NQT, are ghosts considered dead for the purpose of Town wincon? We get all anti-town ghosted and we're good, or heck no, banish them nuisances?This would imply to me the mafia wincon is more along the lines of “have as many or more votes than town” as a wincon, and some pretty excellent actions to balance the fact that townies can still take actions after they “die”.
We got told maf wincon before game started, and town.
Town: You win when all anti-town factions are dead.
Mafia: You win when town cannot win.
Something is causing some number of players to not die properly, instead they stick around as nuisance ghosts.
[spoiler=Ghost Condition]{Ghost}: Ghost players don't go to deadchat. Ghost players can keep posting in the thread and any chats but they do not have a vote and cannot be voted out. Ghost players can use actions, wear hats and eat fruit. Ghost players cannot use a mafiakill. Ghost players cannot trade (though they may still Gift). Ghost players can be targeted by actions. Ghost player can gain most conditions. A player who turns into a ghost won't flip until they die properly, are destroyed or otherwise leave the game. A ghost cannot be resurrected if their corpse is destroyed. A ghost has the mod's permission to ignore the thread and not post if they want to: they won't be modkilled for persistent absence. Ghost status is public and this condition is public if there are any ghosts.
If ghosts don't count as dead for town's purpose... this is going to be interesting. But surely possible. I currently don't know the solve.
Are we assuming that dead players will turn into ghosts instead of flipping? That seems strange and the mechanical explanation was ambiguous on that point
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Something is causing some number of players to not die properly, instead they stick around as nuisance ghosts.
That implies that there's a cause, and that there's a number of ghosts possible (which may or may not exceed all players in play). I don't know much about ghosts yet! But I suspect some number of us can become ghosts, maybe those who die first up to X number. That's pure guess.
I don't think your role has anything to do with cards, though.
Playing cards, in particular.
My role isn't themed around cards, but I did start with one.
I don't particularly want it. Fortunately, I don't have to keep it.
Trade Six of Hearts to Imp in exchange for a random item.
Yep, I don't care about cards either, that I know of. They're made of paper, technically, and so are
pages which are involved with my role in some way (and maybe others' roles too, no idea yet).
I'm open to the possibility of that trade, or maybe someone else wants it.
I note it's not a valid trade as offered, when and if I do make a trade offer, Fal, you'll want to redo your purple with my (or someone else's) exact item name or no trade will happen, if I understand trade rules (and if nobody else is messing with trading... which is entirely possible that Fal or anyone has some special, 'for them' trade rules. If so, forgive me, I only discuss base mechanics)