OK, read back on NJW and there really wasn't a lot there. The only thing we can really say about NJW is that he was suspicious of Imp:
It's not suspicious that Imp is inviting people into the game.
It is suspicious that Imp couldn't find something specific to ask about. That has never been a problem before.
The fact that you asked a question that would be answered by any observation about the setup or thread so far... that is more interesting. It was not an attempt to elicit specific information, nor was it likely to make CM or I say anything we wouldn't anyway.
Yeah, I want to see where this leads.
Very little wavering:
Hmm... NQT is right that Verm has done very little. But my gut is ok with what they have don.
The Imp < Tric < Hyper vote pattern interests me... does make me feel there might be something there. Tric is posting unusually... but they do seem genuinely tired, and it would be an odd bit of coaching to tell them to just try and vote out Imp. Max might do it on the basis that I'm stubborn and would stay on the Imp wagon... but he's more likely to tell a scum partner to just vote someone who doesn't defend themselves well... or to vote me. Hmmm. I still feel ok about my vote, though it's a bit early for associative tells.
With less than an hour before the EOD, Imp moves on to Starver with a reason, but given she was evens to be eliminated herself at that point, it could be read as a vote to save her own skin (which is NAI, but worth pointing out):
The way Starver's playing, I can't imagine him being in the final rounds, can't even reason with that playstyle even if he is town. Everything fluff so far, a hint at trying not to look townie, but what I've seen so far, this can die. Between Starver and Tric, this.
I'm going to come back with a more positive case and see how more of Imp's actions stack up, but for now I think the only reason mafia would NK NJW is to protect
Imp D2. If Imp is town, then why not keep the townie who hates Imp around?
Now of course, you can say this is WIFOM, because mafia would know that I would know this and would pick NJW randomly to place suspicion on Imp... but I don't think if Imp was scum that she would necessarily think like that. What do you all reckon?