for semi-open systems: one where the permutations were known, but the exact setup uncertain, as often playing a BYOR, Supernatural, or similar, some random thing would come out of leftfield and swipe you. I feel like I've maybe swerved a little too far towards that territory here. I'm probably not inclined to run a game with so much in-game role mutation again, as it can be unfair on how it's pitched. The game becomes a dramatic experience as much as a tactical experience. The game remained winnable for all sides up until the last few days, but as much due to the dynamic effects as the player choices.