I think Tric is very likely antitown. He can't have killed N1 unless the team is Tric, CrystalizeMire and Hyper, all three claim some variant of Tric being blocked/jailed.
If that is the team, I don't think they'd go that path - I don't think that's Tric's team and I don't know if he's teamed, I'm bad at reading teams. I do think Tric is anti-town who got jailed and is making the best of it.
Imp, what do you think of Tric's accusations against VermillionSkies?
NQT - We might have an arsonist SK.
Additionally, while I agree that Imp wouldn't pull a WIFOM, they have to have a partner and there's nobody else in the game I would point to as being incapable of it.
Hyper, is your roleblock shotted?
I do plan to roleblock someone tonight.
Max, what did you do last night?
VermillionSkies you just raised 5 red flags in one post.
Flag 1: ArSONist SK. What here has conviced you we have an arsonist running about when no one has claimed being primed?
Flag 2: Asking if a role is shotted is rolefishing.
Flag 3: Yes most roles seem to be shotted, mine included. Why isn't yours?
Flag 4: Claiming you will roleblock when we have a jailer and JOAT revealed already.
Flag 5: Max happens to be one of my townreads. And do you really need that information today?
1) Exaggerates Verm's 'might have' into a 'convinced'. It's a good question otherwise, I do wonder why Verm said that, I have guesses why and it doesn't change my eval that Verm's likely town.
2) Asking if a role is shotted could be rolefishing or scumhunting. I think it's a reasonable question, and I think Hyper told us, but I'll let them sort it out.
3) Tric is just blindly stabbing, and worse than he does when known town, this is like the blind stabs last game when he was maf - more aggressive but within range - when I've seen Town Tric stab he tends to be more sane and based on what's said/missing less. Verm said his ability was shotted.
4) I eval this one as blindly stabbing. Also Verm as town has tended to discuss his intentions to some extent, he's even openly planned with me in thread our first game together.
5) Weird that Tric attacks Verm for asking, weird that Max is a townread for Tric. Max is fully able to answer or not, but I've done my heavy rounds with Max back in Catfia and Armed Mafia and CYOS1. I don't think this is town Tric.
I think you as town would be more useful or at least less harmful, you were really useful in Max's Supernormal and less harmful in FBYOR 6. You did help kill town Jack there but it was confusing all D1, you were on maf BHK D2.
You had reads D2, even right before Christmas then:
Shooting wildly from the hit with my reads here, but let's goooo
Scum Team 1
Egan - outed scum, right? Tried to kill me but alleges he knew not what he did. Bullshit
Secretdorf - seems like on Egan's team trying to push an alt wagon. One of the missing claims, so probably did something heinous
Toony - pumping the brakes on the Egan wagon, and weird positioning on D1 is pinging my scumdar hard. Apparently blessed Imp, which is fine? Not the #1 scum target but someone to watch.
Scum Team 2
Sofanthiel - Really unconvincing claims today. The other scum want him dead, but not obviously a strong town to get rid of so most likely they picked him as rival scum
BHK - entirely background character. Unclaimed so was probably blocking, killing, bussing etc.
Lenglon - same as BHK
Maybe not scum, but not entirely on the level
Webadict - if lies were water, Wuba is the bigger fish. Came across more town-like today, to be fair to him
Max - Max suffers from "resting scum face", I can never trust him. But actually he's been okay today.
Jim - I've not heard enough from him to give me a good feeling yet
Canadian Kitten - What was Kitten doing to Sofanthiel?
CrystalisedMire - What was the Mire doing to Hector?
Probably town
Knightwing - righteous role-powered fury
Elephant Parade - forming suspicions and acting on them. Fallacy probably wouldn't give the scum team a bomb as well as the mafiakill. Probably.
Imp - Engaged and relatively forthcoming, if excessively wordy
Hector13 - Seems to be taking Imp's "keep me alive" seriously (yes, yes, the same could be said about Toony, but I dunno, Toony is pinging my gut this game)
And someone had tried to kill you N1:
NQT: Do you have solid reasons for believing Webadict tried to kill you? Why, then, are you alive? Is it because the kill was redirected/bussed to Sofanthiel?
To be crystal clear:
1. I know when people try to kill me. Someone tried to kill me and would have ordinarily succeeded last night.
2. I can't be killed so easily
3. The only reason to believe I was bussed was Jim claiming to have vote stolen Sofa and my vote was stolen. So I could have been bussed, or that could have another way
4. Webadict claimed to have an infallible way of finding someone's alignment. He hasn't made any claim about Sofanthiel's alignment. It seems likely to me that his supposedly infallible inspect was just a kill with a roleflip.
Sofanthiel, how did you revive?
And the supernormal,
Anyway, now I'm more awake:
Quarque was:
Win Condition: You win when all threats to humanity are dead and at least one human is still alive.
(Night) Sanctuary (target): You jailkeep your target, protecting against spiritual threats. If your target would die by mundane means, you die instead. If your target attempted to perform a kill action, you find out; if the kill is one against which this action would not protect, you die.
(Night) Extreme Unction (target): Target a corpse; your target cannot be revived by the actions of others. If your target possesses a natural revival ability, that ability is unaffected.
(1-shot, Night) Silver Bullet (target): You kill your target. Certain beings are vulnerable to silver bullets.
There can be (and probably is) some misdirection but this all implies the following:
1. There are spiritual and non-spiritual threats. A spiritual threat would presumably be something like possession.
2. There are revives that a town player may want to prevent
3. There are werewolves or similarly silver-impacted entities.
I propose we pick between EuchreJack and FallacyofUrist, as they have made two contradictory claims.
I think it is also fair to say that the role flip for everyone occurred at start of Day 2.
While the only role anyone can claim is Vanilla Town, I think none of us still have that role. Except maybe webadict who didn't get his new role on account of being dead at the time.
In other news, I am vanilla town, and will not be taking any actions.
EJ is claiming he took no action and received a fresh role nevertheless. Fallacy is claiming he took no action and is still vanilla town.
Most likely explanation is Fallacy did receive a role, he's now a werewolf or vampire or whatever. I say this because his claim also contradict's Web's, if we take Web's "new vanilla town role" to mean a new role themed around being an ordinary town member (in the same way a 'Parson' is an ordinary town member):
Also, I did get a new Vanilla Town role when I was resurrected at the beginning of the Day.
But we can get confirmation of this. Web, do you now have an actual name. I'm not asking you to claim what it is, but do you have a name like "village idiot", "blacksmith", "mayor's wife" etc.
Assuming one action per night for now:
webadict - dead
CrystalizedMire - banished tric
Imp - saw Sofa being blocked
sofanthiel - blocked
Quarque - Obviously didn't resurrect or kill anyone. Is dead.
notquitethere - blocked Sofa
TricMagic - did something, was banished
FallacyofUrist - Claims no action
EuchreJack - Claims no action
Your play is pretty different from here, you're less solvy and a weird mix of 'go here' and 'I could be wrong though' that I never saw in your town games.
Not saying it has to be one of them, but there's a good place to start...
With less than an hour before the EOD, Imp moves on to Starver with a reason, but given she was evens to be eliminated herself at that point, it could be read as a vote to save her own skin (which is NAI, but worth pointing out):
The way Starver's playing, I can't imagine him being in the final rounds, can't even reason with that playstyle even if he is town. Everything fluff so far, a hint at trying not to look townie, but what I've seen so far, this can die. Between Starver and Tric, this.
I'm going to come back with a more positive case and see how more of Imp's actions stack up, but for now I think the only reason mafia would NK NJW is to protect Imp D2. If Imp is town, then why not keep the townie who hates Imp around?
Now of course, you can say this is WIFOM, because mafia would know that I would know this and would pick NJW randomly to place suspicion on Imp... but I don't think if Imp was scum that she would necessarily think like that. What do you all reckon?
Likely Town:Verm. Meta, very sure this is town Verm. I'm not trying to make action plans with you because I don't have a role this game that can really make plans with, and your claim of what you can do probably shouldn't make plans around either. High confidence.
Jack. I've seen anti-town and pro-town Jack. The ability he claimed seems weird, but his playstyle, meta is likely town. Medium confidence.
Null:Hyper. Very few posts, no meta to use. Is reasonably new town player looking but passive, very low confidence so null.
CrystalizedMire. So hard to read. Can seem even more useful as anti-town then when town, tends to take few chances and be pretty passive as town. Very weak 'more likely to be town than anti-town' based on meta, no confidence.
Max. I can't read this. If I didn't have any sus of everyone, if everyone looked probably town, I would consider voting here. But this is a flavor of Max, he of many flavors, and I do think there's less likely to be town alive in play. No confidence I can read this Max yet.
Likely antitown:NQT. Already discussed in depth. Unsure confidence, low to medium. But this is a NQT I have not played beside and I've only seen pro-town NQT, playstyle is quite different this game.
Tric. Already discussed in depth. High confidence.